by Loth Emnati » September 18th, 2008, 2:48 pm
uhhh.. uhmm..
You don't get the rank straight away, that much I can remember. When you plan to get your first rank you should plan ahead and use a full day of questing to be on the sure side. Get into court and mingle until you have 5 quests left and then petition. With some skill and experience you can seriously cut down on the time needed, but for your first char that is probably the safest way.
I think, but I can be totally wrong, that is 5000 for each petition
Rank goes up like this
# title, rank_lvl, needed_favor
Peasant, 0 , 0
Squire, 1, 100
Knight, 2, 300
Regent, 12, 7800
Seneschal, 13, 9100