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3 search results

  • Character Questions: How can I gain more stats (guts, wits, charm)?
    Answer: The best, safest, and most consistent method of gaining stats is by questing. The next best the court. Dicing gives you wits, boast and mingle ...
  • Character Questions: Who much does each guild cost?
    Answer: Other then money, each guild costs:Getting a guild takesFighter: 2 wits, 2 charmMagery: 2 guts, 2charmTrader: 2 guts, 2 witsIeatsu: 3 guts, 3 wits, 3 ...
  • Items: Complete Items List (long)
    Answer: TreasureCrystal Crown- Jewel, a treasure to sell for a handy price Emerald- Usable with 8 mage skills, causes panicGarnet- Usable with 6 mage skills, cures ...

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