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Postby Courtesan Lemac » March 31st, 2007, 10:46 am

:Lemac stood with Joe's help and truned to offer a hand to Carrie. As she did she looked across the room and noticed Ebon and Carn. From the looks of it Ebon won there never ending duel for the moment. Lemac smiled at Ebon and tiped her head in greatings.:
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Postby Milton » April 13th, 2007, 8:23 pm

Milton perked up when the woman asked of him; giving the lass somewhat of a grin, and the man somewhat of a waiting glance. The healer couldn’t help but wonder what would be said of him.

But the lass got distracted as another strange woman entered, and Milton slowly got bored of him other than his growing wonder of what the man would say of him.

However the next couple of women were much more attention-drawing. At the more dominant one’s comments the healer couldn’t help but let out a laugh that wasn’t a laugh. Especially when the one fell asleep.

Scratching the wolf’s head if it would be allowed, the healer wondered of James thought it was hilarious too.
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Postby James » April 13th, 2007, 9:46 pm

James, nearly asleep next to Milton, paid no attention to whatever was going on now. His ears perked as he was scratched and he enjoyed the petting, but again paid no attention to those about him. Hee.
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Postby jadewik » April 16th, 2007, 2:05 am

"... muffins for breakfast. MmmmMmmm." Carn, still asleep, started to drool on the table as she mumbled in her sleep. Her saliva pooled on the table beneath her mouth. Ebon-Ashe's sleeping tonic aparently done its job.

Ebon-Ashe sighed and shook her head as she turned her attention to Lemac, who tipped her head in greeting. Ebon gave Lemac an acknowledging nod and blew her a friendly kiss.

There had to be something going on with the Courtesan-- Why else would Lemac come here of all places when many of those she'd been close to had gone their separate ways? Ebon cocked her jaw and sidled up to the bar for a drink of her own.

"Is this place exciting or what?" she muttered to herself loud enough for those around to hear.
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Postby Courtesan Lemac » April 16th, 2007, 8:31 pm

:Lemac chuckled at Ebon's coments and turned to thouse about her.:

"Joe, our little walk can wait. I must have a quick chat with Lady Ashe."

:Lemac walked across the room and boldly behind Ebon. Lemac knew that most people wouldn't dare such a move. But Lemac had her tircks. She gently press her approch in to Ebon's mind. Lemac stoped behind Ebon and bend over and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then slid over to sit on the stool next to her.:

"You should know by now Ebon, if I am blown a kiss I will come and take one for myself how I see fit. As for excitement yes I caused a bit of a stir when I entered. But now that I have the company of someone that knows the halls and has an ear or two in other lands. I would like to inqure what has been going on sence my last visit."

:Lemac gently carresed her pregnat stomac as she looked to Ebon for a reasponce.:
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Postby jadewik » April 19th, 2007, 8:05 pm

The feeling of another in her mind made Ebon-Ashe shiver. She disliked the feeling of her thoughts being privy to someone else. Being an elf, people automatically assumed she was gifted at magic, but her past choices had caused such knowledge to evade her grasp. Still, her agile hands and nimble fingers weren't human and that, along with inherited agility and quick reflexes, gave the elf an edge over others she wouldn't generally have. Thus, while she WAS born of a magical race and could use magic, Ebon-Ashe chose not to because she, well... couldn't... use magic or at least wouldn't know to replicate it if she did use magic. However innate her magical abilities were, she could still recognize it and interpret such forms as communication and thus knew what purpose it served when Lemac entered her thoughts.

Lemac's gentle prying was something Ebon hadn't felt since Azrael Nightstar had fled Titan to take care of things in his homeland on Artrisia or wherever he came from. The two (Az and Ebon) had something of a fond hatred and respect for one another and since Az had left, there really wasn't any reason for anyone -- including her husband, Curulan-- to prod her mind.

The kiss she knew was requisite of the old Lemac. Some things never change, she mused to herself. Other things... changed drastically.

Ebon knowingly avoided comment on Lemac's swollen abdomen instead diverting her interest to her drink as she swirled its unmarred contents before finally answering Lemac's question about the goings on in Titan since the departure of several prominent members of the Clan.

"Suprisingly, Nothing of much interest has happened since your last visit."

