WWYCD?: Lo! A Mark!

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WWYCD?: Lo! A Mark!

Postby jadewik » January 30th, 2008, 6:41 pm

WWYCD? is my abbreviation for "What Would Your Character Do?"

I thought it'd be fun to play a RP game, since we all love to RP, but don't have a lot of time to RP together without getting tired of waiting for someone else to post (though, I won't discourage posts that interact if that's what you like). I'll start posting these in the Golden Griffon for now... and Palace Rantings later.

The ideas behind WWYCD? are character development and, of course, fun.... fun to write and fun to read.... and hopefully I (or someone else with initiative) will post these on a semi-weekly basis.

We'll start with the description of a single moment. The idea is to write how your character reacts and what they would do in this particular situation. So we'll start with something simple, for fun-- the modern day equivalent of finding a penny only it's a mark.

This week's premise:
A tailor carrying heavy bolts of silk in his arms stumbles up to open the door to his shop. As he enters, he bumps the scissors jutting out from his pocket and his pants rip. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!", he exclaims as he rushes into the shop to quickly tailor his pants.

A single mark falls from the tailor's pocket to the cobbles. It bounces then settles into a roll, traveling some distance from the tailor's shop before settling into a spin and coming to rest in the center of the road. Passersby don't seem to notice the mark at first, but the sun peeks out from behind the clouds and bathes the mark in sparkling sunlight.

CuruEdit: Carn spells things weird.
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Postby James » January 30th, 2008, 7:46 pm

James trots slowly down the road, smelling an unusually eerie anticipation atypical to that of the standard Titan day. This was an emotion he knew to be fear, though it was not as strong as that he had felt from others in the past.

Moving through crowds of people a glinting mark on the ground caught James' eye and naturally curious, the dog moved over and lay down in front of it to sniff and paw at the golden coin.

Disinterested at last, James was almost ready to leave the coin be when a rotund woman grunted to lean over and grab the coin. Now fearful himself of being crushed, the silver dog darted out of the way to continue his seemingly random day, oblivious to the value of his experience.
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Postby jadewik » January 31st, 2008, 6:40 pm

A tailor carrying heavy bolts of silk in his arms stumbles up to open the door to his shop. As he enters, he bumps the scissors jutting out from his pocket and his pants rip. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!", he exclaims as he rushes into the shop to quickly tailor his pants.

A single mark falls from the tailor's pocket to the cobbles. It bounces then settles into a roll, traveling some distance from the tailor's shop before settling into a spin and coming to rest in the center of the road. Passersby don't seem to notice the mark at first, but the sun peeks out from behind the clouds and bathes the mark in sparkling sunlight.


Carn whistled as she strolled down the street. It was a beautiful day and the sun warmed her pale skin through her warm, woolen shift. She had her hands in her pockets to keep the warm and toasty because, once her fingers got a chill the only thing that could warm them up again was holding a nice, hot mug of cocoa. Intermittently, carn would take her hand from her pocket to wave at people she knew-- the butcher, the candle stick maker, the smithy.

"Hello, Mr. Barnes!", she called out to a particular merchant whose primary ware was literature, "Do you have any new magic books in stock?"

"I'm sorry my dear, but it looks like the pass was snowed over and that's delayed the merchants. Better luck next week."

"Yes, I suppose so," carn sighed and bit her lip. "I'll see you next week, then."

So she wouldn't have her new book this week. That gave her more time to work on other things. Though it was regrettably difficult to get merchants to trade with mages, Mr. Barnes had gone out of his way to find a merchant who could get her some magic books for her personal library. Mr. Noble, that very same daring merchant, had taken up her request with a peculiar fervor since Mr. Barnes had talked to him. Mr. Noble never missed a week unless, of course, prohibited by the weather.

Carn continued to stroll down the lane smiling and waving until a glint caught her eye. She walked quickly towards the sparkly in the road, curious to see what it was.

"A mark!" Giddy at her good fortune (it was laying heads-side-up), she picked it up and held it up to examine it. My it was shiny! Carn rubbed it on her shift to clean some of the dirt off of it and then skipped away to conveniently place it where John Simmons, her young street urchin friend would find it.

John was vehemently opposed to charity, but carn figured if she picked the mark up off the street and put it on the street where John would likely see it... that you couldn't EXACTLY call that charity-- could you? Afterall, it was such a beautiful day.
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Postby jadewik » February 4th, 2008, 3:46 pm

A tailor carrying heavy bolts of silk in his arms stumbles up to open the door to his shop. As he enters, he bumps the scissors jutting out from his pocket and his pants rip. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!", he exclaims as he rushes into the shop to quickly tailor his pants.

A single mark falls from the tailor's pocket to the cobbles. It bounces then settles into a roll, traveling some distance from the tailor's shop before settling into a spin and coming to rest in the center of the road. Passersby don't seem to notice the mark at first, but the sun peeks out from behind the clouds and bathes the mark in sparkling sunlight.


