Domarr, The Embraced One

A.Common Name
Domarr Isael
B. Full Title and Rank
The Embraced One
C. Race
D. Magical Affinity
E. Military Division/Rank
Headmaster of the Academy of Ancient Arts, ArchMage
F. Character Overview
Domarr is a complicated and layered man. He is the epitome of the battle between our destiny (that which is planned for us) and our fate (the consequences of the choices we make). He began a Dark Mage, grew into an accomplished artificer and scholar, and now a warrior of balance and light. He has become the captain of his own soul, the commander of his destiny and in doing so decides what he will be tomorrow.
G. Ability
Domarr Isael is a Mage of the Highest class. He has been, and can take upon himself three different forms. That of his youth, that of a seemingly feeble old man, and his current form. Although each of these forms have their own appearance, and each a distinct personality with apparent separate powers and/or attributes; he is one being.
Spells: Basic Spells:
. Iron Skin- Causes a layer of flexible Iron to form over his body, greatly reducing physical damage done, and making immune to piercing damage.
Levitation- Causes him to be able to levitate high into the air. This dose not give him the mobility or speed of flying, but works in a similar manner.
Direct Manipulation of Magic: There are two main ways Domarr manipulates magic directly, one is central to his soul, the other his hands. These are two different techniques which he has been perfecting and improving upon his entire life, on his journey in the Other World he learned an interesting form of "weaving" magic with his hands, though the technique is still not perfected. He has now mastered these two techniques and can apply them in many aspects of magic:
Soul's Fire: Causes an outward manifestation of the "Fire of One's Soul" in the form of an aura. From there the mage can manipulate the aura and the flame. For Domarr, he now has a good amount of control over his soul and therefore may alter his aura and flame (in turn altering slightly the effects of each of the fires), but the fire would mirror the natural aura or condition of one's soul. The fuel for this fire is the passion of his soul, Domarr now has unlocked more fully the power of this own soul and no longer needs to retain his emotions as fuel.
Mind's Water: When evoked, enables Domarr to manipulate water with his mind, though he dose this through magic. This was first obtained through an intricate melding of souls. A spell gone wrong, in a duel with Dune caused the partial bonding and mixing of the two enemies souls. Leviathan, an avatar of water, then melded its soul with Dune, enabling both Domarr and Dune to manipulate water with their minds. Domarr drew upon this ability heavily till Dune got the Lich King, John Irenicus, to separate the link between the two souls. This temporarily cut off Domarr from that power. Domarr is an adept mage and researcher, however, and with the facilities of the Academy, and his familiarity with the ability, Domarr was able to awaken that ability within himself. This was done by direct manipulation of magic, in a way similar to his Soul's Fire ability. He can will water to do his bidding, however in order for him to have the greatest control over the material, he touches it with his soul altering slightly the water, it may become Dark Water (a black poisonous water), White Water (liquid light), Emerald Water, Red Water, or Blue Water. Though Dune could easily out-power him in water vs water ability, once Domarr has tainted the water, Dune's control of it weakens.
The Arm of the Earth: A technique that Domarr learned in the Other World. One must weave his hand into the earth, and the earth becomes his hands, and his hands the earth. Literally giant rock hands rise from the earth. On the desert world of the Other Place, this was one of the most potent magics.
Planer Travel: One of the first, and few, magical abilities Domarr learned under his apprenticeship was the accelerated traveling through planes. He preforms this by focusing mana, or magic power, around his hands so densely that it enables him to actually grab hold of reality. Then he parts the fabrics of space to step into, what he calls, the Dark Chaos, or space between worlds. This is a plane of shadows, and darkness, it is chaotic and for the most part unorganized. Recently, however, he found organized and even somewhat intelligent life in this plane. This plane has been the object of his study and research for years, as well as this new material he calls, Dark Matter. Since his early studies he has discovered a myriad of planes each with separate qualities.
During his travels to the Other World he had to wield a sword. There he was taught the arts of hand-to-hand combat and developed a more muscular physiology.
Brilliant mind and excellent memory, able to think quickly. His greatest power and strength is his resourcefulness, not his measurable ability.
He is a powerful wizard, therefore has incredibly potent willpower and high intelligence. His spells take time to cast depending on the strength and difficulty of the spells, with direct manipulation of magic it normally requires a great deal of concentration, though he is better at some of the techniques than others.
H. Physiology
Height and weight vary as to the form he takes, generally speaking he measures 6ft. tall and weighs 185lbs. As with age, well... Forgotten... Only because not willed to remember, He holds well over 200 mortal years. Time seems to no longer be of importance to him...
Young: Standing forth, tall and proud, bearing a long staff. The staff was thick and gnarled at the top, yet tapered thin and streamline toward the base. Upon the staff ancient runes were engraved, and hues of dark purple, blues, and blacks swirled to and fro upon the Dark wood. The figure was donned in a white robe, one sleeve was large hung down low, nothing but darkness could be seen from where the arm extended, it was as if there was no ending to that eternal darkness hidden in that large opening. Long flowing black hair fell down upon his shoulders, and a few stray strands arched out upon his face, though none obscured his seemingly unnatural deep blue eyes. Those dark eyes seemed as if portals in the ocean, but little could be read through them for his visage was devoid of all hint of emotion.
