by James » August 7th, 2007, 3:16 am
The boy played along with this easily as though acting for this moment came to him naturally. He stood suddenly a looked shocked, and in actuality he was quite a bit. She should have picked up a knife to pretend to commit suicide, not fall on one. And yet, she disappeared all the same.
With the fall of Picaboo, Georg's mouth opened mildly and a loud, shrill scream began to echo about the room; it rattled the walls and caused many people to shut their ears. If they didn't think this girl was a ghost, they would now.
And then it hit him. Being a ghost would explain why she seemed to float, why she disappeared and appeared at will and why she didn't pick up a knife. Feeling a bit betrayed and somewhat scared, his eyes watered a little, but the boy milked it a little to look as though his best friend had just killed herself. Without much other thought he wheeled about on his heels and ran out the door quickly, not at all ready to deal with any person who might be interested in talking to him. When outside, he noticed it had gotten close to dusk and so ran around the other side of the building to hide.
He found an old pile of clothes laying randomly scattered. He quickly collected it into a small pile and wormed under it, thankful that the clothes smelled merely like it had only recently been stained with dirt. There he waited, either for the tavern to clear out or calm down, or perhaps for someone to find him.