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Postby zipcat » September 9th, 2006, 8:55 pm

*zip smiled as she took Aku's hand to stand. She was honestly glad that he didn't ask why she thought as she did. All the while she would look at the scenery, trying to see if she could remember what each plant could be used for. Some of her friends were teaching her alchemy, and she missed them. The cold didn't really bother her, but she wrapped up in his cloak with a smile. Underneath it, her vines grew more pubescent to help her keep warm, even though when her heart stopped she could get far colder. It didn't effect her.*

*She also watched for pit holes, not wanting one of them to catch their foot and break their ankle. Even in the grassland, she spotted small shrubs growing hidden below the stalks. It was all so pretty. It was quiet, too, but she was used to traveling in silence. At least the world sounded beautiful. The lake was very pretty, too. When Aku suggested that she try some, she nodded and smiled before kneeling down on the edge of the lake and leaning forward to sip from her cupped hands. She smiled up to Aku,*

"It is good."
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Postby Akunosh Inarus » September 23rd, 2006, 10:49 pm

*Akunosh smiled softly and kissed his wife, looking deeply into her dark brown eyes. The setting was perfect: mid-afternoon, a halcyon lake with a vast field of grass with hidden flowers of untold beauty, an autumn breeze, and, of course, zipcat. For a moment, he remained silent, then he finally spoke again*

"My love, there is something you must know about the Dothraki tribes before we get there. I am well-known amongst the Dothraki for my actions in the Dothraki Wars forty years ago. I am respected amongst their people, so do not be alarmed to see their reactions. Also, it is customary for the Dothraki to males to...you know...mate with different partners at random in the broad daylight for all to see. Don't be surprised if you see that either. Of course, do not worry about them trying it with you. The Amentans are unknown to them, and they will only breed with members of their own race or other races that they deem worthy enough to breed with."

*Then, Akunosh smiled again, wrapping his arms around his wife's shoulders*

"Now, as for the Dothraki wise women...they have some complicated, barbaric, and...gruesome...rituals, but they are capable of conjuring forth images and spirits without the direct use of magic. You will see what I'm talking about when we get there."

*The paladin stood, offering his hand to his wife*

"You ready?"

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Postby zipcat » September 24th, 2006, 12:52 pm

*zip returned her love's kiss, smiling at him after the gentle touch. If there was a smile that she had which was more special than the one she always gave others, Aku would be the one to see it. It would be such a nice day, and zip was happy to spend it with her husband.*

*She nodded softly as Aku spoke; she had seen many different cultures and customs in the last year she had traveled, and so was open-minded with anything else she ran into, no matter how strange. It might be odd to see someone with their partner in a way normally kept in private to most, but she understood that people were as different as their cultures. She didn't think she would be alarmed or surprised now that she knew what she might see and still was happy to meet new peoples.*

*She matched Aku's embrace around his ribs, holding him lightly but staying close. She didn't know how barbaric or gruesome their rituals would be, but she knew that some of the once she had done or her people had before could be seen as barbaric by others. Again it depended on how they were raised, and what they valued. She would be open-minded with this too, like she always tried to understand another's morals.*

*Taking Aku's hand, zip stood, looking again at the beauty around them, her eyes soon comming back to her husband.*

"I'm ready."
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Postby Akunosh Inarus » October 13th, 2006, 10:14 pm

*Akunosh led his wife through the flat, fertile lands into the rolling hills and more fertile lands. It was this place that the Dothraki made their home, and their territory expanded for hundreds of miles. They were nomads, divided into dozens of clans under the guidance and leadership of their Khals, or leader. The particular clan that Akunosh was taking zip to was the warlike Black Fist, which was led by Khal Drogo. They were the most brutal and tenacious of the clans, feared and respected by all that have ever seen or felt their power. Even now, forty years later, Akunosh still had nightmares of the Dothraki War. The burning forts and cities left in their wake, the woman and children massacred as their onslaught to Is'uldul pressed forth, the hordes of mounted men spanning across the horizons, the ear splitting cries of the Screamers, the burning of the dead bodies and the mass grave sites once each city was recovered. Even the armies of Westmarch had not been this tenacious, and Westmarch was just as brutal as the Dothraki*