Old: He looks as if he may have once been rather tall, but now he is hunched over, relying heavily upon his unique walking stick. The stick itself was long with dark hues of blue, purple, and black swirled throughout the length, perhaps the only link to his youthful state. His hair has grown white, but most often it is obscured in the dark of the robe's hood which he wears. His face is an ensemble of wrinkles, and though his eyes still blue, seem dull and dim.
Current: Stalwart and true, Domarr looked out into the valley below. His friend, Dish'naq had known him since the stranger suddenly fell from the sky as their tribe passed by. He was the pinnacle of loyalty and regality. Though he did not speak much of his past it was speculated that he was of noble birth. The white and gold of his robe tucked tightly about him, his sword visible in the bright Durntar sun.
I. History
Domarr was born of prophecy. It was said that the one who was Embraced by Darkness would be born on a certain night, of a certain month, of a certain year... but these details have been lost in the sands of time. All Domarr knows is that he was taken from his parent at birth, by a powerful Dark Wizard.
This Dark Wizard trained him the skills of Magery. A few basic spells, at first, then true manipulation of magic. The first ability he learned was Soul's Fire, but as he and his master were both Dark in nature, all he has ever seen is Dark Flame. After he was able to control this ability, he was taught Planar Travel. To master these two abilities, and a few other ways of the Dark Arts, took nearly 100 years.
This was his entire apprenticeship under his master, till one day his master suddenly left. Domarr was left a single note, simply telling him that his master had to leave to take care of other tasks and that it was time Domarr was on his own, all that his master had left behind was now his. Domarr spent about 50 more years in his master's keep, reading and absorbing the information that was left behind, especially the things his master had said were too deep for him. Eventually he had memorized half the books and ancient scrolls and grew bored with the keep. He sealed up the keep, that only he or his master may enter, and left the land of his birth. He may have crossed planes, or lands, or even times; He simply wandered around in the Dark Chaos for an unknown time.
Twas in the land of Water Margin that he would next call home, and he came to adore that land. It was a land of battle and war, to rise to the top you had to fight your way. He ranked high for several years, but never won the annual tournaments, still he was content. Till one day, the gods of that land left. They had abandoned the land for a time, it was unknown what exactly had happened and for a while everything went on as usual... but eventually the land itself began to break apart. Fire and chaos soon ensued, and all had to leave the Water Margin.
Domarr had rose the rank of leader of one clan. He along with TheAssassin and Duckie, gathered together what others they could, set out in search for a new land to call home. They traveled many lands, and met many people, for a while they settled in a place known as Rivaled Fate, TheAssassin and Duckie felt it would do, but Domarr was not satisfied.
Eventually the group of Water Margin dispersed and split up, going their separate ways into distant lands, it was then that Domarr came to the land of Dragon Court. This land seemed to be a well-fit home, he felt the Dark Gods had led him there for a purpose, and decided to make his home in the Clan of Titan. Here he met many friends, Gakhan was one in particular.
He realized that there were few who still remembered the Ancient ways, and with the help of his good friend Gakhan, he established the Academy of Ancient Arts. During this time he did many things, he served as an Ambassador of Titan, he participated in a tournament at Bloodfin.
It was in this tournament that he met Dune. Dune had a dislike of mages, and when the two faced each other in combat, a deep hatred was born. Domarr casted a powerful and still experimental spell, which he had intended to switch physical wounds with Dune. The spell was much more potent than Domarr had anticipated, and for every wound that was exchanged a portion of soul was melded as well. Dune had been missing one arm, he had lost it in combat ages ago, but even this old wound was transferred. Dune got Domarr's tattoo covered arm, and Domarr got Dune's stump.
In Domarr's vanity he blamed Dune for the stump, and a vow of hatred between the two was formed. XXTheDamageIncXX later restored Domarr's original arm, though not the melded soul, after resurrecting Domarr from a training duel. Dune eventually got John Irenicus to separate the bond of souls, that Dune may kill Domarr if they ever were to meet again.
At Domarr's academy, he decided to hold a tournament, The Tournament of Ancients. Many powerful and ancient contestants were asked to join, Domarr searched them out seeking all those of renown and power. For a prize Domarr decided to make an item.
The opportunity presented itself when Domarr was at the Asylum of John Irenicus, visiting Cally. The angel Keodeshin was present as well and it was in a dark time for him. That night he became a fallen angel, an amulet, which was the last thing aligning him to the side of good. The amulet was rendered ashes, but Domarr knew that destruction never had to be permanent. He asked for the remnant of the amulet, and took the destroyed particles back to his research laboratory at the academy. There he worked day and night, attempting to cipher and restore the powers of the amulet, not the amulet, but the powers it once had. Once he restored the powers, he attempted to alter them, manipulate them, and experiment with them, the end result was a pair of gloves that would enable the handling of souls, this was to be the prize for the tournament.
Among the contestant were John Irenicus, Christianguard, Frenzie, and PrinceLucypher. Frenzie was declared the winner over John Irenicus in the first match, with hate and vengeance in this eyes the Lich King left the academy. During the next round Irenicus opened an Abyssal gate to his realm of Hell, and brought forth his fortress the Asylum to make an open attack of Domarr, and the Academy. The gloves Domarr had made were a threat to him, and he wanted them.
It may have been his intentions to merely take the gloves from Domarr and leave with little further altercations, had Domarr not resisted. In fact it seemed impossible for him to resist, for John began to cast abyssal gate upon Domarr to draw him into the academy. Through the resourcefulness of the mage, and help from Christianguard and an apparent god, Eli, Domarr and the island upon which the academy rested was saved. Most of the academy, however, was destroyed.
