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Postby zipcat » August 2nd, 2008, 9:43 pm

I bought a Ventrillo server today. It was cheap and if I didn't spend it on this the money would go to ice cream. Haha. But anyways it's now online for the next six months, and I'll probably have a job then to keep it open longer.

Everyone at Titan is welcomed. Actually, anyone who RP's is welcomed. That or likes to talk.

There aren't any rules yet that I can think of to make.. other than common sense. If you break the common sense rule you might be sent to the Vent's dungeon for a short period of time, but I dunno, that was only made incase people start arguing I guess. Probably won't be used...

The server is: Port: 8577

There isn't a password setup yet, but when there is just PM me on Yuku (or AIM) and I'll give it to you.

Any tips are welcomed as I've never owned a Vent before...
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Postby boywonder » August 3rd, 2008, 1:14 am

not that i'm completely computer illiterate and have a degree in psychology, which has nothing to do with computers... but lets just imagine for a moment that i am.... what is a ventrillo server and how would i get on there to tell you hello?

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Postby zipcat » August 3rd, 2008, 1:50 am

Oh sorry I should have been more descriptive. Haha I remember the first time I heard about it I was very much lost.

Ventrilo is a program that allows you to talk to other people easily. You can download it here Ventrilo

Once you install it you open it up, enter a name, and then the server and port. I'm sure you can figure it out but here's a walkthrough.
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Postby Curulan » August 3rd, 2008, 4:52 pm

Honestly, I don't like Ventrilo, because I have to hold a key down constantly to speak.
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Postby zipcat » August 3rd, 2008, 11:02 pm

Yeah.. that does get annoying. And if you talk to someone in person while on Ventrilo you'll instinctively push down that key and Everyone will hear you..

But you can set it up to auto-detect your voice. That usually doesn't work unless you have the number set just right and a good microphone though.
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Postby Shane of Clan Titan » August 4th, 2008, 11:47 am

Curulan wrote:Honestly, I don't like Ventrilo, because I have to hold a key down constantly to speak.

You can of course always jam the key with a piece of paper... we all know how much you like to talk. :P

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Postby LightSol » August 6th, 2008, 3:50 pm

Vent is not that bad, it can get anoying but we must all thank our favourite cat for it anyway :)
But yeah, the detecting voice works if you have a good enough mic, or even with some average ones, you just have to work with it quite a lot untill you get the right settings!
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