just droping by with a few questions :)

This forum is for general conversation involving Titan's flagship game, Dragon Court.

just droping by with a few questions :)

Postby Crisis » August 24th, 2007, 5:28 am

This is CurtisF and i was just wondering if we were still doing ribbons? if so:

15. Titan Ribbon (awarded automatically to all members of Clan Titan in DC)
16. Seneschal
17. Regent
18. Viceroy
19. 1st Rank (Marquis - Prince)
20. 2nd Rank (Captain - Viscount)
21. 3rd Rank (Peasant - Knight)
25. 36 Month Membership
26. 30 Month Membership
27. 24 Month Membership
28. 18 Month Membership
29. 12 Month Membership
30. 6 Month Membership

I was also noticing that DC has changed a little bit and it seems rares arnt even worth keepin around unless they have a specific value your interested in. If this is the case and i should just vendor them let me know cause i have quite a few....I could also do a givaway if that would be in order?


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Location: Austin Texas

Yeah I seen that too

Postby Gametight » August 26th, 2007, 4:01 am

I had two characters storages and backpack full of rares when I came back from playing a long time ago. And to my surprise they were basically worthless. So I just had givaways and either sold'em at the store or threw'em away. All they days of collecting and trading for rares and now they are worth almost close to nothing. Will the same thing happen to crystal and silvers. But then again you might was to hold on to them because Fred might turn them into some kind of antique (classic) on the next update. Bet their value would sky-rocket if we did not find anymore rares while questing

H: 22a 22d -8s Spiked Helm
B: 176d -13s Dragon Scale Jacket
F: 59d 165s Crystal Swift Boots
R: 192a 64s Silver Masamune
L: 90a 36d -12s Crystal Guantlets

If you got an upgrades send me a personal message
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Posts: 94
Joined: November 18th, 2006, 4:20 am

Postby Guest » September 14th, 2007, 4:30 pm

yah i just gave mines away to help out the clan a bit and stuff u know
da pab

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