*Akunosh shuddered as the gruesome images of both wars flashed before his eyes. Recovering his composure, he smiled weakly at his wife and kissed her again, trying to push the memories of the wars out. Before long, they ran across a flat field that was encompassed by five hills. Thousands of flowers had grown here, and the field was a sea of violets and golds, crimsons and greens, azures and whites. Akunosh immediately recognized this scene. It was no more than the site of the battle of In-Kajji Zhukk, the final and most violent battle of the Dothraki wars*

*The paladin fell upon his knees, remembering the slaughtering of both forces. Few were left standing, and the elf was critically wounded by an anahk that punched through his ribcage and out of his stomach. Akunosh absently touched the scar, finding no words. Finally, after a while, he spoke*

"So many men died here forty years ago. So many men...and I was almost one of them."

*Again, Akunosh regained his composure, slowly rising and wrapping his arms around his wife, staring deeply into her eyes*

"This is where the Dothraki found me, unconscience ground, dying from a would-be mortal wound. One of the Screamers recognized my coat-of-arms, and had me carried to the Dothraki camp. In a few weeks, I recovered enough to be brought before Khal Drogo. The Black Fist, the clan we are going to visit, had lost nearly all of its men, and they realized that further war was futile. Drogo had me prove my worth to have the honor of ending the war by tracking down and killing a vampyre that had been plaguing them for years. That was the easy part. I came back with the vampyre's head and gave it to Drogo, and he agreed that I was to be the one to end the war. Since the Dothraki were, and still are, illiterate, I committed to memory his treaty to give to the Enclave."

*Akunosh bowed his head silently, taking a long enough pause to breathe deeply*

"The Enclave...they had believed me to be...a...traitor. Fraternizing with the enemy and working with them. I was nearly hanged. However, one of our old family rivals, Nichinius Dragonblade, stepped in on my side. He convinced the King and the Enclave that I had done what was necessary to end a bloody war. You might not know alot about politics and nobility, but to have an Archduke on your side...a King and an Arbiter are more likely to listen to your side of the story..."

*He sighed softly again*

"I...I have not told you everything about my past, about the wars, and about the nightmares that still haunt me, but when the time comes, I shall reveal everything to you."
Last edited by Akunosh Inarus on October 13th, 2006, 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby zipcat » October 14th, 2006, 12:03 pm

*zip admired the sensory of everywhere they went, wither it was checking the types of clouds in the sky or simply watching the way a flower bent in the slight breeze. No matter where her eyes looked though they always came back to Aku's, giving him a smile from time to time as they traveled. They were going to have a child. She couldn't help but wonder what the baby would look like, act like. Though there was no doubt that Aku and her would raise it to be a good person, and zip would teach her everything she knew.*

*She wondered, too, how much of her would be in the child; how small it's heart and lungs would be and how compatible it may be with a vine. It's not like children were just born with one. If it could live on its own, then it would be best not to risk giving it a vine, she supposed, but it would be so tragic if the vine wouldn't accept their hybrid... but she thought it would. She tried not to worry about that.*

*The worry visibly overtook her face when her husband shuddered, and she squeezed his hand in hers for strength as he kissed her. It wasn't hard to tell that something was wrong, but he seamed to be trying to enjoy their time together rather than think about something; just like she was, but she supposed that it would be best if she tried as well. As they entered the field, she could smell all of the flowers. But any thoughts of how pretty it was were quickly washed away when Aku fell to his knees.*