Christianguard was split into two beings, Shadoguard and Valorguard. Gakhan assumed the role of acting headmaster, and oversaw the rest of the tournament under the direction of Domarr. Shadowguard won the final match against PrinceLucypher, but soon after obtaining the gloves he was rejoined with Valorguard to become Christianguard once more. Domarr had been transported in a faked death scene to the Temple of Eli in Elidoris. This was the last place he was seen for a long while.
Domarr had infused his very essence in the academy, and thusly gave it an intelligence of its own. The land of the academy screamed horrors constantly to Domarr, and he was unable to cope with returning to the academy; the wound was still too fresh. He wandered in the Dark Chaos again, he lost tract of time and even existence, before he knew it, he began to forget all things, and became an old man.
This Feeble Old Man was unable to wield his magic properly, and thus Domarr became trapped in the Dark Chaos... till the Dark Gods stepped in. They began to send the old man visions, perhaps it was dementia but the walking stick the old man had began to communicate with him. It became his guide. One day the old man suddenly remembered how to part the fabric of reality, he did this promptly and found himself outside the Titan Castle. With the visions of the Dark Gods fresh in his mind, he quick hobbled into the Inn, in search of his old friend, the Shadow Walker. Though few recognized him, for many of the older ones the old man seemed strangely familiar. Though the old man had forgotten his own name, soon those who once knew him realized who he was.
This began his quest to restore the library of the academy, and in turn his mind would be restored as well. Eventually the party he had formed to help him in this quest made their way to the land of T'Gatherin, where Loqax had been expecting them. Loqax led them to Stonehenge, where Eli awaited them. The old man did not know why they had expected them, nor did he know exactly what would happen, but he knew that this was the path the Dark Gods had lead him upon. Eli gave the old man a book, all the pages were blank, but in the old man's hands his thoughts and memories began to transpose themselves onto the blank pages. Eli took the old man into his own private library where the entire library of Eli was transposed into the book as well. In another's hands, ever page of the book was blank, but the old man could see every word in the entire book with but a thought.
The book was returned to the academy and hidden in the restored library building. From this book, all the other books in the Library of Ancients were spawned. With the library restored Domarr was able to read the book in his mind, at any time in any location. The seeds planted, Domarr left for another season. He began to discover planes other than the Shadow Realm of the Dark Chaos, and while doing some studies in the Realm of Light he was Called.
Often Domarr had reflected upon why Eli had shinned so much upon him, why had he taken favor in the sight of this God, why He had protected him so. All these questions were answered in his Calling. Eli himself appeared to Domarr in the Realm of Light and told him of his beginnings.
Eli told the Truth behind the prophecy of his birth. "Long before your birth a Dark Council was formed. Dephn, Takrari, and Lillith decided to disobey the Eternal Laws, by preparing a mortal soul, but they knew they would need help. They wanted a tool, they wanted to create a powerful instrument to wreak havoc upon the mortal realm. Putting aside many differences they sent out a Dark Call through Fiscere Dysig, chosen for his charming charisma, who was thought to be the only one who could accomplish the task; all was done in secret.
Takrari, The Deceiver; Dephn, The Vengeful; Lillith, The Wicked; Istalindir, The Singer of Spells; Aule, The Smith; Aliikai, The Sea Queen; Tulkus, The Valiant; Fiscere Dysig, Fisher of Fools; Sintairie, The All Knowing; and Eli, The Protector all were present. Fisc in his mischiefing ways decided to play games and disguised each godling so none knew exactly who the other was and this was the circumstance that He joined.
The Council gathered each one gave a dark gift. TAKRARI (The Deceiver) gave Power; DEPHN (The Vengeful) gave Wrath; Llilith (The Wicked) gave Destruction; Istalindir(Singer of Spells) gave Magic; Aule (The Smith) gave Technology;ALIIKAI (The Sea Queen)gave Passion; Tulkus: (The Valiant) gave Strategism; FISCERE DYSIG (Fisherman of Fools) gave Luck; Sintairie (The All Knowing) gave Knowledge & Wisdom; ELI (The Protector) gave you Willpower & Freedom Eli explained that He was there to fulfill that Freedom, to make his knowledge complete....
It was at that moment that Domarr realized the special interest Eli had in him. It was at that moment that his eyes were opened, and he was filled with a plethora of mixed emotions. All his life he had been but a pawn in this cosmic game of the Godlings. Eli told him many things, but above all He told him there was another way... A path of enlightenment, a path of redemption from his dark ways. Two portals opened before Domarr, Eli told him that not even He would take from Domarr his ability to choose, but warned Domarr that he could not choose the consequences. One led further on the Dark path than Domarr had ever been, but he would gain power beyond his imagination by the Evil Lords, again Eli warned Domarr that he could not choose the consequences that would follow his choice, and said that path would make him a slave.
The other offered a Path of Light, Truth, and Freedom. That is all Eli of this path, his eyes bore into Domarr's soul as if reading it. The strong will given Domarr since before he was took hold. He realized there was no TRUE way to be separate himself of the influences of the Godlings, but at least he could be free to choose to, free to act, and free to decide. He passed through the path of light.
Domarr was transported much father than any mortal could take him, he was brought to a new world, the Other World. He awoke upon the sands of a dessert planet, with an innate purpose i mind. He found himself too weak to stand, too hungry to bear, as if a giant weight were placed upon him, or perhaps a giant power taken from him. He collapsed under the scorching desert sun.
