by Joe » February 1st, 2007, 3:40 am
well, I don't see it as a big deal to upgrade someone not in our clan, especially if they are at such a low level, the upgrade will be slight. and it is good to be able to say to someone, hey, we care enough to do something even before you join, cause we're nice. those are the people that they'll remember and they'll want to join their clan. it's just the way things work. we don't need to worry about getting people to join our clan for the power. we've got that. we need to worry about people joining our clan because they like the people here and want to stay, out of loyalty to the friends they will meet, not from greed of the power they'll get.
however, this would be hard to implement as an actual policy to have that kind of armor onhand as hard as the armory is to keep updated. instead, my suggestion is this. everyone on the boards here who plays dc, because you are nice people and you like your clan, keep a bit of extra low level gear on you that might be good for a newbie. maybe keep an extra unicorn pendant on you as well. and we all know once you get high enough marks aren't hard to come by. so you, each and every one of you, from time to time, just volunteer your time, in no official maner, just to check the dc forums for people who are looking for some help and say hey, I'll toss you some gear and this pendent. tell them how to petition the queen, say, I'm from titan, stop by our boards sometime if you want, we're good people.
what we need as a clan isn't some great organized thing that one or two people oversees, we just need our members to get out there everyonce in awhile and show our faces and be nice about it, because I honestly believe we are good people here, we can show everyone else that in little ways, just by passing along our good fortune at being in such a great clan.
and hey, if you want to take it a step further, maybe we can even set up some care packages for people who want to be volunteers to pass them out. spread them out amongst characters so that everyone has some to pass out when they get the chance. we can start a new "titan elite" we're elite not because our stats are the best, but because we are. our members can start surfing the dc forums more and be the first to answer questions, the first to offer help. we don't have to be high council or even titan officers to do it, just members of a clan, of a community, who want to see it grow.
that's all