by Huaying » February 2nd, 2007, 5:22 pm
Looks like there are a lot of merchants in here.
I however prefer gaining money with in-game skills, a good example would be the lvl 91 runecrafters. Those guys make about 1 to 1.2 million gold pieces per hour crafting nature runes.
I myself have played RS for about 5 years, and my in game name is the same as my forum name.
As for my RS stats:
Combat lvl: 95
Skill Total: 1515
Attack: 78
Defence: 75
Strength: 76
Hitpoints: 78
Ranged: 70
Prayer: 60
Magic: 83
Cooking: 99
Woodcutting: 83
Fletching: 93
Fishing: 99
Firemaking: 65
Crafting: 65
Smithing: 68
Mining: 86
Herblore: 52
Agility: 70
Thieving: 59
Slayer: 45
Farming: 34
Runecraft: 67