Argus' Character Sheet

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Argus' Character Sheet

Postby James » May 17th, 2007, 1:01 am

I realized I hadn't posted Argus' sheet. Then, it hit me- I never made one to begin with. And so, I present to you, the reader, a work in progress of the ancient good-hearted lich.

RACE: Human; but is now dead and a lich.


NAME: Argus Shireson

ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good. Argus, in his old age, does not break laws unless he has to to support what he believes to be the greatest good.

AGE: 89 years

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: Argus is roughly 5' tall and weighs just over 100 pounds.

APPEARANCE: Argus, in life, was a wizened old man who let his hair grow long and his skin grow dry. White bearded, white haired and only slightly balded the ancient mage stands strongly and boldly even while leaning on a staff for support. Before dying the wizard's back was crooked a little but now as a lich, Argus stands his full and dazzling height of 5 feet. Considering the wizard has died, his body has succumbed mildly to rigor mortis though the magic that now keeps his body and soul active as though he were a youth once more. Of course, with this skin condition comes the blueish tint of color of death. At almost all times the wizard wears a scholar's robe and does indeed seem less of a wizard and more of a traveler (which is essentially what he became in his later years). Argus' seemingly haggard face holds what could have once been considered great beauty. His eyes add to this by sparkling lightly with a living kindness that much surpasses that of the average person. Argus' nose is small and keeps out of the way of his face, and his lips are often pursed in a seemingly childish smile.

CLASS or JOB: Wizard (Lich). A powerful wizard in life, Argus has access to great and horrendous magics that he has an infinitesimally small desire to use.

PERSONALITY: Argus is a kind hearted man. In his later years the wizard wandered from town to town and village to village across the countryside aiding people with their problems and giving sage advice. Now more of a scholar than a wizard Argus has a great affinity to those in need and has trouble getting over being unable to help others. The wizard does know when to draw the line when he takes too much out of himself, however, so too much pressure can cause him to cave.

Argus long ago gave up the desire to wield his magic in anger and destruction. Even the Evil King who slain his parents, murdered his lover, killed his entire family and then abolished Argus' afterlife did not suffer destruction by Argus' hand. In the event that Argus will need to use such magics it will be likely that not even a decent sized portion of his power would be used at this point. He does not shoot to kill.

Having decided he was happy dying without revenge Argus passed away on the roadside. Now a lich, however, Argus does not know what to do with his life as he is fearful of others condemning him for what he is and not accepting his help. For this very reason, he looks to others for leadership and guidance though he is far more capable of supplying this to himself.

ABILITIES/POWERS: Wizardry. Argus has access to incredible powers not only due to his intensive training as a wizard but also after becoming a lich. For many years now, however, he has resolved to never use such powerful magic again and will more than likely never resort to using them.

Knowledge: Argus' broad scholastic knowledge gives him a great deal with identification of many items of many origins. His knowledge is not infinite in depth, however, as no man of 89 years could have lived to know all there is to know.

Unholy Strength: A lich is imbued with strength far beyond that of what he had in his life. Argus has a great deal of strength now that he never had before and is quite capable of dealing with strength related problems. Regardless, his body is not that of a well toned fighter's and does have limits short of an exceptionally great athlete.

Familiar: As though destiny were something people could believe in, Argus' familiar was chosen for him before even he himself knew what it would be. At any time Argus is capable of summoning and dismissing his undead Jaguar familiar. Art the Jaguar looks in every way and shape a normal jaguar but requires no air to breathe, no food to eat (though it does taste delicious to him) and is dead quiet while sneaking. From the outside the cat would seem to be fully alive and well but a blue sheen resonates from beneath the jaguar's gold and black fur that one can see bits and pieces of between Art's bristles of hair. The cat is capable of telepathically speaking with Argus and is obviously much more intelligent than other such beasts.

IMMUNITIES/DEFENSES: Unholiness. Thanks to undeath, Argus is now practically immune to unholy damage. Depending upon how spells work, most unholy magic will not affect Argus. An unholy bolt of energy will not even make Argus flinch, but a magical spell to entrap him in shadows through the manipulation of unholy energy will definitely slow him down in his tracks.

Lich body. Argus is capable of withstanding great deals of pain and damage now that his body is that of a reanimated corpse, but it can eventually fall apart. Argus has found that severed limbs can be reattached through magical infusion

WEAKNESSES: Holy damage and spells. Now that he exists as a member of the ranks of undead Argus will writhe in agony under the influence of such spells. Spells of healing do not work normally on him and depending upon the strength and location of where the healing spell envelops the lich that spot may become unusable for a while.

Kindness. Argus will not kill anyone, though he does not fear defending himself. As a consequence his familiar will also be unlikely to kill an enemy. Having to take the life of something will be a last resort for Argus unless he deems the life he would kill more important than his own.

PERSONAL ITEMS: Oak Staff. The solid oak shaft of wood has served Argus well as both support and weapon. It is intricately carved and does appear to be magical upon a first glance but there is nothing magical about it.

HISTORY/SAMPLE RP: More to come later.
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