When he next awoke he was in a tent, with a tattooed woman tending him. Others came, they spoke a language unknown to the land of Dragon Court, but Domarr began to understand within a few hours. He felt drained, almost completely unable to use his magic. As he was not accustomed to physical food, magic had sustained him for so long, he was dying. Not able to eat, for his stomach had all but ceased to work, and a nourishing spell drained him for a day. He soon discovered that magic was suppressed here, though he knew not why.
He found there did exist mages in this land, though they were quite different than the mages of Dragon Court, from casting to the very spells they used. They seemed to use an art that was of the most difficult and peculiar manner, yet here it worked. With the help of a few mages, and his own magic, Domarr was able to repair his internal organs enough to begin eating solid foods.
Then he began his mission. He came to know the people, their culture, their magic, and perhaps the most peculiar aspect about them... their history. The world was ridden with ruins, in these ancient temples there were runes, and ancient engravings, in a language long forgotten to the nomadic tribes of that age. With Domarr's skills for learning he soon began to decode the dead tongue, and read the ancient script.
The world was trapped in an eddy of time, like a whirlpool, the timed swirled down into itself over and over again. This incongruity in the flow of time was the reason that magic was suppress so, the magic was folded over itself and twisted, causing the use of magic extremely difficult and rather dangerous. It also seemed that souls, ideas, and epochs were trapped. The world seemed to follow a pattern. Reincarnation ran rampant, heroes of old always came anew, and even periods be they nomadic, imperial, and even futuristic- only to suddenly end civilization to a great catastrophe that seems to occur every thousand years.
The whirlpool of time was not his purpose, only a god could have fixed that. There he developed patience, physical strength, and love. There he gradually became more and more adept with his magic, having to exert great amounts of power for even simple tasks. He saw one great mage, who was almost as adept as Domarr himself. Domarr knew should he come to the Dragon Court world, he would be a powerful wizard. However he had not the power to take the other mage, nor even himself back to the Dragon Court. Much time passed, it seemed like centuries, he saw many ages come and go. He taught the people once more how to read the ancient script, how to practice to old magics of that realm, and to prepare for the catastrophes to come.
The time soon came when Domarr felt his mission complete, and he knew the time of the catastrophe soon approached. He began to be concerned, for should he die here, his soul too would be caught in the whirlpool and he might never escape. It was then that he went to the greatest temple of focus and astral travel upon the world, he decided to reach out...
DEFINITIONS: (suggestions for words that need to be defined?)
Other World: The Place the Eli sent Domarr to test his worthiness and earn his awareness.
Dark Chaos: The Shadow Plane
J. Mannerisms
His mannerisms have changed as well as every other aspect of him through the course of his sojourn here in Dragon Court, and once more it will change according to the age he presents.
Young- He is proud, stubborn, rebellious, and void of all outward expression of emotion. However condescending he may be at times he can also be quite charming and polite, in his own way.
Old- He is disconnected and aloof. Often many think him to be crazy in his sayings, yet there is a sting of truth to his madness that sticks to their minds like tree sap upon a young boys hands. He is often seen conversing with his odd walking stick and talking to the shadows. He, like most old men, tends to be grumpy especially getting close to meal time and around those whom he considers "youngsters"
Current- He is fair and just. Humble, yet confident of his abilities. Domarr has become more patient, more willing to learn, even from those who have had little formal schooling. He listens to the farmer as intently as he would the scholar, as if he the Headmaster of the Academy of Ancient Arts could learn something from the farmer. He shows compassion and perhaps even love.
See Also; Physiology (The appearance of each form says much in and of itself about its personality)
K. Properties of Choice
AAA Patches: Enchanted patches that allow him to communicate with his Doyens, or send for other people.
AAA Robe: The robe is more decorative than anything else, but the right sleeve has two sleeves. The outer one is greatly over sized, and the mouth of the sleeve hangs down low. The inner sleeve fits tightly upon Domarr's arm. The darkness of the outer sleeve is like an endless pocket, it will hold any amount of anything, and only Domarr could retrieve the items from the darkness. If he were to die, it would take a lifetime to unlock the secret of retiring the items.
Darkwood Staff: This staff is his first success in organizing the Dark Matter, found in the Dark Chaos. He did this by transplanting an Oak sapling from our plane, in the Dark Chaos. He, and his master, fed the tree with untold Dark Magic, and grafted in particles of Dark Matter. The Dark Matter eventually took hold of the tree entirely, and grew into the Staff he now wields. This Staff is inscribed with ancient runes of power, and a Dark Crystal is set in it. It enables him to better focus his powers, and many times in his weakest moments the staff seems to have an intelligence and will of its own. As a Feeble Old Man, Domarr often talks to the staff as one would converse with a friend.
Sword: A simple Other World sword.
L. Sociology
As far a Deity, Alignment and Worship is concerned, well it has changed as events have transpired.
(Young)- "The Dark Gods"
(Old)- ???
(Current)- He is awakened to his being a pawn to all Gods, Dark and Other , Has decided to choose his own Path. He holds respect and honor towards Eli, The Protector and Istalindir, The Singer of Spells; more so than any others
He has always held the Doyens of the Academy in high regard, as well as all those who practice the Ancient arts. However he had never truly learned to love until his eyes were opened in the Other World.
