Rotting Rogue: Returns

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Rotting Rogue: Returns

Postby jadewik » May 29th, 2008, 1:06 am

Quick Recap: (Possibly a little convoluted since I'm tired)
A powerful shadow mage associated with the Empire of Ghalek has kidnapped Tordek and made him an offer of an empire if he helped them "bury Curulan". The intention of hiring Tordek is to replace Hoth'ar, who was behind the stabbing of EA, but broke the Onyx dagger in her arm and failed at properly creating others with Obsidian. He is currently confined in "the volcano" where Tordek is also being held.

Ebon-Ashe was mentally teleported to Tordek VIA the brooch Tordek hid on a wine bottle. She is physically interacting with the environment through illusion and trickery on the part of Tordek and the shadow mage. Her physical body is still in Curulan's quarters on his bed, where Shane can also be found. (Though we may or may not say she's been and gone depending on how involved she wishes to be...)

Curulan is presently at the Portal Room having just called a meeting with The Circle to discus the possibility of the resurrection of the Empire of Ghalek. Having fought in the last war with these necromancers, Curulan has experience defeating them.... what he knows remains to be RPed....

Lemac is at the Dancing Dryad... and is, I assume, about to get involved by either talking with Curulan when he returns... or paying a visit to EA.... this has yet to be RPed...

Ghakhan and Aman (Twist in the comic version) have been dismissed with Curu's absolute trust on keeping the matter secret. What they've been up to since remains to be seen.
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Postby jadewik » May 29th, 2008, 1:36 am

((** For those who don't know, I am Carn (not in this story) and Ebon-Ashe... these days, I'll be RPing both from this account. It will help keep IC and OOC straight. Thanks. Here we go!

This continues Rotting Rogue))

Ebon-Ashe struggled to fight back the urge to re-attach her crimson coated lips to Tordek's neck now that he was awake. How could she have bit him? Was he infected now? Her own thoughts were a temporary torment to her sanity. Was this it? Was this the step before she permanently turned?

Years of flattery and slippery promises rescued her from a detrimental silence as she remembered why she'd used the brooch and Ebon-Ashe let her instincts of self-preservation take over.

"Tordek, my sweet," she crooned.

Bad choice of words. Ebon struggled to keep her expression blank as she remembered the sweet taste of Tordek's warm blood flowing past her lips. Red delicious. Blood. Ebon-Ashe licked her lips, and to her relief, the fangs weren't there anymore. This strengthened her resolve and empowered her to continue.

"Tordek. I need you to run an errand for me. I don't want Curulan to know... I need you to do some spying for me. There are some... things... things he's been hiding from me and I need to know more about them. I need you to be his shadow. Report to me anything interesting that might assist me in my...," she paused to grimace, "... in my condition. You should be able to escape..."

The effect of the brooch was wearing off. Her vision blurred for a moment and she felt as if she were being pulled back to her body.

"Tordek, don't fail me. Even if I turn into a brainless blood-sucker, I will find you and rip your heart out with my teeth."

There was one final snarl of "Don't fail me" before the brooch's spell wore off and Ebon-Ashe regained consciousness on Curulan's bed.
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A shadow on the streets.

Postby Courtesan Lemac » June 8th, 2008, 12:15 pm

:Lemac walked the streets, she thought about walking to the Red Garter Inn, but realized that she had no time to lose. She looked to her rose and smiled, as she slipped a thought to her Coachman. She looked about to regain her bearings and strolled to the Titan Palace. There where a few people that recognized her and the whispers began, word of her arrival would be at the palace before her. A few hours later Lemac stood at the gates of palace, doors closed, and the guards not faltering from there duties.:

"Don't you realize WHO I AM? I demand that you open this door at once."

:The guards looked to each other and then back to Lemac.:

"M'Lady we have orders not to allow anyone into the Palace after dark. I'm sorry please return in the morning and we will allow you to enter then."

:Lemac was shocked, the gate orders have gotten stricter as the city has grown. But Lemac was going to get in to the place through this gate as she has always done and is customary for her to do. The volume of her voice rose and kept rising as she shouted to the guards.:

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Postby Curulan » June 17th, 2008, 12:37 pm

Curulan stepped through the portal into an antechamber on one of the "ends" of the Platform. Since this was a space station orbiting Arda, standard directions such as "up" or "down" do really hold much meaning without gravity as a reference. However, as the station is oriented perpendicular to the planet, one could say that this was on the "top" of the Platform. The Platform was the operating base of the Mediators, a secret (or not-so-secret, depending on whom you asked) organization charged with maintaining the balance of the magical powers of the universe.

