Hello my old friends!
December 9th, 2008, 5:36 pm
by VynFyre
I hope you all are doing well! I though I would pop in and see whats up and also offer an invitation to come and have a drink at Gryffindor.
So whats goin on, ladies and gents?
Leader of Gryffindor
Re: Hello my old friends!
December 10th, 2008, 4:10 pm
by jadewik
Vyn! Good to see you stop on by. I've been doing a good job of visiting Gryffindor Clan, but I don't really post that much.... I don't really know what to say over there.... except maybe ask if people are excited for the release of HBP.
It's good to see you. I'm glad you're making the effort to visit us. I really am.... it'd be nice to get some traffic from other clans. Since many clans stopped using EZB (now Yuku), it's slightly more difficult to travel between clans. =/
Re: Hello my old friends!
December 10th, 2008, 9:52 pm
by VynFyre
I hate to say it, but i think the biggest reason why there isn't traffic is because the majority of people dont have time to do much, and the reason why they are still around is because they dont want to let go of DC... not to be pessimistic or anything but i think thats the big part of it all, I still have hope for DC i think that it can turn around, I mean we do have a lot of newbies but not near as many players as we used to have and a lot of the players are old vets who just stick around because theyd miss it and the people too much.
hah... happy wisdom wednesday!