Dragon scale jacket or koututsu.

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Dragon scale jacket or koututsu.

Postby Hiberos » July 26th, 2008, 1:08 am

Was just wondering about gear. I have at the moment a koututsu with ground stats +17a+106d-12s but should i switch to a dragon scale jacket with +120d-20s. Any tip? And btw..should i wear a Imacaci mask? or whats up with the panic?

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Postby Cheshire » July 26th, 2008, 5:38 am

As far as kouts go, that's a nice stat kout.

As for the two, if you fully enchant both, their stats become...

kout: 43a 132d 239s
dsj: 22a 142d 200s

So it would depend on what else you are wearing. Do you lack defense? attack? skill?

Imacaci mask? Depends how much attack and skill you ahve. If you attack a monster and the panic "works" then the monster will try to run away.
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Postby Hiberos » July 27th, 2008, 10:08 am

atm i have at:229, def:279 and skill 709. So a tip would be great. have a spiked helm atm with stats at:22, def:23 and skill 22

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Postby Cheshire » July 28th, 2008, 9:35 am

Post your full base stats for your gear and if i have anything that can upgrade you, i'll send for free =)

I just need to make sure but can you handle lvl 31 gear?

But between kout or DSJ, i think you would be fine with either. I would personally chose the kout for the (small) skill advantage.
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Postby Hiberos » July 29th, 2008, 5:52 am

Spiked helm: at:19, def19, s:-9
Koutetsu: at:17, def:106, s:-12
Swift boots: def:21, s:62
Amini club: at:126, s:270
Ayotl shield: at:18, def:72, s:-19

that is my gears base stats. How much u need to go and meat dragon? :P Anyway...thanks for helping me, bit rookie on stats tbh :P
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Postby Cheshire » July 29th, 2008, 10:55 am

You are a fare way from meeting the dragon. I think i have some bigger swift boots laying around, if so, i'll send 'em your way.
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Postby Hiberos » July 29th, 2008, 2:32 pm

ah ok :P could have huessed. how much skill and guts u need? cheers for boots if u have :D
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Postby boywonder » July 30th, 2008, 3:09 am

i'd recommend at least 250 guts, that way you can take at least one hit from them (with high enough stats) and stay alive long enough to bezerk them. that's what i do at least. attack, gold apple to full health, berzerk - repeat.

as for skill, i can't think of the bare minimum, but i'd recommend at least 1k

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Postby Hiberos » July 30th, 2008, 5:06 pm

Well ok...i got 314guts and skill like 700 something. Still need some better gear doh...cant find any silver amini clubs :P theyre a bit hard to find. got so unlucky finding good gear. Anyways....soon time for dragon....in like 2-3 lvls i reckon. Im lvl 30 now so..! :D
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Postby LightSol » July 30th, 2008, 6:21 pm

Good luck for the time you decide to go battle it out , im hoping to get there in a not too long while too :D
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Postby boywonder » July 31st, 2008, 2:10 am

just make sure that skill is about 1k, and i think defense needs to be above ... 500? i can't remember exactly. but yeah, high guts and skill so they don't hit you, cause when they do, they hit pretty hard

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Postby Cheshire » July 31st, 2008, 4:19 am

I don't konw about exact numbers, but here's the theory behind it:

1) You want enough skill to attack first
2) You want enough attack to attack first
2b) If you don't have enough attack, you wan tot use enough blast powders
3) You want to be able to kill it in (ideally) one or (at most) two turns
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