*She knelt in front of him, touching the side of his face as lightly as she could. Many people didn't like to be touched when they were so troubled by what must be memories. She frowned when he said he had almost died, and felt so sorry for the relatives to those who had died at the time, she was so glad, at least, that he hadn't died as well. Offering what comfort she could, she held herself tight to him as they stood, listening and holding her eyes with his. There was so much said in his eyes alone.*

*As he went on with his story, her eyebrows pressed together. She let him say what he wanted, and did the only thing she could; listen quietly, and hold him, tighter when he seamed more trouble. It was so sad that he was thought of as a traitor when he was only trying to do what was needed to help. Slightly, she nodded as he explained the bit about politics and nobility. Her arms held Aku as tight as she thought she could now without it being uncomfortable, only letting go of him to hold her hand to his cheek tenderly. He must have had to go though so many things...*

*"I'm sorry, Aku, for what has happened to you." She paused, wishing there was something better to say. She couldn't find anything, and averted her eyes. "I have some things you should probably know too," Like the poisons, "but I have happy stories as well." Only then did she look back to her love with a slight smile. "I'll tell you all of them, when you'd like."*
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Postby Akunosh Inarus » November 26th, 2006, 2:55 pm

*Akunosh smiled softly from his love's support and words, and he said his thanks before hugging her tightly. Taking the lead again, he led her through the valley of flowers to the Dothraki camp half a mile away. The Dothraki shrieked in alarm at the presence of strangers, and their warriors took their arakhs and mounted their horses, riding out to challenge outlanders. Leading them was a Screamer, one of the most feared warriors the Dothraki had. Akunosh recognized him as such because of the numerous tattoos and piercings the warrior had. That, and the Screamer's voice was what gave them their nickname. It shrieked out like an inhuman shrill, undecipherable by any language, and sent cold chills down Akunosh's spine. They used ancient magic that just felt...out of place, as if it shouldn't have existed in this region of Valyria. Regardless, their screams held magical powers to influence whole armies, and Akunosh wasn't prepared to fight one. Only when it was closer did the paladin speak in the rough, harsh tongue of the Dothraki*

*The Screamer and his warriors paused in their tracks, fifty feet from the paladin and zipcat. He stared at the paladin, trying to discern whether what it had just heard was true or not. Again, Akunosh spoke, and the Screamer dismounted and stalked towards him, arakh in hand. His almond shape black eyes stared hard at Akunosh and zip, nervous and unsure about what he was hearing. The Screamer stopped when he was within range to gut the paladin with his arakh. Then, with a normal, innate voice, the Screamer spoke in common tongue*

"Akunosh? Defeater of the Black Fist? Slayer of Dagoth Uthol? What brings you here, elf?"

"I wish to speak with one of the wise women, my friend. Would they accept an audience with myself and my wife?"

"Hmm. The Khal said you would return someday. He said you should talk to him, not to the crazy old witches that call themselves wise. The Khal wants an audience with you."

"Drogo is still alive? That can't be right. Last I saw, he was---"

"Khal Drogo of the Dothraki Wars is dead. His son, Jahl, rules in his place. He wishes to speak with you."

"Jahl? Alright, I'll speak with him. Take us to him."

*Akunosh smiled to his wife and pulled her tighter to him, began to follow the Screamer and his party back to the camp*

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Postby zipcat » November 26th, 2006, 10:40 pm

*zip hugged her husband again, happy to just see him smile after what he had just shared with her. Taking her hand from his cheek and putting it back in his, she looked back to the valley one last time before continue the walk. Even if she still glanced around at the changing scenery, her mind was increasingly elsewhere. Her hand in his was a link to pull her back from those thoughts every so often.*

*When the shrill hit zip's ears, she could feel each of her ribs shudder. She held her free arm around the front of her chest for that bit of comfort. Her hand again tightened on his, but she knew that things would be fine; Aku said they would be, and he didn't appear alarmed at all. Standing quietly, zip listened as Aku spoke strangely to what must have been a Dothraki. She wondered how many languages he had to know, because of whatever need there was. zip only knew two, and hadn't ever needed more. She could see why her husband would, though.*