Domarr Isael
B. Full Title and Rank
The Embraced One
C. Race
D. Magical Affinity
E. Military Division/Rank
Headmaster of the Academy of Ancient Arts, ArchMage
F. Character Overview
Domarr is a complicated and layered man. He is the epitome of the battle between our destiny (that which is planned for us) and our fate (the consequences of the choices we make). He began a Dark Mage, grew into an accomplished artificer and scholar, and now a warrior of balance and light. He has become the captain of his own soul, the commander of his destiny and in doing so decides what he will be tomorrow.
G. Ability
Domarr Isael is a Mage of the Highest class. He has been, and can take upon himself three different forms. That of his youth, that of a seemingly feeble old man, and his current form. Although each of these forms have their own appearance, and each a distinct personality with apparent separate powers and/or attributes; he is one being.
Spells: Basic Spells:
. Iron Skin- Causes a layer of flexible Iron to form over his body, greatly reducing physical damage done, and making immune to piercing damage.
Levitation- Causes him to be able to levitate high into the air. This dose not give him the mobility or speed of flying, but works in a similar manner.
Direct Manipulation of Magic: There are two main ways Domarr manipulates magic directly, one is central to his soul, the other his hands. These are two different techniques which he has been perfecting and improving upon his entire life, on his journey in the Other World he learned an interesting form of "weaving" magic with his hands, though the technique is still not perfected. He has now mastered these two techniques and can apply them in many aspects of magic:
Soul's Fire: Causes an outward manifestation of the "Fire of One's Soul" in the form of an aura. From there the mage can manipulate the aura and the flame. For Domarr, he now has a good amount of control over his soul and therefore may alter his aura and flame (in turn altering slightly the effects of each of the fires), but the fire would mirror the natural aura or condition of one's soul. The fuel for this fire is the passion of his soul, Domarr now has unlocked more fully the power of this own soul and no longer needs to retain his emotions as fuel.
Mind's Water: When evoked, enables Domarr to manipulate water with his mind, though he dose this through magic. This was first obtained through an intricate melding of souls. A spell gone wrong, in a duel with Dune caused the partial bonding and mixing of the two enemies souls. Leviathan, an avatar of water, then melded its soul with Dune, enabling both Domarr and Dune to manipulate water with their minds. Domarr drew upon this ability heavily till Dune got the Lich King, John Irenicus, to separate the link between the two souls. This temporarily cut off Domarr from that power. Domarr is an adept mage and researcher, however, and with the facilities of the Academy, and his familiarity with the ability, Domarr was able to awaken that ability within himself. This was done by direct manipulation of magic, in a way similar to his Soul's Fire ability. He can will water to do his bidding, however in order for him to have the greatest control over the material, he touches it with his soul altering slightly the water, it may become Dark Water (a black poisonous water), White Water (liquid light), Emerald Water, Red Water, or Blue Water. Though Dune could easily out-power him in water vs water ability, once Domarr has tainted the water, Dune's control of it weakens.
The Arm of the Earth: A technique that Domarr learned in the Other World. One must weave his hand into the earth, and the earth becomes his hands, and his hands the earth. Literally giant rock hands rise from the earth. On the desert world of the Other Place, this was one of the most potent magics.
Planer Travel: One of the first, and few, magical abilities Domarr learned under his apprenticeship was the accelerated traveling through planes. He preforms this by focusing mana, or magic power, around his hands so densely that it enables him to actually grab hold of reality. Then he parts the fabrics of space to step into, what he calls, the Dark Chaos, or space between worlds. This is a plane of shadows, and darkness, it is chaotic and for the most part unorganized. Recently, however, he found organized and even somewhat intelligent life in this plane. This plane has been the object of his study and research for years, as well as this new material he calls, Dark Matter. Since his early studies he has discovered a myriad of planes each with separate qualities.
During his travels to the Other World he had to wield a sword. There he was taught the arts of hand-to-hand combat and developed a more muscular physiology.
Brilliant mind and excellent memory, able to think quickly. His greatest power and strength is his resourcefulness, not his measurable ability.
He is a powerful wizard, therefore has incredibly potent willpower and high intelligence. His spells take time to cast depending on the strength and difficulty of the spells, with direct manipulation of magic it normally requires a great deal of concentration, though he is better at some of the techniques than others.
H. Physiology
Height and weight vary as to the form he takes, generally speaking he measures 6ft. tall and weighs 185lbs. As with age, well... Forgotten... Only because not willed to remember, He holds well over 200 mortal years. Time seems to no longer be of importance to him...
Young: Standing forth, tall and proud, bearing a long staff. The staff was thick and gnarled at the top, yet tapered thin and streamline toward the base. Upon the staff ancient runes were engraved, and hues of dark purple, blues, and blacks swirled to and fro upon the Dark wood. The figure was donned in a white robe, one sleeve was large hung down low, nothing but darkness could be seen from where the arm extended, it was as if there was no ending to that eternal darkness hidden in that large opening. Long flowing black hair fell down upon his shoulders, and a few stray strands arched out upon his face, though none obscured his seemingly unnatural deep blue eyes. Those dark eyes seemed as if portals in the ocean, but little could be read through them for his visage was devoid of all hint of emotion.
