sorry to say this but good bye

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sorry to say this but good bye

Postby perigren » July 18th, 2006, 11:40 pm

hey everyone hows it going, its been a long time seince i have played dragon court, i have been a member of the titan clan for a very long time. and now its time from me to say good bye i have alot of gear for dc some good some bad but just alot of random stuff, its been a great five or six years with you all so enjoy your time and if anyone wants some gear jusat shoot me an e-mail here :::: ::::: leave me all your dc info and i will try and send you as much as i can, you all enjoy your the game but im out.

Postby Agustus » July 19th, 2006, 12:00 am

sorry to see someone go, though you did not come by the forums much its still hard to see some one leave.... though in the end you'll come back, Fred has made this game addicting so you'll come back and begin clicking like crazy :twisted:
(seriously take care) :D
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Postby Tordek » July 19th, 2006, 12:20 am

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Postby Rufus Shinra » July 19th, 2006, 1:15 am

Though i didnt meet ya, still bad news to see someone leaving the clan, fair well and goodluck!
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Postby Ominous » July 19th, 2006, 7:35 pm

Good luck getting through the cold-sweats. :P
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Postby Tordek » July 19th, 2006, 10:22 pm

Be afraid. Very afraid.
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Postby Zuka Zamamee » July 20th, 2006, 11:23 pm

Can I have your character's corpse? Preferably with his soul still in it?

AKA, have fun trying to stay away from DC, lol.
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I am the freezing touch that takes life away,
I am the one whose soul is unclean.
A master of dreams, awakened to the night
I haunt the Astral and reap the mortal life

Through the moonlight's mist
I enter your soul
Which withers from purity I defile
I am the Darkness, the Night that lasts forever

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Postby Dice » July 22nd, 2006, 7:48 am

Your goin no where! Ive been kicking round DC since 98! I got away but got drawn back in. Its like a strip club where the girls really really seem to like you but you know better but still go back cause you think they really really like you! Good analogy huh! Okay thats my rant

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Postby Tordek » July 23rd, 2006, 1:12 am

Yes, a Fred owned strip club! With...Crystal things!
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