The truth was a bit disparaging, but Ebon's view of excitement and interest generally included war, strife, espionage, and intregue... nothing of which had happened since Lemac's last visit.

"We did have a slew of new members come in. The annoying sot who went by Carzal came and went. A couple other prudish clansmen found there homes elsewhere. I was also poisoned and my fate held in the balance," a plot she mused was never finished, "and aparently the naive and air-headed carn has continued to bore the world with her prattle." Ebon gestured to the now snoring elf laying in a puddle of her own drool.

"Nothing has changed."

The statement was short, blunt, and definately indicated the certain lack of action (much to Ebon's chagrin) in the clan lately.

"I don't even have anyone new to insult and the usual crowd is getting borish."

She was brooding in her wine today and paused to take a sip of the blood red liquid.

"I hope to high heaven, even, that you have something mildly EXCITING... some wild and violent task to impart upon me. Tell me what's on your mind, Lemac? Please."

Ebon eagerly awaited what news Lemac might share with her. Her eyes were already glistening with anticipation.
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Postby Courtesan Lemac » April 21st, 2007, 10:01 am

:Lemac, knowing Ebon's habits and enough of her history smiled at her news.:

"Well like a river it's route will change over time, as do clans and thouse that call it home like a passing leaf on the surface of the water. Well on the good side for the members here still a bit green around the collar there is no war on the horizion here."

:Lemac pondered how best to state the news that she had wanted to get to the leaders of the clan. Most of what was about to happen to her House, Lemac knew was brought upon by her own choice of actions. But still reinforcements might be required.:

"Ebon, would you really like to know what is on my mind. My small fleet of ships has been randomly attacked over the past few months in a hit and run style tactics. At first is was not a porblem, but over time there attacks are more often and time to make the repairs is shortened, but I have lost ships. I fear that soon they will attack with force and wipe out what is left of my naval holdings. For the time all my vessels have been pulled back to the port of Salamandar and a change of standards has taken place. But once I rejoin them we will sail home to Norhtinghall. I hope that I will surive the trip. I came here to request an audiance with the High Council and ask for aid, for the trip home and possiably the land war that will take place in the streets of Northinghall."

:There Lemac got her news out, and if not to the High Council itself to someone Lemac viewed better suited to the task of getting the news to Curulan. Lemac hoped that Ebon and Curu where still sharing a bed chamber. But if not Ebon had her contacts.:

"Now that is the information that is public."

:Lemac oddly felt one of her maids at her estates about to share a bit of gossip. She lowered her voice and bent close to Ebon's ear. With the aid of her powers Lemac insured that only Ebon would hear what she was about to tell her.:

"You see what has not been made public by either myself or the corupt Barron, Oust von Squee, is that under colors of black and white I have set my ships to raiding his ocean trade lanes. As to push the boycot imposeded upon him by the Northinghall town council for knowingly selling poisioned foods and cursed items to them and other small port towns. But sadly he has been rebuilding his fleet faster then I can build up my own. I think that he is outfiting merchent ships for battle. That is part of the information that I intend to not inform the Titan High Council about."

:Lemac pulled back and sat upright. She looked about the room and then back to Ebon.:

"So you see that any help that I could gain would be put to good use."
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Postby jadewik » April 23rd, 2007, 7:18 pm

"Interesting... How interesting indeed. Aparently, my spies have gone lax under the lapse in recent action. I haven't heard anything about the coastal warfare." She tried to sound disinterested, but inside she was smoldering and as time progressed her wrath would build up until she allowed herself to unleash it.

Ebon-Ashe really wanted to discuss the details of who would dare to sell poisoned and cursed goods in territories near Titan without first paying their dues to her. Who was this Oust von Squee? He sounded like some minor smuggler who'd gotten too large for his briches. This was her territory and she'd be damned if she'd let Curulan stick his nose into her business. Of course, he was bound to find out about it anyway... but the sooner she got moving, the more difficult it would be to slow her down.

"I think it's best we leave Curulan out of this. If you don't mind, I'd like to take care of things my own way first."

It was better to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?

((OOC: I hate that line... works here, but I had a roommate who used that logic and it cost me my $250 deposit. Grrr!))

