Holiday Traditions

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Holiday Traditions

Postby jadewik » December 5th, 2007, 2:47 pm

Does your family have any holiday traditions this time of year?

My family has a tradition of going to see lights on Christmas Eve (I moved away, so I don't do that anymore). We also used to get to open one present on Christmas Eve... which my mom picked out and was usually PJ's... We'd always decorate the tree on my brother's birthday (Dec 10th)... and every year, we'd get a new ornament for the tree (my mom still does this-- it's the only reason I HAVE ornaments to put on a tree anyway!)

For New Year's, we always stay up REALLY late playing games and watching movies. Monopoly, Rook and Rail Baron are family favourites at my house.

What are your holiday traditions?
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Postby Ekehart » December 7th, 2007, 11:58 pm

Hmmm...Christmas...We don't really have much of traditions. Just that my parents have to be done with the paper before presents are opened. Since I still do Christmas with my parents, that matters. heh...

New Years, we bring all our friends over. Games are played...Spades, rails, talk about other things. Staying up late. Next morning, The Rose Parade is viewed, and breakfast is had. Then all of said friends pull out the D&D. w00t.

It's good stuff.
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