How to be freaking amazing, blogs, Facebook and irritating

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How to be freaking amazing, blogs, Facebook and irritating

Postby Carzal » May 7th, 2008, 2:51 pm

Well, I am amazing, so you should strive to be me. that would work.
I'd also like to know, how many of you have ever had a blog of some kind, and, on a scale of one to ten, how good was it? Or how terrible, in some of our cases. I had a blog/thingy on MSNspaces that I mostly used to write a lengthy and disturbing story about super-heroes and that's plot line was "randomness" but that I enjoyed writing, even if everyone who read it went blind and began to vomit mice.
Live mice.
Also, I HATE FACEBOOK. And we have a group on it. You should join and make us the coolest kids on the block.
And, finally, as I am distracting myself from the exams and tests that I have this friday, I've started playing a prom-like game called TEQ 3.0. I don't know if any of you played AoL that Turock from the Torm Guardians made, but it's similar, except not as violent. I've been playing that, as well as replaying the campaigns from Heroes III and playing a GC game called "Skies of Arcadia" that is depressingly old, but decent. Kinda. Sometimes.

So whats up with you rabbit-suckers?
I used to have a whole bunch of titles, I think. That probably makes me better than you. Maybe.
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Postby jadewik » May 7th, 2008, 5:38 pm

I keep a Live Journal (LJ), where I put all my rants and updates on my personal life. I'd prefer to keep it separate from DC, though I do have friends on FACEBOOK and on LJ that read my LJ.

As for suckers, I prefer dum-dums. They have many flavors that are awesome... and the suckers are single-serving sized. =)
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Postby dragonstalker » May 7th, 2008, 6:40 pm

I basically agree with you. I remember when facebook was fun and exciting, but now it's all just stalker-ish and silly nonsense. I loathe the fact that I must deny 34 invites to stupid groups that ppl keep creating daily. That's my rant.
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Postby mikey taylor » May 8th, 2008, 1:17 pm

we have a group on facebook?

and i like facebook like most other college kids because it keeps me in touh with people from high school that i would otherwise never see anymore
I'm a real big tymer
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Postby Curulan » May 9th, 2008, 12:32 pm

Yes, we do have a Facebook group:

Also, once I get the new forums set up, my next project for the site will be installing Multiuser WP.
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