As the first rays of sun shone on the mark and gave its position away, two street urchins raced towards the mark nearly colliding as they met at the coin.

"I saw it first, it's mine!", cried the smaller boy.

"I'm bigger than you. It's MINE!" The larger boy pounded a fist into his other hand. It looked as if this scenario had happened before as it soon escalated from bickering back and forth into shoving one another.

Ebon-Ashe happened to walk down this very street on a top secret errand for her underground organization as the boys first raced for the coin. Taking some interest in the situation she stopped and leaned against a wall watching as the boys' fight played out to completion before intervening.

Of course, the eldest and bigger of the two won the mark. Broadcasting his victory he gave the losing boy one last jab on his shoulder before turning and, without looking, ran smack-dab into Ebon-Ashe. Showing no respect, the elder boy retorted, "Get outa my way, lady." The younger boy gasped in shock as his eyes grew to the size of small rolls and his jaw touched the cobbles below.

Ebon-Ashe raised her eyebrows in a questioning look at the elder boy before she snarled and roughly picked him up, kicking and screaming, and pinned him hard against wall. The boy struggled viciously and in vain as the seasoned rogue dodged each blow while keeping a firm grip on the child. "Don't you EVER talk to me that way again," she snarled.

The younger boy finally gathered his wits and started to run off, but stopped in his tracks as Ebon shouted out,"I wouldn't run if I were you." He contemplated this for a moment torn between apparent punishment and flight, but decided eventually to stay and suffer the consequences.

Still holding the elder boy up to the wall she asked them both for their names. The younger boy said he was called Stanley. The eldest answered with "Chris," before interjecting,"and it was my mark fair and square!"

"I didn't ask you if it was fair or not you little snot. I asked for your name. Big, dumb, and glum, I suppose."

The boy squirmed and struggled to hold his tongue.

"Have you any idea, Chris, with whom you're speaking?"

He shook his head.

"I thought not. Though I'll be kind today and spare you from knowing my name. I do work for the thieves in this town and it disappoints me to see gutter trash like yourself causing discord and strife in the ranks of the Cartes underworld."

"We're not part of the underworld, though."

"Ah, but you are, Chris. Do you see that fellow over there?" Ebon gestured towards Stanley who gulped as his name was mentioned. Chris nodded. "That fellow is your brother."

"No he ain't."

"Not by birth, of course... but you ARE both brothers of the streets and you'd do well to remember that. Together, you're more powerful than alone and if enough of you got together and looked out for each other, I bet you'd make enough money for lodging and a hot meal every night."

Chris pondered this for a bit and Ebon-Ashe set him down on his feet as she called Stanley closer. Stanley shuffled his feet 'till he was within an arm's reach of Ebon and Chris.

"Now, if you were smart, I'd be apologizing right about now, Chris."

The boy glumly opened the hand that clenched the mark and extended it towards Stanley. "Here you go."

"... and?", interjected Ebon-Ashe.

"And I'm sorry for beating you up, Stanley."

"Very good." Ebon-Ashe mockingly applauded at the rehearsed sounding apology. As she clapped, the boys tensed waiting for what she'd do next. Ebon was already scheming. Two hungry boys would do anything for a warm meal, a clean bed, and money in their pockets and she had just the underhanded, sneaky task for them both.

Giving a snakelike grin she leaned in towards the boys. Wrapping her arms around them both she spoke, "Now how would you boys like to earn some REAL money?"
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Postby Milton » May 2nd, 2008, 4:44 pm

The tailor’s shop. It was a place Milton dreaded visiting. They made you try on this and that. When you find something you like it doesn’t fit and can’t be made to. If you want a tear repaired the seamstress always took her time going over every stitch she knew to find out which you wanted. That’s why the healer learned to repair his own cloths.

But once in a while things were repaired too often and needed replacement.

His robes were like that now. If he hemmed the fresh rip it would just tear again from how tight they’d become with the lost fabric. So he waited outside the closed store; his back against the wall to hide the run up his leg. Modesty did it.

As the merchant came towards the door he kept his place. Milton was in no rush to suffer his services. Waiting gave him a good seat for what happened next as well. Muffling his giggle he took advantage of the coin’s distraction to postpone the day’s shopping.

Free money was nice, but he had plenty for now. The mark was best spent on the fight between two boys anywho. Milton nodded and thought they’d be the same way for the rest of their lives; and the older one would probably be a lawman simply so he could beat others up for money. The younger one, well, there were too many possibilities.

Not that Milton cared what they turned out to be.

He would have left now had the woman’s reaction to being bumped into not been so strong. Things felt very dangerous even from Milton’s side of the street. Even if watching put him in some risk Milton was more curious than worried. In the end Milton slid into the merchant’s shop and thought of what he saw rather than paying attention to the merchant’s mumbles.

It made buying pass just a tad faster.

And insured he’d never forget the smart woman’s face.
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Postby zipcat » May 2nd, 2008, 4:46 pm

((Um.. sorry for bumping the thread. Somehow I confused March with May and didn't realize how old it was.))
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