*She tried to offer a friendly smile, but it faulted after a moment. It wasn't that she didn't want to be friends with these strangers, but the smile itself was hard to keep. As they went on in common, zip wondered how well Aku must have known Drogo. Though her mind had other questions, she knew that they'd be soon answered. Curiosity mixed with whatever other emotions zip wasn't sure of, prevented her from smiling back at her husband. That didn't keep her from staying close to him as they followed the Dothraki man, of course.*
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Postby Akunosh Inarus » November 30th, 2006, 10:48 pm

*The Screamer led them through the village of the Black Fist and to its center where the Khal's and his three bloodriders' tents were. They were arranged in a semi-circle with a deerskin awning covering them from rain and sun. Around them, children, women, and men gathered to watch the strangers with interest. The older warriors immediately recognized Akunosh's coat-of-arms, and began to whisper about his deeds many years ago. The stories spread like wild-fire in the Dothraki tongue, and Akunosh couldn't help but smile with pride. They haven't forgotten. The Screamer dismounted and led the two to Khal Jahl's tent, which was the second one on the right. Lifting up the flap, he let Akunosh and zipcat enter, knowing that he himself couldn't enter*

*Akunosh's eyes were quick to adjust to the dark lighting. Despite the fact a small fire burned in the center of the tent for light and warmth, the cold air and darkness remained unaffected. Khal Jahl was sitting cross-legged on the other side of the fire, watching the newcomers to his lands. Almond shaped black eyes stared at them hard, bronze skin covered in oils reflected the light of the fire, and his raven black hair flowed well past his knees, decorated in many bells and beads. Such long hair, even for a Dothraki, Akunosh thought. He has never lost a battle. For a Dothraki to lose a battle would be dishonorable and mean cutting their hair off. The paladin suddenly found himself having more respect for the new Khal then he did a few moments ago*

"Akunosh, Defeater of the Black Fist, Slayer of Dagoth Uthol, and Great Warrior of the Elves, I welcome you back to our lands. Khal Drogo was very optimistic about you returning and would've given anything to meet you again, but I am afraid that he has died of mortal wounds several years ago."

"So I have heard. And I also heard that you wished to speak with me?"

"Yes, but first, are you going to introduce me to this woman you travel with?"

"Ah, where are my manners? Khal Jahl, this is zipcat Inarus, my loving wife. zip, this is Khal Jahl, leader of the Black Fist."

*Akunosh waited to hear his wife's reply before continuing on with his conversation with Jahl*

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Postby zipcat » November 30th, 2006, 11:27 pm

*Though zip would normally look around, she didn't want to look like too much of a stranger. That and she didn't want to make eye contact with everyone who was looking at them. So she just smiled, and stayed close to Aku as they went into the tented area. As they were let in the dark tent, zip gave a quiet thanks to the Screamer held up a flap for them to get in.*

*When her eyes adjusted enough to see the man, zip bowed her head in greeting, though she kept her eyes on him she still smiled a bit bigger for it. She was a bit shy in front of the Khal, and would have twiddled her hands behind herself had she not been with Aku. When the Khal greeted Aku, zip wondered how many of those titles she would hear the story to someday. Hopefully they would have happy parts in them when he told her, so it wouldn't be just depressing reminiscing.*

*Her smile turned to her husband when Aku first began introducing her, happy to be called his loving wife. It wouldn't have bothered her at all if he didn't, but that only made it more special that he did. She looked back to the Khal before realizing that she should say something, even though she could only come up with a simple "Hello, Khal Jahl" with another small bow of her head. The Amentan stood quietly, letting her husband and this man continue their discussion.*
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Postby Akunosh Inarus » December 16th, 2006, 2:48 pm

*Khal Jahl nodded his greeting and smiled softly to zip before reverting his attention to the paladin. Unfurling his crossed copper arms, he motioned for them to take a seat. Akunosh quickly found a mat to sit on directly across from the Khal and placed a second mat next to him for his wife to sit on. Jahl spoke again when they had both been seated*

"Akunosh, it would please you to know we have lived up to the treaty we signed forty years ago. Our people have stopped raiding yours, and in return, your people have stopped marching against us."

