Dragon scale jacket

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Dragon scale jacket

Postby Zane » May 30th, 2008, 3:13 pm

On one of my main accounts, for the first time, i slew dragons instead of going to Azteca and their drops own by the way (thousands of coins per dragon)

I used the money i accrued (about 10mil) to do the Tears of a Dragon quest as i was under the impression that DSJs are the best body armour in the game. However, their stats were worse than my koutetsu - my koutetsu has a base of 124 def whereas these DSJs were giving less, 104 was the best i got.

Do they go higher than this? And, do they have a greater enchant limit than koutetsus?

Plus, what are good stats for a DSJ?
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Postby Curulan » June 1st, 2008, 8:43 pm

DSJs have a weaker lower bound for Defense, but generally have better Skill than Kousetsus. If you're lucky, you can get DSJs with higher Defence overall than Kousetus, but Koutsetsus also generally have better Attack.
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