October RP: Masks of Horror Signup

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October RP: Masks of Horror Signup

Postby jadewik » September 24th, 2007, 8:40 pm


Welcome to the sign up for the Masks of Horror Murder Mystery Role Play, which shall run through the month of October.

Before participating in the role play, you will need to receive a character assignment, so you MUST SIGN UP IN THIS THREAD. Character assignments will be given out VIA PM. You will need to sign up in advance if you would like a major role in the RP. You may sign up in this thread after the RP has started as well.

Once you've signed up, you will be given (VIA Personal Message -- aka PM) a character secret to RP, so make sure that PMs are on and you have a registered account (If you already have an account, please DO NOT create a new account for this event). No one will be using their own characters (so we can kill you off during the RP-- characters who are killed during the RP can still RP as ghosts, but cannot interact with their environment. They can only interact with other ghosts.)

A character type will randomly be assigned if you do not choose a preferred character type. Your preferred character type must be approved by the RP council. To keep characters on a level playing field there will be no super powers associated with characters. No magical characters will be allowed. Sorry. No exceptions.

Preferred characters are more or less what character "type" you're going to be and they must fit into the realm of DC (See also the approved character type list). You will be RPing this character as if you ARE that character. For example, a pirate might be very drunk through the whole affair. Your character may come in costume as something else. Your character DOES NOT have to dress up as something.

You will make up a name for your character and you will RP the character as if you were really in this situation. Only role-play things your character would know-- and not things you know from reading the role-play.

Our standard rules for RP do apply, so please be aware of them. All posting must be In Character. Any OOC comments during the RP will be removed. If you want to coordinate things, please use the personal message system or a thread created specifically for the purpose of discussing the finer points of the role-play.

The Titan RP council will be developing a story frame, and will handle the initial posting and setting the scene on Friday, September 31st.

To sign up, please post the following information:
Clan Name:
Preferred Character Type(s):
Interested in Being Murdered: Y or N

Character type list:
You may create your own character type... but it must be approved by the Titan role-play council prior to participation.
Last edited by jadewik on September 25th, 2007, 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby James » September 24th, 2007, 10:28 pm

Clan Name: Titan
Preferred character type: Tracker
Interested in being murdered: Y

I'll edit my post when you post the character list.
Last edited by James on September 25th, 2007, 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Joe » September 25th, 2007, 4:08 am

Clan name: The Great and Powerful Titan
Prefered character type: all of those sound great. perhaps I can be an assassin who's in disguise as a courtesan crazy cat lady who happens to have a job as a stone mason on the side and chronicles all of this for the town paper. or something else that might be beneficial to the game at hand.
Interested in being the murderer: hells yeah
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Postby Twist Rolarian » September 25th, 2007, 5:00 am

Jade, I'll just let you pick the one that you think is most appropriate for me. You're already familiar with my RP style. Whether I survive the RP or not is irrelevant. Please keep in mind that while I'm interested in joining, it's likely that I'll only be posting at night. ;)
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Postby TBeck » September 25th, 2007, 10:36 am

clan: titan
char type: me be barbarian!
murded: sure why not
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Postby Joe » September 25th, 2007, 2:30 pm

oh, I read that wrong, I thought it said murderer, but I could be murdered too, I like both, as long as death's involved.
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Postby zipcat » September 25th, 2007, 6:33 pm

Clan Name: Titan
Prefered Character Type(s): Crazy Cat Lady, or maybe Baker
Interested in Being Murdered: Yep
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Postby Agustus » September 26th, 2007, 1:17 am

well this looks interesting

Agustus (Gus)
Clan Name: Titan
Preferred Character Type(s): Crazy Person (Yep dont fit me at all) well Hunter/tracker is fine
Interested in Being Murdered: Sure why not lets do what everyone else is doin and hey why not add in jumping off a bridge
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Postby VynFyre » September 27th, 2007, 10:29 pm

lol i guess im the first that isnt from titan ;)

Clan Name: Gryffindor

Preferred Character Type: teenager (around sixteen, since every horror has to have the token teenager)

Interested in being murdered: umm... surprise me!

To Gus: When all my friends jump off the bridge, i will not jump with them, i will be at the bottom to catch them. =]
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Postby jadewik » September 27th, 2007, 10:36 pm

Sweet! Glad to get someone from another clan involved. I'm going through the lists right now trying to place people and set them up with their devious secret motives. I should have that done shortly. =D
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Postby dedman » September 27th, 2007, 11:33 pm

Clan name: dedman (I'm bringing that name back for this one.)
Charecter type: Human Mercinary (Guess why...)
Get killed: No. Not my style. :D
This one came from looking
This one opened twice
These two seem as smooth as silk, flush againt my eyes
This one needed stiches and
This one came from rings
This one isn't even there, but I feel it more because you don't care
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Postby jadewik » September 28th, 2007, 12:16 am

Okay. Everyone up to this point should have their secret and character type. =)
If you've questions, feel free to ask.
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murder mystery

Postby Mydraas » September 28th, 2007, 11:10 am

clan name: Frost Knights (first for my clan to join in!! woohoo!)
Character type: courtesan
getting killed: rather not

Postby Mydraas » September 28th, 2007, 11:22 am

Same as above on everything! just needed to make sure you could pm me


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Postby Garfunkleer » September 29th, 2007, 3:30 am


Clan Name: SOIA
Preferred Character Type(s): Assasin/Pirate/Thief/Jester All of Above.
Interested in Being Murdered: Y. But Preferrably no.

Kinda new to Txt RP. Might needa hand, Hehe.
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