The room was slightly chilly, though not uncomfortable. The beings in the room beyond had no need for mortal concerns such as heat or atmosphere, but the other creatures that attended them did -- and so did Curulan.

One of the strange, tentacled beings hovered over towards him. Apart from the Dwarves, Humans, and Elves that make up the Triad, the Ssu'riik were the oldest remaining species in the universe, and this one of the last remaining few to survive the destruction of their planet by Zemos billions of years ago. Timos, the Prime God, had rescued them from certain extinction and shared a great secret of the universe with them, but in exchange the remaining members of their species were required to serve the Creation Gods for the remainder of eternity. They were brilliant scientists, and had created the Platform itself -- it was in fact their great Worldship, a last attempt to save their species after their planet was poisoned and destroyed by Zemos in "payment" for their nursing the weakened god back to power.

The Ssu'riik themselves were a kind of strange montage of octopus and squid: they sported a large, bulbous head inlaid with three eyes in a triangular arrangement above a toothy maw. Behind the rows of sharp teeth, there was a sharper beak well equipped for breaking open mollusks and shellfish. Attached to the base of the head, were four long suckered tentacles that were once used for propelling them in the oceans of their former home, and two shorter prehensile tentacles. Their enlarged brain cavity also contained a secondary organ which actually evolved to provide them greater control over magic. As their mouths and respiratory system were not suitable for voices, the Ssu'riik communicated telepathically.

The Circle is expecting you. Please doff your garments and be cleansed.

Curulan nodded acquiescence and removed his clothing, folding it neatly on the table provided. He then stepped into the cylindrical doorway to the next room. A transparent inner door slip up around him and nozzles in the walls sprayed him with pure water, washing him of the dust, dirt, and sweat he accumulated on the planet. The black outer cycled closed, revealing the chamber of the Circle. Clad only in his skin, Curulan stepped forward.
Last edited by Curulan on July 24th, 2008, 12:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Shane of Clan Titan » June 28th, 2008, 8:02 pm

As the elf on the bed starts to awaken, the panther on the floor glances upward. Satisfied with the change in the sleeping rogues breathing it settles down again and patiently waits for the arrival of Curulan or the young vampire that had assigned it this task.

(OoC Note: The panther is a mundane creature, identical to the jaguars found in Azteca. No problem for most characters, but a severe nuisance to those who stumble upon it unprepared.

Shane wandered the halls of the palace in search for something to quench her thirst. The guards all looked extremely tasteful, and silently she cursed herself for promising not to feed on the people on the palace-grounds. For a moment she considered feeding on the horses in the stables, but that might upset the watch. And this close to dawn she didn't want to cause a scene. Finally she decided to settle for the kitchen and check on the lifestock. With a sigh she accepted the master-cooks offering of ox-blood that came from a feast of the night before. He was suprised by her request, and even more when she asked him if he would allow her to spend the day in the wine cellar.

Alone in the privacy of the wine cellar she consumed the bland and unispiring draught of ox-blood and considered what she had seen today.
With some effort she connnected to the waiting panther in Curulans room and asked it to keep watching over Ebon-Ashe and stay with her this day. She promised it to bring it something to lessen it's hunger when the night would fall and she would meet up with it to take it's place. Then she closed her eyes and fell into her daily slumber while the sun started it's slow passage across the sky...

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Postby Twist Rolarian » June 29th, 2008, 2:14 am

Far down beneath the cellars and dungeons, in heavily warded rooms not on the floor plan of the castle and known only to a select few, sat the Archmage at his studies. He looked up, scowling as if intruded upon.

I sense something. A presence I have not felt since....
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Postby jadewik » July 19th, 2008, 12:10 am

It took a moment for Ebon's mind to fully re-attach to her body. She was filled with a tingly feeling as her senses reconnected. The flood of sensations was a little overwhelming, but quickly passed. Because of the onyx toxin her senses were getting sharper and the feeling of being watched pervaded the room. Keeping herself still, she slowly opened her eyes.

