A Music Recording

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A Music Recording

Postby zipcat » July 22nd, 2008, 6:10 pm

I promised I'd record some of my music for quite a few people and a couple weeks ago took requests. I've had my ocarina for six months now, but have only played it for one and a half. I'm trying to learn three songs a week, and so far it's been going good; if anyone would like to make a request feel free, but right now I'm limiting it to the songs in the book I'm using now.

The first recording is on my key of C ocarina, but I'll post another one later.


Songs in order of time;

0:02 Greensleeves
0:40 Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye (by request)
1:11 It's Not Yet Day
1:38 The Last Rose of Summer(My favorite)
3:07 The Limerick Waltz (This song is for Festy)
3:46 Lovely Joan
4:25 The Minstrel Boy
5:28 Scarborough Fair
6:11 Shady Grove (Requested by Rhayny)
7:19 Skye Boat Song
8:18 Spanish Ladies
9:00 The Spinning Wheel
10:05 Still I Love Him

Feel free to say whatever.
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Postby James » July 22nd, 2008, 11:46 pm

This is pretty cool, zip!

Did you just figure this stuff out by fiddling with the notes until you got it?
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Postby zipcat » July 23rd, 2008, 1:11 am

Haha, I'm not too good at playing by ear yet; can only do that with them after I've learned them.

These ones I learned with sheet music.

Thanks though!
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