Forum changeover to begin June 7, 2008.

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Forum changeover to begin June 7, 2008.

Postby Curulan » April 26th, 2008, 11:07 am

It has recently been announced by phpBB that they will be dropping support for phpBB 2 in October this year. This coincides with PHP's drop of support for PHP 4 in favor of 5.

Edit: After rereading the announcement, the previous statement is not quite correct. phpBB will only be removing the download links for 2.0.x from their site in October. The official date for end of life is January 1, 2009.

Currently, our board uses phpBB 2 and I have been working on a phpBB 3 install off and on for the past several months (since the the Gold release was made). Since phpBB will be dropping support for version 2, I will be putting more time into the version 3 board instead of updating and installing new MODs on this board. I currently have a live test set up, and if you want to play around on it, feel free. You can find it at Keep in mind that the database is currently an old on (from May 2007, IIRC) and that it may sporadically go down, be wiped, changed, etc as I install the MODs which will be present when I finally take it live.
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Postby Curulan » June 4th, 2008, 12:28 pm

After some investigating, it turns out I can't build the new forum then just insert the posts after the fact. I will need to work on the new forum live. This means that I must upload the board, port the database, then run the forum as the live forum while I apply the mods.

I will begin this process this Saturday. This board might stay up for a little while beyond that, as I want to compile preemptive FAQs before the changeover so that you guys aren't confused too much. phpBB3 is much more robust than and slightly different from phpBB2.

I think you'll enjoy the new board, and there will be huge improvements in security and administration options. However, our current chat mod is not compatible with phpBB3. I will have to think of a replacement for the site, but in the meantime, I suggest learning how to use a real IRC client (or install Chatzilla). ;)
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Postby mikey taylor » June 28th, 2008, 3:56 pm

i didn't understand any of this, but if there is any way i can help let me know
I'm a real big tymer
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Postby Curulan » June 30th, 2008, 12:32 pm

Not much you have to understand. There's just a lot of behind-the-monitor work I have to do to get it switched over. You'll notice it once it starts happening, though. :P

I'm also trying to work on a Mibbit skin so people can still access the IRC chat from the forum.
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