Old: He looks as if he may have once been rather tall, but now he is hunched over, relying heavily upon his unique walking stick. The stick itself was long with dark hues of blue, purple, and black swirled throughout the length, perhaps the only link to his youthful state. His hair has grown white, but most often it is obscured in the dark of the robe's hood which he wears. His face is an ensemble of wrinkles, and though his eyes still blue, seem dull and dim.
Current: Stalwart and true, Domarr looked out into the valley below. His friend, Dish'naq had known him since the stranger suddenly fell from the sky as their tribe passed by. He was the pinnacle of loyalty and regality. Though he did not speak much of his past it was speculated that he was of noble birth. The white and gold of his robe tucked tightly about him, his sword visible in the bright Durntar sun.
I. History
Domarr was born of prophecy. It was said that the one who was Embraced by Darkness would be born on a certain night, of a certain month, of a certain year... but these details have been lost in the sands of time. All Domarr knows is that he was taken from his parent at birth, by a powerful Dark Wizard.
This Dark Wizard trained him the skills of Magery. A few basic spells, at first, then true manipulation of magic. The first ability he learned was Soul's Fire, but as he and his master were both Dark in nature, all he has ever seen is Dark Flame. After he was able to control this ability, he was taught Planar Travel. To master these two abilities, and a few other ways of the Dark Arts, took nearly 100 years.
This was his entire apprenticeship under his master, till one day his master suddenly left. Domarr was left a single note, simply telling him that his master had to leave to take care of other tasks and that it was time Domarr was on his own, all that his master had left behind was now his. Domarr spent about 50 more years in his master's keep, reading and absorbing the information that was left behind, especially the things his master had said were too deep for him. Eventually he had memorized half the books and ancient scrolls and grew bored with the keep. He sealed up the keep, that only he or his master may enter, and left the land of his birth. He may have crossed planes, or lands, or even times; He simply wandered around in the Dark Chaos for an unknown time.
Twas in the land of Water Margin that he would next call home, and he came to adore that land. It was a land of battle and war, to rise to the top you had to fight your way. He ranked high for several years, but never won the annual tournaments, still he was content. Till one day, the gods of that land left. They had abandoned the land for a time, it was unknown what exactly had happened and for a while everything went on as usual... but eventually the land itself began to break apart. Fire and chaos soon ensued, and all had to leave the Water Margin.
Domarr had rose the rank of leader of one clan. He along with TheAssassin and Duckie, gathered together what others they could, set out in search for a new land to call home. They traveled many lands, and met many people, for a while they settled in a place known as Rivaled Fate, TheAssassin and Duckie felt it would do, but Domarr was not satisfied.
Eventually the group of Water Margin dispersed and split up, going their separate ways into distant lands, it was then that Domarr came to the land of Dragon Court. This land seemed to be a well-fit home, he felt the Dark Gods had led him there for a purpose, and decided to make his home in the Clan of Titan. Here he met many friends, Gakhan was one in particular.
He realized that there were few who still remembered the Ancient ways, and with the help of his good friend Gakhan, he established the Academy of Ancient Arts. During this time he did many things, he served as an Ambassador of Titan, he participated in a tournament at Bloodfin.
It was in this tournament that he met Dune. Dune had a dislike of mages, and when the two faced each other in combat, a deep hatred was born. Domarr casted a powerful and still experimental spell, which he had intended to switch physical wounds with Dune. The spell was much more potent than Domarr had anticipated, and for every wound that was exchanged a portion of soul was melded as well. Dune had been missing one arm, he had lost it in combat ages ago, but even this old wound was transferred. Dune got Domarr's tattoo covered arm, and Domarr got Dune's stump.
In Domarr's vanity he blamed Dune for the stump, and a vow of hatred between the two was formed. XXTheDamageIncXX later restored Domarr's original arm, though not the melded soul, after resurrecting Domarr from a training duel. Dune eventually got John Irenicus to separate the bond of souls, that Dune may kill Domarr if they ever were to meet again.
At Domarr's academy, he decided to hold a tournament, The Tournament of Ancients. Many powerful and ancient contestants were asked to join, Domarr searched them out seeking all those of renown and power. For a prize Domarr decided to make an item.
The opportunity presented itself when Domarr was at the Asylum of John Irenicus, visiting Cally. The angel Keodeshin was present as well and it was in a dark time for him. That night he became a fallen angel, an amulet, which was the last thing aligning him to the side of good. The amulet was rendered ashes, but Domarr knew that destruction never had to be permanent. He asked for the remnant of the amulet, and took the destroyed particles back to his research laboratory at the academy. There he worked day and night, attempting to cipher and restore the powers of the amulet, not the amulet, but the powers it once had. Once he restored the powers, he attempted to alter them, manipulate them, and experiment with them, the end result was a pair of gloves that would enable the handling of souls, this was to be the prize for the tournament.
Among the contestant were John Irenicus, Christianguard, Frenzie, and PrinceLucypher. Frenzie was declared the winner over John Irenicus in the first match, with hate and vengeance in this eyes the Lich King left the academy. During the next round Irenicus opened an Abyssal gate to his realm of Hell, and brought forth his fortress the Asylum to make an open attack of Domarr, and the Academy. The gloves Domarr had made were a threat to him, and he wanted them.
It may have been his intentions to merely take the gloves from Domarr and leave with little further altercations, had Domarr not resisted. In fact it seemed impossible for him to resist, for John began to cast abyssal gate upon Domarr to draw him into the academy. Through the resourcefulness of the mage, and help from Christianguard and an apparent god, Eli, Domarr and the island upon which the academy rested was saved. Most of the academy, however, was destroyed.
