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Feng's Charecter Sheet

PostPosted: July 21st, 2006, 7:51 pm
by Feng

A. Common Name

Feng (said as “Fang”), But responds equally well to “Shumpy” when it is from a familiar voice.

B. Full Title and Rank

No title or rank given or earned.

C. Race


D. Magical Alignment


E. Military Division/Rank


F. Character Overview

Feng appears slightly dense, but generally happy. He has about average intelligence, but you would be hard pressed to determine that from looking at him. He doesn’t always understand things instantly, but when given a moment he can think most anything through. This plays out in his actions when he stops suddenly in the middle of a street to take the time to comprehend something before him he has never seen before, or a change in posture when he is so focused on something that he doesn’t have the ability to consider the orientation of his body.

G. Ability

Feng has been a fighter on sailing vessels his entire life. He is literally completely dedicated to his great swords and is all but helpless in weapons combat without them. With his great sword (using only one at a time, though he always carries two) he is an extremely adept fighter. Feng does love a good bar brawl among friends however, and can hold his own against larger fighters with his fists alone. Due to extreme dedication to his great sword techniques, he is capable of unheard of feats of strength or agility with his sword when it is needed.

Having been a sailor for most of his life, he does know of some unusual technology from other lands, but has no clue how to use any of it. He has yet to find a proper use for most of his skills that he honed on the ocean, but can repair his own weapons and armor out of necessity. He was also the ships carpenter and has been able to make a decent living out of that skill on land.

H. Physiology

Feng is slightly above an average height, about 6 foot 6 inches tall, and approximately 325 pounds, to all accounts not an inch of fat, but nothing noteworthy for definition either. His skin is slightly brown in pigment as a well kept tan darkens his complexion further. Not much of his skin shows however as he always wears his full plate mail, shined to a mirror finish and wrapped in the highest quality leather he can obtain. His lack of a helmet shows a slightly neanderthal appearance with a sloped brow and jutting chin, with large brown eyes being the main source of expression. To remove his armor would show dozens of battle scars across his arms, chest, legs, and a few scars on his neck and back.

I. History

Feng grew up as a sailor, his whole life he has been at sea, and working with as many crews as he could until he found one he couldn’t bear to leave. The crew felt an instant kinship with him, and spent all of their free time training with him and teaching him the skills he still hones to this day.

After many years and hundreds of battles, the crew decided as a whole to retire and live a peaceful life on land when a scare involving a lich plague taught them all what they really meant to each other. The crew still keeps in touch, but found their own ideas of happiness away from the sea. Feng still hungers for adventure and travels to chase his dreams. He has come to Titan lands after hearing the stories of great adventure from people all across the lands.

J. Mannerisms

The wheel that grinds the slowest also grinds exceedingly fine. Though he may take his time working on difficult problems and seems to get lost in thought quite easily, Feng does have an average intelligence. You wouldn’t know it to watch him think about something though. :D

Feng generally acts according to his mood, and his mood is mostly happy, he has a spring in his step and is happy to meet anyone. Beware however, when he sees a full blood Orc he goes into a furious charge, as he has a deep seeded hatred for the creatures based on past encounters he refuses to talk about.

K. Properties of Choice

Feng’s most prize possessions are his full plate mail and two great swords made by his own hands, polished to a complete mirror finish with every detail painstakingly cared for. The number of repairs to his weapons and armor over the years have actually served to temper the steel into a far stronger alloy of various metals used in repairs when steel is not available and the only way to acquire material is to barter in the various lands of Feng’s travels.

Though he never uses it, he also carries a shield on his back, over the great swords, as an odd sort of comfort known only to him, it’s assumed he uses it when sleeping to keep his armor from getting dented on rocky ground.

Feng is also known to carry a vial of “Wah wah” sauce, a food additive made by a combination of the most powerful fire clerics and mages, it is so hot that even a god would only be able to carry on a hoarse voice the sound “WAH! WAH!” in an urgent attempt to ask for water or any substance to lessen the intense heat, but strangely enough, never leaves a chemical burn or any permanent damage thanks to careful spell choices and enchantments to protect the user. Feng’s personal favorite food is anything with “wah wah” sauce on it, and oddly, he never seems to run out of the stuff…

L. Sociology

First encounters always lead to snap decisions to determine friend or foe, but unless any hostility is detected most people are considered friends.

The only people that Feng absolutely hates and seemingly drips with palpable malice at under any circumstance are pure blood Orcs. He will drop whatever he is doing and go completely berserk should he see a pure blood Orc and do everything in his ability to kill them and desecrate the corpse if enough of it is left to do so. Being the only sore point of his past, he refuses to disclose the reason why to anyone and becomes quite angry at the subject being brought up.