DnD: Its official

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DnD: Its official

Postby LightSol » September 3rd, 2008, 5:23 pm

Hey , made a second topic so all character and such info (like classes and such) can be posted here, by the people who have stated that they will play, for applications please go to the other thread which i take can be seen quite well ^^
So yeah, players please post what classes your taking and if you cant get together with the other players any other time , discuss with each other, if you will know each other and other important things.
and for quick reference

When : not determined yet
Where: Irc channel on blackcobalt.net titan-dnd (with the hash in front , my keyboard cant get 1-4 keys :/)
What : DnD 3.5
Who : You and me

Starting Level: 1
Starting Gold : Depends on the class
Starting place : When game starts you will find out

Current Players : James (bard)
Tharris (unknown at this moment)

Possible Players : Tetamira

If tetamira plays we need atleast one more so the game can begin, so people , anyone can join , and its going to be fun :D
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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby James » September 3rd, 2008, 8:42 pm

Hopefully everyone should know how to get into the IRC room. Hehe.

Wheeeeeee! Maybe now I can actually have fun with D&D. At least, I hope so. Having actual roleplayers to roleplay with will make this more interesting :)
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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby LightSol » September 4th, 2008, 12:27 pm

well, its my first game i am hosting, but i have been a player for a year now , and a RP fan for my whole life, so yeah ill try to work as well as possible to make it fun while still being a serious enough of a rp :D
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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby Tharris » September 5th, 2008, 3:20 am

I am going to play a cleric of pelor if we are playing in grey hawk or lathander if we are playing in forgotten realms. I'm unfamiliar with the dieties from any other campaign settings so I'll need some assistance on my choice of diety if we aren't playing in one of those two. I am available mon - fri from 10pm - 6am. James you want to walk into this knowing eachother or not? I prefer to know eachother, but I can play either way so long as I know in advance. It does make character creation a little easier and allow for a more balanced party if we know eachother (for example healing is going to be one of my fortes so you don't need to waste any of your known spell slots on healing. however if we don't know eachother you might have chosen healing as one of your spells.)
tharris (lots of them) of Titan


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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby LightSol » September 5th, 2008, 8:49 am

Ok a few things, ill start with a small, and i mean a really small premade campaign so its easier to bring you guys in and such , it is very possible that we will finish it and if we have time (as in were not tired) we will be continuing with the next campaign.
You can deffinetly take the pelor diety , Were playing by the basic rules of the book , maybe some additions, if you know (that is if we get that far) you can take any prestige classes from the complete part, because they aint overpowered like all others ^^
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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby TBeck » September 5th, 2008, 3:51 pm

I love DnD and I would be interested in joining you guys... looks like you still need a meatshield of sorts so I could fill that role as a fighter or a paladin
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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby James » September 5th, 2008, 8:36 pm

TBeck! <3

You might not want to play a paladin... my bards are always Chaotic Neutral. On the plus side, if we all go into this with our characters as friends, my bard plays in reaction to you more as a "neutral good". I put that in quotes because he's still chaotic neutral.

Also, I'm going to be a halfling. I always am when I play a bard.

Anyway, since you prefer it I'd suggest that we walk into this knowing each other. I'm a lot less likely to steal your coinpurses then, but I won't make any guarantees.

Also, I'm a bard. Correct me if I'm wrong, but bards don't know any healing spells. Heh.
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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby TBeck » September 6th, 2008, 12:29 am

yea im probably gonna be a dwarf fighter. and no bards are arcane spells only, but if tharis is playing a cleric then we have healing taken care of
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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby LightSol » September 6th, 2008, 7:54 am

Sure mate, that would mean we have 3 people who are definetly playing, and with the possibility of Zipcat and TeAtamira, TeAt seems quite eager to play so we might be 5 people already ^^
Ok so that means your party would need a rogue and a mage now , so talk about how you guys are going, you might be childhood friends or were hired for some small thing a while ago and that kept you together :)
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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby James » September 6th, 2008, 2:40 pm

I just wish we started at level 2.

Please tell us that we get to level up in the middle of adventures, I hate how long it takes in games where you're forced to do it all after you're done.
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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby zipcat » September 6th, 2008, 3:31 pm

Rogue or mage huh?

I'll have to do more reading. With all the numbers it just seams so confusing. I still don't even understand the basics of how we'd role play this.. so once I'm done if there's a chance I could come in a few turns after other people it'd help give me an idea.

Once I read the book, maybe it'll make more sense.
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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby boywonder » September 6th, 2008, 7:47 pm

still looking to fill your addiction to D&D? too addicted to quit facebooking just to throw some dice? then look no further! facebook now has a D&D application! now you can stalk your friends and those drow all at the same time!

(curu sent me the app and now i'm addicted, thanks. thanks so much, lol)

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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby James » September 6th, 2008, 8:29 pm

it's kind of boring though. meh
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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby boywonder » September 6th, 2008, 11:30 pm

i'm liking it

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Re: DnD: Its official

Postby Tharris » September 6th, 2008, 11:55 pm

Yes bards are arcane however in the 3.5 rule at least prety sure in others as well they are he only arcane caster capable of casting healing spells and are thus the reason why there are arcane healing scrolls available which can be purchased and used by a wizard if no cleric is in the party and you are in a pinch. check the bard spell list (which is different from the wizard/sorcerer spell list) again. I can assure they are there, although not as plentiful as they are in the cleric. Anyway childhood friends is good then again so is a hired team, I'm indifferent on that part. I just prefer to go into knowing eachother so that we can look over eachothers sheets and help eachother out in creation (i.e. if i have a few extra gold that i don't ned for starting equipment and our rogue is a few gold shy of being able to afford nifty kewl MW theive's tools to get that awesome +2 circumstance bonus to open lock and disable device checks i can toss him some to make up the difference. That and the affore mentioned spell selection stuff). I've also found it prevents animosity amongs the characters if we don't end up with any rough spots during introductions and such (once played a fighter that the DM intro'd horribly and ended up killing off half the party i was supposed to be joining because of a misunderstanding on everybodies part [very messy DM eventually invoked the act of GOD clause to reverse time and re intro me in a different manner, seriously who has a fighter come upon a party in the middle of the night while the rogue is on watch? and expect it to end well?]) Should have a character up and posted by tuesday morning at parents house for the weekend and thus no books/time.
tharris (lots of them) of Titan


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