Christianguard was split into two beings, Shadoguard and Valorguard. Gakhan assumed the role of acting headmaster, and oversaw the rest of the tournament under the direction of Domarr. Shadowguard won the final match against PrinceLucypher, but soon after obtaining the gloves he was rejoined with Valorguard to become Christianguard once more. Domarr had been transported in a faked death scene to the Temple of Eli in Elidoris. This was the last place he was seen for a long while.
Domarr had infused his very essence in the academy, and thusly gave it an intelligence of its own. The land of the academy screamed horrors constantly to Domarr, and he was unable to cope with returning to the academy; the wound was still too fresh. He wandered in the Dark Chaos again, he lost tract of time and even existence, before he knew it, he began to forget all things, and became an old man.
This Feeble Old Man was unable to wield his magic properly, and thus Domarr became trapped in the Dark Chaos... till the Dark Gods stepped in. They began to send the old man visions, perhaps it was dementia but the walking stick the old man had began to communicate with him. It became his guide. One day the old man suddenly remembered how to part the fabric of reality, he did this promptly and found himself outside the Titan Castle. With the visions of the Dark Gods fresh in his mind, he quick hobbled into the Inn, in search of his old friend, the Shadow Walker. Though few recognized him, for many of the older ones the old man seemed strangely familiar. Though the old man had forgotten his own name, soon those who once knew him realized who he was.
This began his quest to restore the library of the academy, and in turn his mind would be restored as well. Eventually the party he had formed to help him in this quest made their way to the land of T'Gatherin, where Loqax had been expecting them. Loqax led them to Stonehenge, where Eli awaited them. The old man did not know why they had expected them, nor did he know exactly what would happen, but he knew that this was the path the Dark Gods had lead him upon. Eli gave the old man a book, all the pages were blank, but in the old man's hands his thoughts and memories began to transpose themselves onto the blank pages. Eli took the old man into his own private library where the entire library of Eli was transposed into the book as well. In another's hands, ever page of the book was blank, but the old man could see every word in the entire book with but a thought.
The book was returned to the academy and hidden in the restored library building. From this book, all the other books in the Library of Ancients were spawned. With the library restored Domarr was able to read the book in his mind, at any time in any location. The seeds planted, Domarr left for another season. He began to discover planes other than the Shadow Realm of the Dark Chaos, and while doing some studies in the Realm of Light he was Called.
Often Domarr had reflected upon why Eli had shinned so much upon him, why had he taken favor in the sight of this God, why He had protected him so. All these questions were answered in his Calling. Eli himself appeared to Domarr in the Realm of Light and told him of his beginnings.
Eli told the Truth behind the prophecy of his birth. "Long before your birth a Dark Council was formed. Dephn, Takrari, and Lillith decided to disobey the Eternal Laws, by preparing a mortal soul, but they knew they would need help. They wanted a tool, they wanted to create a powerful instrument to wreak havoc upon the mortal realm. Putting aside many differences they sent out a Dark Call through Fiscere Dysig, chosen for his charming charisma, who was thought to be the only one who could accomplish the task; all was done in secret.
Takrari, The Deceiver; Dephn, The Vengeful; Lillith, The Wicked; Istalindir, The Singer of Spells; Aule, The Smith; Aliikai, The Sea Queen; Tulkus, The Valiant; Fiscere Dysig, Fisher of Fools; Sintairie, The All Knowing; and Eli, The Protector all were present. Fisc in his mischiefing ways decided to play games and disguised each godling so none knew exactly who the other was and this was the circumstance that He joined.
The Council gathered each one gave a dark gift. TAKRARI (The Deceiver) gave Power; DEPHN (The Vengeful) gave Wrath; Llilith (The Wicked) gave Destruction; Istalindir(Singer of Spells) gave Magic; Aule (The Smith) gave Technology;ALIIKAI (The Sea Queen)gave Passion; Tulkus: (The Valiant) gave Strategism; FISCERE DYSIG (Fisherman of Fools) gave Luck; Sintairie (The All Knowing) gave Knowledge & Wisdom; ELI (The Protector) gave you Willpower & Freedom Eli explained that He was there to fulfill that Freedom, to make his knowledge complete....
It was at that moment that Domarr realized the special interest Eli had in him. It was at that moment that his eyes were opened, and he was filled with a plethora of mixed emotions. All his life he had been but a pawn in this cosmic game of the Godlings. Eli told him many things, but above all He told him there was another way... A path of enlightenment, a path of redemption from his dark ways. Two portals opened before Domarr, Eli told him that not even He would take from Domarr his ability to choose, but warned Domarr that he could not choose the consequences. One led further on the Dark path than Domarr had ever been, but he would gain power beyond his imagination by the Evil Lords, again Eli warned Domarr that he could not choose the consequences that would follow his choice, and said that path would make him a slave.
The other offered a Path of Light, Truth, and Freedom. That is all Eli of this path, his eyes bore into Domarr's soul as if reading it. The strong will given Domarr since before he was took hold. He realized there was no TRUE way to be separate himself of the influences of the Godlings, but at least he could be free to choose to, free to act, and free to decide. He passed through the path of light.
Domarr was transported much father than any mortal could take him, he was brought to a new world, the Other World. He awoke upon the sands of a dessert planet, with an innate purpose i mind. He found himself too weak to stand, too hungry to bear, as if a giant weight were placed upon him, or perhaps a giant power taken from him. He collapsed under the scorching desert sun.