"Indeed, that is good to hear, Khal."

"But our wise women foresee this changing, Akunosh, and you know that they are rarely wrong. Perhaps it is best that your wife not be here when I reveal to you what I am about to say. If she wishes, she can talk to the wise women. I am certain that they have much to say."

*Akunosh looked deeply in his wife's eyes and kissed her softly*

"I am sorry that you cannot be here, but perhaps this is for the better. Go speak to the wise women about our child."

*He offered an uncomfortable smile, uncertain about what was so important about what the Khal had to say*

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Postby zipcat » December 17th, 2006, 1:47 am

*zip gave her husband a silent thank you smile as she sat, quickly getting comfy on the soft cushion. As soon as she was comfortable, she was still, letting the two men talk, and being as little of a distraction as she could. Whatever they were going to talk about, it had to be very important. She didn't want to be a disturbance at all, and would have stopped breathing to be more silent had she not been pregnant. She watched the dancing flames instead of looking between the two as they spoke.*

*She didn't know about the contract the Khal spoke of, but thought that Aku's people and the Khal's may have once been enemies. Or something like that. If it was good now, and changing, zip hoped that it wouldn't be for the worst; she didn't want them to fight. Most of all she didn't want it to become a war, or even a set of battles. She had seen what wars did to common people. It was so sad, what she had seen.*

*zip looked up from the flames when the Khal recommended that she didn't stay. It didn't hurt her that they thought she shouldn't be there, but she wished she could have stayed to support her husband. After the kiss, she nodded. She tried her best to smile a bit of strength for him, but didn't know how good it would be. With that, she stood, brushing her hand on Aku's husband as her bare feet took her out like Aku suggested. Besides, she knew she wasn't strong enough to listen to them talk about war; it could be terminal to their child if she got frightened, and that would be very bad.*

*Outside of the tent, she looked for the Dothraki that led them before. She had wanted her husband could be with her when she went to figure out the gender of their child. It was special to her, and Aku was more curious than she was. She looked back to the tent again, wondering if she should wait right where she was for him. They could go together when him and the Khal were done talking.*

*But he had told her to go and talk to the wise women about their child, so she asked the Dothraki to take her to the wise women. Her thoughts elsewhere, she stayed as polite as she could as her mind kept her eyes from meeting the Dothraki's. zip started to yearn to have had her cloak wrapped around her.*
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Postby Akunosh Inarus » December 31st, 2006, 11:31 pm

Akunosh watched his wife leave the tent, part of him wanting to go outside with her and the other part wanting to hear what Jahl had to say. The Khal cleared his throat, bringing the paladin's attention back to him. Akunosh nodded, indicating that he was ready to hear what he had to say.

"Our wise women have forseen war, Akunosh. A war unlike any other. A war that will sweep across every reach of the world. A war that'll unite every kingdom, tribe, and empire. A war for greater peace and unity. You understand?"

"Yes, though I don't understand why you have to talk to me alone about this."

"Because it directly concerns you, my friend. You are the one who will lead this war, uniting old alliances and kingdoms, casting down the false idols of the Arthanians and crushing their Empire's grasp. When you have gotten independence, you will unite the rest of the world by sword and treaty. You are to be the one to restore the world to the way it was during the times of the Aviri, Altmeri, and the Ancient Kingdoms."

"Are you certain it'll be me? Why would I wage war just so tha-"

"Quiet, my friend, I've said too much already. Just know that the Black Fist will faithfully follow you to the ends of the world, seeking worthy challenges and opponents. Now go, be with your wife as she speaks with the wise women."

"Thank you, my friend. I am in your debt."