Initially, there was nothing in the room she could see that was amiss. The candles had burned low, casing eerie shadows on the walls. One of those shadows seemed to be moving. Ebon pressed her eyes shut. When she opened them again, the room looked different. Although it was dimly lit, she could see details around the room. As Ebon-Ashe turned her focus on the large shadow, she saw it was startled to find a panther laying on the floor at the foot of the bed.

Reflexively, Ebon drew her silver dagger and positioned herself defensively. Then she blinked. When her eyes opened again, the detail she was able to see before had faded. The panther looked to be just a simple shadow in the room. Still, erring on the side of caution, she slid off the bed, pausing only to see if the beast would follow as she made her way carefully to the door.
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Postby Shane of Clan Titan » July 19th, 2008, 8:49 am

The panther regarded Ebon-Ashe with it's green eyes and wondered for a brief moment why it was supposed to watch over this creature. It seemed to the her to be quite able to defend itself, it had the feel of a predator. But the vampire had been very clear with her instructions. Perhaps this elf was her cub, and she had promised to defend the one appointed by the vampire.

Slowly she got to her feet, stretched herself and gracefully moved to the Ebon-Ashes' side.

The panther hoped night-time would come soon, the vampire had promised to return at night and bring her something to play with. Also she was getting hungry...

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Postby boywonder » July 22nd, 2008, 2:27 am

*BW grinned as Lemac gave him the perfect cover to finish his job at the gate. Unsheathing the knife from its place at the small of his back and, as silently as the wind whispers to the ocean, he slid behind the guard on the inside of the palace gate. He was too distracted listening to Lemac to notice the gloved hand of the dark figure moving towards his throat from behind*

"Glurk" *The final words of a Titan Palace Guard. BW shook his head as he let the body slump lifelessly to the ground*


*BW picked the giant golden key from the guard and turned the lock as Lemac finished her rant. The two guards twisted to face him immediately, or unfortuneatly, depending on with whom your friends are. Even as Lemac's eyes began to track BW's movements, he was settling into a leaning position on the now open gate, a gurgling sound coming from the throat of both guards*

"I don't know why, nor do I care. I was promised a bag of gold to make sure these gates were open to all who came knocking on this evening. Now if you wish to pass, you either give me what was promised, or tell me where I may find the one who will."

*BW smiled, showing no animosity, and patiently awaited the reply. He kept his keen eyes upon the figure of Lemac, his eyes moving up and down*

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Postby Courtesan Lemac » July 24th, 2008, 12:02 pm

:Lemac watched as the gate opened, she didn't realize just how long she hand been there. In the distance the Sun was on the rise.:

"Thank you kind Sir, though I don't approve of how the gate was opened, it's now open. As for the bag of gold I was aware of such deal, nor do I know who to send you to get that bag of gold. But I would advise against trying to get the bag of gold from me. I have been on a long journey to get here, and I don't have time for such simple matters. I need to check in on a friend, a close friend. Look elsewhere for the gold. Again I thank you for opening the gate."

:Lemac looked to her rose and smiled as she crossed through the gate to the inner courtyard. She once again looked to Boywonder, the smile never left her lips.:

"Until our paths cross again."

:The rose on her wrist glowed bright for a moment. Then in a flash of light Lemac was gone form the courtyard. Soon after Lemac stood at the door her old friend Curulan, and his wife Ebon Ashe. She gently knocked, and waited to see if she would need to open it herself.:

"Curulan, are you awake. It's Lemac."
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Postby boywonder » July 26th, 2008, 10:42 pm

*Stifling a sigh, BW listened intently to the woman's words*

"Until our paths cross again." BW nodded, still leaning against the wall, and followed the figure walking into the palace with his eyes.

"Great, now what? Someone with some gold had better come this way fairly soon, ere I grow angry." BW muttered under his breath as he stared at the stars.

*Collecting the three bodies and throwing them into a patch of shadow, BW surveyed the scene. He could not sense nor smell another near him so he took a quick hop to the top of the wall and moved into a shadow. While crouching in the dark he continued to remind himself that patience was a virtue and the rising sun may still lead to his promised bag of gold*

Shrugging ever so slightly, BW grinned and whispered, "I guess that's what I get for listening to a street urchin."

