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Cool Bugs

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 6:17 pm
by zipcat
I love caterpillars, but I found a site about some really cool ones. There are some that are poisonous, and I've heard about people dying from caterpillars that don't seam to be listed here and I can't find it on google.



But you have to admit some caterpillars are pretty cute.

My niece likes to find them and put them on the ant hill she feeds. She's really good at it, so I get to see some all the time. Lucky for her she's never been bit by an ant or ran into one of these rare poisonous caterpillars. Most of ours are tiny and hairless due to the heat anyways.

The hairy ones are the coolest.

What's your favorite bug?

PostPosted: July 3rd, 2007, 9:25 pm
by Sorrontis
My fav bugs would prolly be the spiders (I know, an arachnid, not bug) and the ants.

PostPosted: July 4th, 2007, 10:29 am
by TBeck
I must admit, ive pulled off my fair share of spider's legs and watch them twitch for upwards of 20 minutes :twisted:

but my favorite bugs would have to be fireflies

PostPosted: July 4th, 2007, 10:36 am
by Courtesan Lemac
call me odd, but I think that there is somthing neat about the simple ladybug, that and well....


PostPosted: July 8th, 2007, 1:38 am
by zipcat
Haha Lemac. Ladybugs are very cute, I used to spend days catching them to put on my tomato plants to keep the bad bugs away.

Oh, TBeck I've never seen a firefly other than on TV, and something tells me that those ones aren't real most of the time. I'm sure they're really cool though. I'm going to look some up in a moment.

Anarchids are cool Sorrontis, but so are ants. They're one of my favorites too. Here we have these ants that are covered in white hair, commonly known as wholly ants or velvet ants.

Here's the closest picture I could find to the ones we have here. Ours have thicker hair than this though.


Here's a blue one.


I think I just like fuzzy bugs.