"No, we're all in your debt."

Still thoroughly perplexed about what Khal Jahl was talking about, the paladin rose and exited the tent and quickly found his wife getting ready to enter the wise women's tent. He followed and entered behind her, seating himself next to her and wrapping his arm around her, smiling softly. The wise women, three total, were already seated. A cauldron filled with boiling water was directly between the wise women and Akunosh and zip. The oldest woman spoke first.

"It is nice to see you once again, Akunosh. Excuse me for not using your titles, but it hurts to talk in your language."

"It is alright, there is no need for titles. I have little use for them anyways."

Akunosh's reply was in Dothraki, pleasing the women that he still recalled their language. The next oldest one, the one on the far right, spoke next in her native tongue.

"What is it that you've come to seek, elf?"

"I wish to know the gender of our baby. I know you all have the gift to forsee events if you choose, and I would like you to forsee our baby's gender."

"It shall be done."

The wise women began to throw herbs into the broth, stirring it and reciting incantations and mantras. The process would take a while, so Akunosh decided to let his wife know what was happening.

"They're going to use their ancient magics to discern the gender of our baby. It takes a while to prepare the spells, but it is effective."

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Postby zipcat » December 31st, 2006, 11:59 pm

*When zip got to the tent, she hesitated to go in. She wanted to wait for Aku, but he wanted her to see the women. Because of that, she entered the tent and took a seat without making eye contact. Instead, she watched the cauldron as it bubbled or the fire below it. She hoped that the women didn't mind; she was out of the way and quiet so that she wouldn't bother them. At least, she hoped she wouldn't.*

*Because she was listening for it, zip turned to greet her husband with a small smile as soon as he entered the tent. With Aku's arm around her, she rested against him and turned her attention back to the flames as Aku spoke to the Dothraki. But her eyes were brought up with a frown when one of them said that speaking hurt her, and she wondered if it really was important enough to strain these ladies. Aku thought fast though, and talked in their language; zip knew what it was about so she didn't need to listen anyways. It was about her pregnancy, and the child's gender.*

*When Aku explained it anyways, she nodded. She wondered if she'd be like the more common Amentans, and have a female. But the gender wouldn't change anything. So really, this was something she didn't have to know. Aku wanted to know though, so zip sat quietly and watched as the women began their ritual.*
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Postby Akunosh Inarus » January 1st, 2007, 11:31 pm

The wise women continued adding herbs to the broth, chanting their incantations and mantras with a slight crescendo after each verse. The fire beneath the cauldron crackled and sent embers upwards, mixing with the smoke before dying away. The wise women finished their spell with adding in three bittergreen pedals. Though extremely poisonous, the plant was an alchemist's dream in its properties. Appearantly the wise women knew about the plant too. They peered into the cauldron, smiling softly as the broth began to create shapes, then forms, and finally figures. The eldest looked towards Akunosh and zip, smiling gleefully. She spoke in Dothraki.

"You will both be proud parents of a daughter. The three of you will live many, many years together in happiness."

"Thank you for what you've done."

"Of course, paladin."

Akunosh told zip about what they had just said and smiled softly.

"I hope that she has your eyes. They're beautiful, you know."

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Postby zipcat » January 2nd, 2007, 3:29 pm

*zip watched with a slight interest as the women continued their ritual. Her eyes widened when the fire grew, but she kept her place. Only to look at the anticipation in Aku's eyes did she look away. She was happy, at least, that he was in high spirits because of their child. She smiled when Aku translated it, not really surprised by the gender. But she was happy that they said that they would live contently for a long time. Hopefully that was part of their foreseeing and not just well wishes. zip's next words were for both Aku and the women.*

"Thank you."

*She past her hand over Aku's cheek, feeling some of the shapes their child's face might have. zip hoped she would live to see their child grow. Now she wondered what they would do next, or how things would change because of her pregnancy. Some changes she were sure of, but she hoped against most.*
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