SOIA Ambassador Arrives

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SOIA Ambassador Arrives

Postby Zeno_Demon » March 28th, 2007, 1:55 pm

Greetings Clan Titan,

I'd like to begin, firstly, by saying thank you. Thank you for giving all the clans of Dragon Court a reason to fight, a reason to organize, and a reason to play the game. Dragon Court has changed much within the many years. I was around when MENTTAL was leading your clan, and I must say, things are much different since then. However, you managed to remain at the top for a very long time. So I say thank you for your hard work, and thank you for adding that permanent ingredient into the mixture that is Dragon Court.

As you know, of course, Titan has taken the second spot on the Clan List, being now second to Clan Sick-of-it-All. I want to tell you that our celebrations have been in no way to rub anything in your faces. Our celebrations haven't been to bash down on you. If anything, we respect Titan for a reason to fight.

Clan Titan, this will be a great battle ahead of us both, I'm sure. And all I can say about it, is that this will be truly the best for the Dragon Court community.

Thank you for being who you've been for so many years. You've immortalized your image within Dragon Court, no matter what your outcome may be.

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Postby Curulan » March 28th, 2007, 6:28 pm

I know some people (maybe even some of the Council) might take what I am about to say the wrong way, but I really don't care.

Titan is not about being #1 all the time. Titan is not about being "the best", "the highest" or "the <whatever>est" -- though it certainly is nice. In fact, if another clan can get and keep the #1 position fairly and honorably, they are welcome to it. :)

Titan is first and always about family. Out clan motto is "Unitas in forte, fidelitas in honore, veritas ante omnia". This is a Latin phrase of my own invention that translates to "Unity in strength, loyalty in honor, truth above all".

Clan Titan's primary goal in DC and the community is to create a haven for gamers who are serious about doing things the "right way". Our members are expected to help each other out, give advice where we can, and to play the game in an overall "fair" way. We don't take advantage of others' naiveté or lack of knowledge and we give freely to our less fortunate members, in the hopes that they will do the same when they become more fortunate.

We may not be as large as we have in the past, but we certainly have grown. Both in our "power" -- which is a mere statistic comapred to the greater growth of honor. Several of the clans that have risen and fallen in DC over the past couple of years have been founded by Titans, and even given birth to some entire clans. I think it was about six or seven years ago that a faction of Polish-speaking Titans decided to branch off and form their own clan in DC.

We have also grown in our influence. As you may know, we have official branches in LoGD (on the AgeOfLords server) and in Newage. We used to have a branch in UltimateDominion, and they even became so successful that they branched off into their own clan. Also, we encourage our members to play other games and to spread our belief of "gaming with honor" as far across the Internet as we can!

Titan has been around for nearly nine years now, and I hope that it continues far beyond that. And I can say with certainty that as long as I can keep paying for it, we'll always have this forum community, even if the clan itself fizzles out and fractures.

But I doubt that's going to happen. Clan Titan is Forever One. ;)
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Postby Cheshire » March 28th, 2007, 6:41 pm

*Claps at both speeches*

I had momentarily forgotten about all the clans that have spun off from FK and Titan...

*DC Name: Cheshire3 (send all mail & packages there)*

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Postby Zeno_Demon » March 28th, 2007, 6:57 pm

It's great to hear those things, Curulan. I'm glad my speech wasn't taken in the wrong way.

Titan is a clan that has demanded respect for a very long time, and I have no question in my mind that it'll remain that way.

Thank you for your reply.

*raises a fist*

To bringing life back into Dragon Court.
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Postby Invisigoth » March 28th, 2007, 9:02 pm

I have only been playing for a few days ( after about a 4 or 5 year leave of absence) and I just wanted to say one thing:

That "bribe" that SoiA sent me didn't work. I am still joining Titan. I don't take bribes.
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Postby Tarathilien » March 29th, 2007, 3:45 am

:lol: ??? Anyways, I'm looking forward to the, er, contest and will fight with all my strength. Finally logged into my alts this morning (2 am) and clicked till my fingers bled.