When he next awoke he was in a tent, with a tattooed woman tending him. Others came, they spoke a language unknown to the land of Dragon Court, but Domarr began to understand within a few hours. He felt drained, almost completely unable to use his magic. As he was not accustomed to physical food, magic had sustained him for so long, he was dying. Not able to eat, for his stomach had all but ceased to work, and a nourishing spell drained him for a day. He soon discovered that magic was suppressed here, though he knew not why.
He found there did exist mages in this land, though they were quite different than the mages of Dragon Court, from casting to the very spells they used. They seemed to use an art that was of the most difficult and peculiar manner, yet here it worked. With the help of a few mages, and his own magic, Domarr was able to repair his internal organs enough to begin eating solid foods.
Then he began his mission. He came to know the people, their culture, their magic, and perhaps the most peculiar aspect about them... their history. The world was ridden with ruins, in these ancient temples there were runes, and ancient engravings, in a language long forgotten to the nomadic tribes of that age. With Domarr's skills for learning he soon began to decode the dead tongue, and read the ancient script.
The world was trapped in an eddy of time, like a whirlpool, the timed swirled down into itself over and over again. This incongruity in the flow of time was the reason that magic was suppress so, the magic was folded over itself and twisted, causing the use of magic extremely difficult and rather dangerous. It also seemed that souls, ideas, and epochs were trapped. The world seemed to follow a pattern. Reincarnation ran rampant, heroes of old always came anew, and even periods be they nomadic, imperial, and even futuristic- only to suddenly end civilization to a great catastrophe that seems to occur every thousand years.
The whirlpool of time was not his purpose, only a god could have fixed that. There he developed patience, physical strength, and love. There he gradually became more and more adept with his magic, having to exert great amounts of power for even simple tasks. He saw one great mage, who was almost as adept as Domarr himself. Domarr knew should he come to the Dragon Court world, he would be a powerful wizard. However he had not the power to take the other mage, nor even himself back to the Dragon Court. Much time passed, it seemed like centuries, he saw many ages come and go. He taught the people once more how to read the ancient script, how to practice to old magics of that realm, and to prepare for the catastrophes to come.
The time soon came when Domarr felt his mission complete, and he knew the time of the catastrophe soon approached. He began to be concerned, for should he die here, his soul too would be caught in the whirlpool and he might never escape. It was then that he went to the greatest temple of focus and astral travel upon the world, he decided to reach out...
DEFINITIONS: (suggestions for words that need to be defined?)
Other World: The Place the Eli sent Domarr to test his worthiness and earn his awareness.
Dark Chaos: The Shadow Plane
J. Mannerisms
His mannerisms have changed as well as every other aspect of him through the course of his sojourn here in Dragon Court, and once more it will change according to the age he presents.
Young- He is proud, stubborn, rebellious, and void of all outward expression of emotion. However condescending he may be at times he can also be quite charming and polite, in his own way.
Old- He is disconnected and aloof. Often many think him to be crazy in his sayings, yet there is a sting of truth to his madness that sticks to their minds like tree sap upon a young boys hands. He is often seen conversing with his odd walking stick and talking to the shadows. He, like most old men, tends to be grumpy especially getting close to meal time and around those whom he considers "youngsters"
Current- He is fair and just. Humble, yet confident of his abilities. Domarr has become more patient, more willing to learn, even from those who have had little formal schooling. He listens to the farmer as intently as he would the scholar, as if he the Headmaster of the Academy of Ancient Arts could learn something from the farmer. He shows compassion and perhaps even love.
See Also; Physiology (The appearance of each form says much in and of itself about its personality)
K. Properties of Choice
AAA Patches: Enchanted patches that allow him to communicate with his Doyens, or send for other people.
AAA Robe: The robe is more decorative than anything else, but the right sleeve has two sleeves. The outer one is greatly over sized, and the mouth of the sleeve hangs down low. The inner sleeve fits tightly upon Domarr's arm. The darkness of the outer sleeve is like an endless pocket, it will hold any amount of anything, and only Domarr could retrieve the items from the darkness. If he were to die, it would take a lifetime to unlock the secret of retiring the items.
Darkwood Staff: This staff is his first success in organizing the Dark Matter, found in the Dark Chaos. He did this by transplanting an Oak sapling from our plane, in the Dark Chaos. He, and his master, fed the tree with untold Dark Magic, and grafted in particles of Dark Matter. The Dark Matter eventually took hold of the tree entirely, and grew into the Staff he now wields. This Staff is inscribed with ancient runes of power, and a Dark Crystal is set in it. It enables him to better focus his powers, and many times in his weakest moments the staff seems to have an intelligence and will of its own. As a Feeble Old Man, Domarr often talks to the staff as one would converse with a friend.
Sword: A simple Other World sword.
L. Sociology
As far a Deity, Alignment and Worship is concerned, well it has changed as events have transpired.
(Young)- "The Dark Gods"
(Old)- ???
(Current)- He is awakened to his being a pawn to all Gods, Dark and Other , Has decided to choose his own Path. He holds respect and honor towards Eli, The Protector and Istalindir, The Singer of Spells; more so than any others
He has always held the Doyens of the Academy in high regard, as well as all those who practice the Ancient arts. However he had never truly learned to love until his eyes were opened in the Other World.