But if you would excuse my noobness for a moment, I can't seem to find the Armory nor can I find the supply room or market place.
This may be because I haven't got authorization, unless these places no longer exist. ??
Anyways, I'm just looking for some better gear, cause I pretty much suck.
I'm a level 19 peasant.
DC name: Slicky1
Guts: 97
Wits: 50
Charm: 37
At: 59
def: 109
Skill: 161
Head: 10d 5 s Magic Robes *bl,Lu,Glo,ench(2)*
Body: 1a 37d 17s Mystic Robes *bl, lu, ench(1)*
Feet: 16a 17d 23s War Boots *ench(1)*
Right: 32a 7d 32s Rat Tail Whip *dis*
Left: 1a 27d 20s Dragon Shield *ench (1)
So, if anyone has any sea slippers, enchant scrolls, or a cool wep, they would be wonderfully appreciated
P.S. sorry if this is posted in the wrong thread.. my bad