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Postby jadewik » July 30th, 2008, 3:39 pm

As the panther slunk through the shadows to Ebon-Ashe's side, Ebon no longer felt threatened. With a sneer, she relaxed her defensive stance and re-sheathed her dagger. The knock on the door made her jump, and she kicked herself at having such frayed nerves before Lemac's call of "Curulan are you awake" reassured her that it wasn't anyone in particular looking to lock her away again. She breathed a sigh of relief, and put on her best crooked smile as she answered the door.

"Lemac. It's good to see you, darling," she crooned. A rumbling noise was heard from Ebon-Ashe's gurgling stomach as it voiced its hunger. She sighed. Eating was such a pain in the ass.

"Well, I don't know about you two," she said to Lemac and the panther, "but I could eat a whole chicken. Shall we get something to eat?" Not waiting for an answer, she started off down the hall and on her way to the Tavern pausing long enough to make sure the panther was safely through the door to Curulan's quarters before she shut it.
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Postby Shane of Clan Titan » July 30th, 2008, 5:49 pm

As the elf relaxed her stance, the panther relaxed hers as well. It figured that Ebon had just wanted to play a bit. The knock on the door caused her to tense up again and move deeper into the shadow behind Ebon-Ashe, ready to pounce on anyone threatening her ward. The elf relaxed again and moved confidently to the door, her voice was full of assurance. The panther glanced at the woman at the door took in her scent. Then she followed Ebon-Ashe in the direction of the kitchen.

<Shanes “day-/nightmare” will be pasted here after editing>

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Postby Courtesan Lemac » July 30th, 2008, 10:39 pm

"Ah, Ebon, Good to see you as well."

:Lemac turned and followed along side of Ebon, and realized that she too was hungry. It's a lot of work yelling a the guards to let you in all night.:

"Yes food would do me good. I seems that I lost some pull with the clan. That or the guards need a refresher on who is and isn't allowed in the Palace after dark. Lucky for me a kind young man came and rendered a bit of aid in allowing me into the palace."

:Lemac looked about the halls as Ebon, the Panther, and herself walked down the hall.:

"It's been far to long scene my last visit to these halls. But that is past, and it's the present that troubles me. I have been reading over notes sent to me by my small network of 'ears' scattered about this part of the land. I have a felling that there is something in the horizon that I need to be involved in."

:At this point the pair arrived at the tavern, Lemac slipped her hand into the crook of Ebon's elbow and lead her the corner booth table that she and her sister once shared with the clan leaders of the past. As the pair sat, Lemac sat across from her. She looked deep into Ebon's eyes.:

"Tell me Ebon, dearest, have you been sleeping well?"
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Postby boywonder » July 31st, 2008, 2:36 am

*BW sat as deeply in the morning shadows as he could. The sun continued creeping higher into the morning sky - stealing his shadows and easy hiding places. He was about to give his night up as a loss when he noticed a pair of women and a giant cat heading towards the tavern. BW turned slightly to get a better view, just twisting his head a bit he focused his eyes on the outfits of the women*

BW thought to himself, "Great. Ebon-Ashe. This must have something to do with that gold, whenever she's around there's something amiss. And.... Its her again." BW wondered what the second female, Lemac, had to do with that urchin who had given him the cryptic message to let everyone in the gate. The message was seemingly simple and yet convaluted when one analyzed it. "All are to enter Titan's Palace Gate at night, no matter th' cause. When the one who must be in makes it, a bag of gold for the service ye shall receive." BW made a decision that the 'night' in question must have been last night, since that woman was the only to enter after dark since he had been given the mission nigh a week ago. While most street urchins would have received a kick to the stomach for disturbing BW for any reason, this one had saught him out and therefor deserved at least a bit of attention.

BW swore to himself under his breath, promising to make that urchin pay severely for wasting BW's time. Allowing his fangs to lengthen, his body to undergo change, his power to grow at a geometric rate; BW took a last glance at the three dead bodies. Having already cleaned his knife from the kill, the only way to prove it was him would be a witness, and the only witness BW knew of was nearing the tavern.

*Finishing his change, BW threw himself into the air, a jump that would land him only a building away from the tavern, allowing for him to keep a partial eye on the women and their cat as they entered*

*BW hit the rooftop of the nearby building, a home by the smell of it, without making a sound. Seeing nowhere to successfully hide in the morning sun, he decided to change up his plans. Waiting for the group to enter the tavern, so that they wouldn't be able to see him, he dropped to the street in front of the tavern and began looking around....... *

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