Btw, I've never heard of SoiA sending me bribes, but if you want, go ahead and send me some. I"ll take 'em.
H - Spiked Helm [+26a+26d+70s]
B - Dragon Scale Jacket [+159d-15s]
F - Silver Sea Slippers [+1a+23d+199s]
R - Silver Amini Club [+138a+8d+507s]
L - Shuriken [+61a+18d+247s]
PM me with upgrades
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Postby Zeno_Demon » March 29th, 2007, 4:03 am

I haven't heard of anyone bribing either, to tell you the truth. SOIA doesn't bribe. We may toss a note around during a giveaway or whatnot, but we don't bribe. We always request that you check us out. We don't pay for you to join.

And I wouldn't call this so much of a contest. The fact that this has happened will stir things up in Dragon Court. I think that's exactly what we needed.
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Let it begin

Postby Guest » March 29th, 2007, 4:12 am

SOIA ,your reign at #1 will be short live :).

let the game begin.....

Postby Invisigoth » March 29th, 2007, 8:42 am

Zeno_Demon wrote:I haven't heard of anyone bribing either, to tell you the truth. SOIA doesn't bribe. We may toss a note around during a giveaway or whatnot, but we don't bribe. We always request that you check us out. We don't pay for you to join.

And I wouldn't call this so much of a contest. The fact that this has happened will stir things up in Dragon Court. I think that's exactly what we needed.

Ok then, tell me what you make of this:

From: RegentShane

Hey, I see you are near me on fame, I started playing again and see you don't have a clan, I joined sick-of-it-all cause they're nice and helpful. Don't believe me? Check out the clans soon to be #1 and already have 5 powers. Check the board at (website, won't let me post yet) 1st and make your decision then. If you decide to head to clan hall and & type Sick-of-it-All & seek. The clan info shows - Click join, Make it so then petition. 1 quest and 1,000 marks but heres some marks to help you.

If you don't join... Have Fun!

Attached to the letter was one million marks.

If thats not a bribe, I don't know what is.
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Postby Zeno_Demon » March 29th, 2007, 1:20 pm

Invisigoth, I don't believe you know what a bribe is then.

A bribe is trying to get out of a speeding ticket by flashing a large sum of money to the cop who pulled you over. That's just one example.

What RegentShane was doing was perfectly alright. He saw you on the lists, noticed you didn't have a clan, so sent you a bit of marks and a note saying Sick-of-it-All is a great clan, and you can join if you want to, or at least check us out, and the most important part that doesn't make this a bribe...

"If you don't join...Have Fun!"

RegentShane was being a good recruiter, he wasn't trying to corrupt you. He just noticed you weren't in a clan, and gave you a heads up.

And I know RegentShane, he's not a bad guy at all--in fact, he's a great guy. That's the last thing that makes this -not- a bribe.
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Postby Agustus » March 29th, 2007, 11:46 pm

id have to agree... it is not a bribeImage

ok seriously it wasnt a bribe though it is a recruitment tool to give out stuff to further attract members... and since at the time you didnt show you were in a clan he took the inititive and sent you a "Gift" now that this contest has begun its not uncommon to do this though right now we need active people to help us get the clan going... i havent been as active as i should being the recruiter(got a job and unfortunately broke up with my girlfriend :-\) but now i have some time(see the paranthasis(Sp?) so i have SOME time to quest and make ads though help will be GREATLY appriciatedImage
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Postby BloodlustSHADOW » March 30th, 2007, 12:49 am

I don't think that was a bribe to Join, and if he would have known you were joining Titan he might not have bothered because he would have assumed you would be Taken care of by your clan, but since you were clanless he decided to help you out because you seemed new, don't take the gesture the wrong way, a bribe is...Join SOIA and i will give you a 180a SAC old..that is a you free stuff is in no way a bribe, if it is, i think the giveaways on the TP are all bribes

Postby Invisigoth » March 30th, 2007, 8:49 am

I apologize for the accusation. I wasn't sure of the intent and I guess I took it the wrong way. Like I said, I haven't been playing in a while.
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Postby Zeno_Demon » March 30th, 2007, 8:57 pm

Thanks all.

And it's ok, Invisigoth. It was just a mistake. Happens all the time with us humans. ;)
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Postby Guest » April 7th, 2007, 4:35 pm

eww you're humans? I'm a level 70 night elf with shapeshifting abilities. We don't make mistakes


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