I know some people (maybe even some of the Council) might take what I am about to say the wrong way, but I really don't care.
Titan is not about being #1 all the time. Titan is not about being "the best", "the highest" or "the <whatever>est" -- though it certainly is nice. In fact, if another clan can get and keep the #1 position fairly and honorably, they are welcome to it.
Titan is
first and
always about
family. Out clan motto is "Unitas in forte, fidelitas in honore, veritas ante omnia". This is a Latin phrase of my own invention that translates to "Unity in strength, loyalty in honor, truth above all".
Clan Titan's primary goal in DC and the community is to create a haven for gamers who are serious about doing things the "right way". Our members are expected to help each other out, give advice where we can, and to play the game in an overall "fair" way. We don't take advantage of others' naiveté or lack of knowledge and we give freely to our less fortunate members, in the hopes that they will do the same when they become more fortunate.
We may not be as large as we have in the past, but we certainly have grown. Both in our "power" -- which is a mere statistic comapred to the greater growth of honor. Several of the clans that have risen and fallen in DC over the past couple of years have been founded by Titans, and even given birth to some entire clans. I think it was about six or seven years ago that a faction of Polish-speaking Titans decided to branch off and form their own clan in DC.
We have also grown in our influence. As you may know, we have official branches in LoGD (on the AgeOfLords server) and in Newage. We used to have a branch in UltimateDominion, and they even became so successful that they branched off into their own clan. Also, we encourage our members to play other games and to spread our belief of "gaming with honor" as far across the Internet as we can!
Titan has been around for nearly nine years now, and I hope that it continues far beyond that. And I can say with certainty that as long as I can keep paying for it, we'll always have this forum community, even if the clan itself fizzles out and fractures.
But I doubt that's going to happen. Clan Titan is
Forever One.