Old Company

Have a seat, have a drink, walk among friends, all of this can be done in the Golden Griffon, Titan's official tavern.

Old Company

Postby Frenzie » July 3rd, 2006, 5:45 pm

..::Frenzie saunters into the tavern, a large keg balanced on his shoulder, a beaming smile stretched across his face::..

"Just thought the place was missing... a little something..."

..::He slams the keg on the floor by the barkeep and raises his voice::..

"Free drinks on me!"
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Postby Carzal » July 3rd, 2006, 6:17 pm

I'd like some of that wine stuff that turns you into a god, if you will.

Frenzie... 's been a while.
I used to have a whole bunch of titles, I think. That probably makes me better than you. Maybe.
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Postby Cheshire » July 3rd, 2006, 6:21 pm

*slaps Frenzie*


*Looks at Frenzie*

oh... wrong person...

My bad :oops:
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Postby Airman » July 3rd, 2006, 6:23 pm

If this just doesn't bring back old memories. Almost enough to draw a tear to my eye.
The sea was red and the sky was grey, wondered how tommorow could ever follow today.
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Postby Frenzie » July 3rd, 2006, 8:43 pm

..::Frenzie gives Carzal a hearty slap on the back::..

"Bah, this here is good old Elven Mead... as for the other stuff, well, I think I'd be doing everyone a favor by not sending it your way... Yes, it has been a while indeed, but that only makes our reunions all the sweeter, eh?"

...::The Ranger's eyes focus on a blushing Cheshire, and he smiles warmly::..

"Ah, Cheshire, nice to see you. Also nice to see that you're up to your usual antics. Still driving the ladies mad, are you?"

..::Frenzie then grasps Dune's hand with a steel fist::..

"Good to see you, Dune. Like good old times indeed."
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Postby Cheshire » July 3rd, 2006, 9:47 pm

If by mad, you mean madly in love with me... then yes.

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Postby Ominous » July 3rd, 2006, 9:49 pm

Hey, Frenzie! I dunno if you remember me...but, hiya!
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Postby Frenzie » July 3rd, 2006, 10:48 pm

..::The Elf smiles mischievously at Cheshire::..

"Why, thats exactly what I meant."

..::Turning his gaze on Ominous, Frenzie nods assuredly::..

"Good to see you as well, Omi. I certainly remember you... my last visit was not that long ago. Besides, just because I haven't been seen around the Titan Halls, does not mean I have not been watching from the shadows."
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Postby Tordek » July 5th, 2006, 10:17 pm

Breathing in deeply, a wry smile began to appear on Tordek's face. With a jovial laugh, his words came out with a chuckle.

"Smells like antiquity. And maybe deer urine."

Tordek waggles his eyebrows comically.

"Good to see you Frenzie, good to see you."
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Postby Frenzie » July 6th, 2006, 12:39 pm

..::Frenzie sniffs his cloak and gives Tordek a sharp look::..

"Bloody deer... I suppose that is the price one pays for sleeping out in the woods."

..::The elf's face melts into a warm smile::..

"Good to see you as well, old friend. Up to your usual tricks, I hope?"
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Postby Tordek » July 9th, 2006, 9:25 pm

"They didn't tell you, huh? Azrael gave me some desk job over in Lighthaven. I read books all day and stroll around the city. It's just fine with me."

Tordek licks his lips and leans back in his chair.

"But what brings you out of the woods? It's been some years now."
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Postby Frenzie » July 9th, 2006, 11:35 pm

..::The Elf raises an eyebrow at Tordek::..

"Poring over dusty tomes, eh? Seems like a waste of good talent... And me? Why, I'm looking for someone. A thief who used to frequent these halls. Legend has it that he could play a merry tune while he robbed you blind."

..::A mischievous grin passes across Frenzie's face::..

"Know where I can find this fellow?"
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Postby Tordek » July 10th, 2006, 12:51 am

"What kind of brigand do you take me for?! I'm an upstanding gentleman - though if you want illegal poker, just check the back rooms. Though I'm warning you, they play with seven aces back there..."

Tordek then enters into a merry tune, whistling with joy. He stands, his feet begin to shuffle, forming the steps of a jig. Rapture is soon spun accross his face, his body and feet picking up to the rhythym as people begin to turn their heads, and cheer and clap along.

Hoping up onto a table after clicking his feet, he swipes a flagon of mead, and slurps it down, making his way down the table top.

With a smile and a laugh, pausing for breath, he speaks back to Frenzie:

"On second thought - I just might!"
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Postby Cheshire » July 10th, 2006, 1:33 am

*Covers his wallet up with both hands... then sits on it*

I'm not falling for this one again... :?
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Postby Frenzie » July 10th, 2006, 5:22 pm

..::Frenzie chuckles at Cheshire before checking his own coinpurse with a subtle hand motion. He turns to Tordek with a reminiscent twinkle in his eye::..

"Well, you let him know that if he is interested in a brief adventure--like good ole' times--and perhaps a fat purse of gold or two, Frenzie has something in mind for him... And I extend the offer to the rest of you Titan idlers."
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