Record Breaking day

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Record Breaking day

Postby Gametight » March 5th, 2007, 3:02 pm

Got into a staring contest with the jag and lost walked off the cliff 9 times. Gives another perspective on mass suicideds huh :P
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Postby Tarathilien » March 6th, 2007, 7:22 am

Congrats, dude. :lol:
H - Spiked Helm [+26a+26d+70s]
B - Dragon Scale Jacket [+159d-15s]
F - Silver Sea Slippers [+1a+23d+199s]
R - Silver Amini Club [+138a+8d+507s]
L - Shuriken [+61a+18d+247s]
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Postby izmrjayc » March 6th, 2007, 11:24 pm

rough man im curious everyone gets mez'd by jags but they never even try on me. could level have to do with it cuz harpies didnt seem to do anything until i was level 25
DC: izmrjayc

head: spiked helm 25a/25d/40s (19a/19d/-10s)
torso: serpent scale suit 2a/101d/-3s (95d/-7s)
feet: crystal swift boots 62d/165s
right : silver gladius 132a/1d/41s (131a/35s)
left : crystal rams horn 33a/61d/2 s (31a/59d/-18s)
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Postby Huaying » March 7th, 2007, 2:06 am

izmrjayc wrote:rough man im curious everyone gets mez'd by jags but they never even try on me. could level have to do with it cuz harpies didnt seem to do anything until i was level 25

Gee... what level are you? :shock:
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At first it coo

Postby Gametight » March 9th, 2007, 2:37 am

but once you reach a certain lvl they get'cha even if ya run. I'm around lvl 33 I believe with around 6 or 7 sages and 510wits and they still get me from time to time. I'm starting to resist their mezz a little bit more now though. When you first start facing them they are not as hard but once you get to a certain lvl it seems like they try to use mezz on ya everytime you encounter them. When you get to that point pack plenty of fairys and money to get back
H: 22a 22d -8s Spiked Helm
B: 176d -13s Dragon Scale Jacket
F: 59d 165s Crystal Swift Boots
R: 192a 64s Silver Masamune
L: 90a 36d -12s Crystal Guantlets

If you got an upgrades send me a personal message
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Postby izmrjayc » March 12th, 2007, 6:59 pm

wow im like level 28 or 29 and have about 102 wits and noones mezzed me yret. i have 7 sages
DC: izmrjayc

head: spiked helm 25a/25d/40s (19a/19d/-10s)
torso: serpent scale suit 2a/101d/-3s (95d/-7s)
feet: crystal swift boots 62d/165s
right : silver gladius 132a/1d/41s (131a/35s)
left : crystal rams horn 33a/61d/2 s (31a/59d/-18s)
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