Dragon Court FAQ

Have a seat, have a drink, walk among friends, all of this can be done in the Golden Griffon, Titan's official tavern.

Postby mikey taylor » June 28th, 2008, 12:46 am

man seriously i havent seen you around in a very long time. ive been busy too but at least i have time to come around and say hi...
I'm a real big tymer
mikey taylor
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Postby Cheshire » June 28th, 2008, 5:34 am

umm.... yeah, try "Not even in the country anymore"-busy ;)

Going back to the actual topic, if you are going to kill our FAQ, offer all the content to randomorange for his FAQ and ask to put author/info on it. For example, if he uses this, then we ask he puts something like "Tharris" or "Tharris (Clan Titan)" along with it
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