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Hail Titan.......

PostPosted: December 13th, 2008, 7:43 pm
by Phaeton
Hey old friends. Hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving and will be having a great Christmas. No, contrary to popular belief I am not dead, although I have to sometimes shake myself to make sure, hehe. I see that th Boyblunder, I means Boywonder is till around spreading his deceptions...Hey SUGAR, at least that is what you say your real name is, lol. How are things in Mo.? I will call you soon ince we didn't get a chance the other day when you were working. So, is there anything going on around here I should know about? Anything fun and exciting? I will try to be a bit better about being active again here. There has unfortunately been a lot going on with the home situation that generally takes up my time. I have never forgotten about all my good friends here and hope to meet all the newer Titans I haven't had the pleaseure of meeting yet. On that note, I will take my leave. Take care everyone....Until next time my friends! :D

Re: Hail Titan.......

PostPosted: December 14th, 2008, 3:54 pm
by Cheshire
Hey! Glad you dropped by. Finals week for me so everything is EXTRA hectic.... -__-;

Re: Hail Titan.......

PostPosted: December 15th, 2008, 1:50 pm
by jadewik
Finals? I'm so out of the loop on that school-schtuff....

G'luck on finals


... it's AWESOME to see you back Phaeton! =D

Re: Hail Titan.......

PostPosted: December 21st, 2008, 6:42 am
by boywonder
sorry sorry phaeton, i'll give ya a call soon (probably monday, 22nd). had finals and have been super busy. won't be going up to NYC after all, so i may end up coming down south to see you. i really don't know though, we'll figure something out. this whole school/work/hospital stuff has me busy. don't worry, i will call though!