re: Runaway enemies

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re: Runaway enemies

Postby imajica37 » October 29th, 2006, 10:15 am

Hi. I really need help. I am doing quite well with my character and am able to quest in Shangala without getting killed too often. My problem is that a lot of the enemies runaway, either straight away or after I have hurt them badly, therefore wasting away my quests. Is there anything I can do, or any stat I can increase to stop it?

Postby Tarathilien » October 29th, 2006, 10:20 am

Well, I would suggest increasing all your stats (which would take a while), but for a quick fix, raise your skill (via enchanted items) and use a Mandrake Root every time - you hit first, you kill first (usually). Hope that helps...
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Postby Curulan » October 29th, 2006, 4:08 pm

You need more Skill to be able to "catch up" to them.
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Postby Loth Emnati » November 1st, 2006, 8:43 am

Make sure that you are not using an item with the effect *panic* like a spirit katana or silver masamune. Except that, the monsters running behavior is predefined, so try establish a pattern. Which monsters always try to run? If the peasants always run away, then don't even start the combat (they are not worth the quest anyway)
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Postby bow4lyf » November 2nd, 2006, 11:35 pm

I find that most enemies that you kill alot or that is weak compared to you runs away.
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