looking for some gear...

This forum is for general conversation involving Titan's flagship game, Dragon Court.

looking for some gear...

Postby RobbTheRed » July 11th, 2007, 2:41 pm

greetings all!

robb the red here, i just joined the forum a couple days ago, and was told this was the board for equip. I'm looking for something, it doesn't have to be nuts, just my gear isn't so hot. i'm using a terror rod and sword breaker with a miners cap and mythril mail. feet have some enchanted mercuries around 25s i think.
anyone have anything to spare? maybe a masa/sk/fs or kutetsu/dsj? i dont have a ton of marks but will give you as much as i can...

dc name is robbthered

thank you all. message me if i can do anything for anyone!
Clan Titan
Posts: 6
Joined: July 10th, 2007, 8:33 am
Location: Virginia

Postby Guest » July 13th, 2007, 2:34 pm

hey rob look in ur mail box at next reset i hope those items help u out a bit :)


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