and decided to watch "The Blair Witch Project." I'd heard a while ago when it came out that it was pretty scary, but I never got around to seeing it.
To put it bluntly, I thought it was stupid. Interesting ideas behind it all, but the bad guy wasn't corporeal enough for me to be happy. I would have been satisfied with a quarter of a second flash of a hand, or something like that, or perhaps more of what the bad guy was actually about. It didn't explain anything other than there's this thing, potentially a man or a ghost or a witch, who has killed people. A lunatic described the witch idea as being covered in head to toe with fur (as a horse, she said) which is kind of interesting, but there's nothing else. No explanation for the dolls (were they being hung?) no explanation for the thing the girl found (Josh was still alive later and crying for help, whose thingy did she see? [spoiler pulled out{not sexual lol}]), no explanation for why Mike stood in the corner (I have an idea, will explain later) and nothing given as to how anyone would die. Just that they were dying.
So yeah, about Mike standing in the corner. I think what happened is that they went so insane that when it came for the time to see who was going to kill him he was completely broken. So when he saw whatever it was, it pointed to the corner and he dropped the camera, where the girl (I can't remember her name bah) filmed him for a brief moment. What do you think?
Sorry if there's spoilers in here at all, I pulled out the one I think that wouldn't ruin it for you.