If there was a Titan Movie

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If there was a Titan Movie

Postby jadewik » May 29th, 2008, 12:25 pm

(I admit I'm borrowing this topic a little from Angel X off the main DC forums)

If there was a Titan Movie, what actor would you have play your character? Link to their IMDB database, please. =)

For my characters... I'll have to think about it...

Lauren Cohan would be a good candidate for Ebon-Ashe, though. I really liked her as Bella Talbot in Supernatural...
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Postby boywonder » May 29th, 2008, 7:15 pm

i'm too lazy to link, lol, but the obvious candidate would be......
*drum roll*

BRAD PITT! interview with a vampire anyone? he's emotionless, mentally unstable. hates just about everything...

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Postby James » May 29th, 2008, 8:13 pm

Mmm, CGI.

If he was shorter, a "dressed up" Orlando Bloom would work well for James's human form.
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Postby Twist Rolarian » May 30th, 2008, 2:52 am

I demand to play myself. :twisted:

However, if I had to pick, I'd probably say Julian Sands could easily pull off my character, seeing as he's done some great roles as both an intellectual and a self-centered bastard. At the same time.

But only if I couldn't raise Vincent Price from the dead to play me.
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Postby Agustus » May 30th, 2008, 3:55 am

i have the same oppinion as Twist.... no one could play the part because the character is me...... though id pick David Boreanaz
simply cuz he played a very well tormented soul(heh vampire with a soul)
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Postby jadewik » May 30th, 2008, 11:10 am

Agustus wrote: though id pick David Boreanaz
simply cuz he played a very well tormented soul(heh vampire with a soul)

You should see him in Bones! I didn't like DB as "Angel"... but I like "Seeley Boothe" infinitely better than "Angel". =)

... still thinking of someone for Carn. Bleh. Rough.

... and I know your characters are "you"... but I don't have a good face for film. In fact, I live vicariously through a friend of mine who is an actress out in LA. Actually... come to think of it, she'd probably make a good "carn". =)
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Postby Zane » May 30th, 2008, 11:27 am

I think Sean Bean would play me, as he was portrayed in Lord of the Rings or perhaps Goldeneye. the way he spoke in those films is rather like me.
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Postby Curulan » May 30th, 2008, 12:35 pm

I honestly have no idea who would play Curu. Tall, thin, long brown hair below the shoulders... Maybe Josh Holloway or Henry Ian Cusick? Henry's accent is pretty close to that of Dorias natives. Come to think of it, a clean-shaven Josh might be perfect be perfect for the role physically.

If we were going to include Glofinje, Terry O'Quinn would be absolutely perefect. Keep his head shaved and put some fake body tattoos on by makeup, and he's a spitting image of what I have in mind.
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Postby Ominous » May 30th, 2008, 1:24 pm

It'd be a longshot, but I think Johnny Depp could be a good choice.
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Postby boywonder » May 31st, 2008, 12:24 am

now twist, where did you and self centered ever meet up? lol, just kidding! speaking of movies... my buddy ashley is over in thailand right now shooting Street Fighter II. she's the stand-in for kristin kreuk. cute? yes. very high maintenence? YES! conceited? oh the definition of... lol but if by chance you read this ash i still love you!

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Postby Twist Rolarian » May 31st, 2008, 1:37 am

*fireballs boywonder*
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Postby Agustus » May 31st, 2008, 5:06 am

*sets Omin On Fire*
oops that was Johnny Depp
..... BONZAI!!!!!!!
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Postby boywonder » May 31st, 2008, 6:51 am

*sticks out a certain finger and takes the fireball*

OUCH! hey now, thankfully the voidyness works, so I'm good. but sheesh, ya singed my clothes :(

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Postby zipcat » June 1st, 2008, 11:37 pm

I don't know any actors well at all other than that everyone seams to think JD is attractive. But I did work with my high school's drama club; and there were a few amazing actors that could play any of my characters.
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Postby mikey taylor » June 26th, 2008, 12:21 am

i'd be the crazy cousin that is addicted to crack. back in the DC years i couldn't stop using mandrake roots, as many of you can remember.

the equivalent of crack in DC
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