Ebon was already formulating a plan in her head. The first thing on her list was a visit to the head spies in those trade areas. They would no longer be employed in the mortal realm and no matter how much begging was employed their insolence was unforgivable. New spies would have to be set up. Hopefully, there were more serious spies who were up for promotion... Hopefully, there hadn't been a schism and that's why she hadn't been recieving information. Of course, in order to make the "business" trip, she'd have to commandeer some seaworthy vessles from the Titan navy...

"I shall inform the navy that I require personal escort to Northinghall on the morrow. We can leave seperately, so we can borrow more ships..."

... I'll have to forge the conscriptions and Curulan's signature, so he isn't "informed" about this.

Ebon grinned nefariously. She couldn't remember the last time she'd caused Curulan (and Titan) so much grief. It was beginning to look a gloriously treacherous day!

"Is there anything I'm forgetting, dear?"
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Postby Courtesan Lemac » April 23rd, 2007, 8:36 pm

:Lemac held back a chuckle as Ebon pondered the details in her head. With a smile she looked to Ebon.:

"Ebon, at this time the only detail that I can think that has not been covered is the matter of what you think that your expences for this endover will be. At this point I am not to concerned about the cost of this. Northinghall falls under the proection of my estate, so any help with be rewarded. As for the one small matter of missed information. The runners seem to have been having trouble getting information to the right people. But Northinghall has been personally secured, the issue seems to be that the runners can't run on water safely."

:Lemac knew Ebon well enough that she would understand the spy network in Nothinghall was intacked, though now under Lemac's contol, and the problem was in the delivery of the messages itself. Lemac glacned about the room for a moment before turning back to Ebon.:

"Ebon, are you sure that the High Council will not have any issues with your actions. Or not atleast and more then normal. Either way I will see you in the morning, with the proper documents. From there we can take a quickend route to Salamander. Then sail abord my ship 'Dawn's Passage' to the Titan naval yard to get the commissioned Titan vessels. Gather thouse who you think will be of help and tell them to join us Salamender in three days time. The rest of my fleet is busy taking on supplies and will be ready to set out in three days."

:Lemac once again scaned the room and wondered who else in this room would be willing to place there lives on the line to aid a former member of the Titan High Council.:
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Postby jadewik » April 26th, 2007, 1:30 am

"Cost is never nor has it ever been an issue, Lemac. You of all people should know that business is always good for a thief." A wicked grin was all that was required for Ebon-Ashe to get her point across.

It wasn't just that business was good-- Ebon-Ashe might seem like the devil when you look her square in the eye, but she was known for her lofty gratuity in places where the service all-around was good. Titan's own barkeep kept Ebon happy by supplying her with arsenic and she kept him happy by cutting him deals on ale and wine imported from other territories... which meant the barkeep could sell items for the same price as any other tavern (or slightly lower) and make quite a hefty profit. Of course where mischieff was concerned there couldn't be any price-- it was the thrill of the chase that Ebon loved.

"I suppose I shouldn't kill thieves over something so small," she snerked, "but someone will have to take the blame. I like to know what is going on and an event like this should have been reported to me all the same. My thieves are everywhere-- from the highest peaks in the mountains to the lowest valleys and everywhere in between... Titan territory or not, I should have known."

... unless they're targeting all fowl and all message bearing travellers...

"Someone has to pay..."

With a practiced flourish, Ebon-Ashe finished her wine and set the empty glass on the bar. She wanted more of that sweet beverage to whet her pallet, but if she was going to get to work on those conscriptions Ebon would have to leave soon.

"My dear Lemac, I wouldn't worry about the High Council. These days they're all too engrossed in other things to worry about a few ships and my wellbeing. I am a little reticent about spreading the word about Salamander. Three days is a lot of time for a message to be intercepted and the enemy to meet us there instead.... but I shall do as you ask and broadcast the message on the underground."

The impending need to finish those conscriptions, get a good night's repose, AND get up early (something Ebon rarely did the morning after a tavern visit) was suddenly upon her.

"Forgive me, my dear, but I must be going if I'm to finish those conscriptions by morning. Forgery takes time."

... and there were a few other things she wanted to take care of as well....

Ebon glanced at the still snoozing carn and sighed knowing she'd have to put the elf to bed.
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