by killadaemon666 » November 22nd, 2010, 5:41 am
well my 4 main chars were this one,pal_ladin,demon_djinn, and genji. I was never really that active in the forums tho and i helped with join packages for a short time... some people who may remember me would be. Azreal_slayer, DSPY, Devlin, Lemac, perhaps Brynn, it was a long time ago. I cant remember all the names but i used to have a bunch of medals when there was medals. Matchlocks used to be alot less powerful as all weapons were i dont think a matchlock would get larger than 30a and that would be high. How many fighter guilds do u have and whats your current stuff. i have some 120a masas or some 140a amini clubs. Not sure if the last time you played azteca existed but that is tha new area since it used to stop at shangala. If u need ne thing let me know i got some supplies.

Sig Courtesy of Toki W&W all rights reserved. heh he he..
Miners Cap esblg(=+80a+92dd+1605s) / 31a/d spikey(=+46a+48d+138s)
224d DragonScaleJacket (=+44a+280d+438s) thanks Blade and RE
135d Crystal Swift Boots (=+65a+206d+1020s) thanks D_S
294a Silver Amini Club ESUR( forgot the esed stats)

157a 63d Crystal Gauntlet (=+216a+126d+583s)/Serpent Scale (=+105a 111d 1941s)
all B,L,ESUR