So I stumbled upon Dragon Quest again the other day...

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So I stumbled upon Dragon Quest again the other day...

Postby Sam Newt » June 4th, 2008, 11:33 pm

After God knows how many years, I stumbled upon this game again, and my character is still alive! Jeez, I don't even remember the last time I played, and I don't know how I even remembered my password, but I'm glad I did. It's been so long since I last played, for instance, Azteca is a completely new area for me. It's the only place that really challenges me anymore, also (well, besides the dragon, but I use my old ginseng root + blast powder to take care of him). Is there anything else 'new' that I should be aware of?
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Postby jadewik » June 5th, 2008, 10:55 am

... you should be careful. Tripping over games can really hurt!

There are more changes in Dragon Court than I can count on my fingers and toes. I can't even remember them all. Mandrake root no longer gives you extra quests. I forget exactly what it does... Also, There's a limit to enchanting armor-- when whatever it is "pulses with a glowing blue light", you want to stop or your equipment will blow up. There are also bottled fairys now. Keep one with you at all times-- when you die, they restore your health and keep your equipment from being stolen. The are also now silver weapons. Older weapons are referred to as antiques or "tiques"... Besides the new areas and what I've mentioned above, that's all I can remember off-hand. Those changes happened about 5-years ago, so it's safe to say you've been MIA a while. Welcome back! =)

You might have better luck getting answers by posting your question at Dragon Court's Salamander Tavern forum.
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Postby Curulan » June 5th, 2008, 12:32 pm

Equipment doesn't blow up anymore, it just stops enchanting and wastes the scroll.

Aside from Silver equipment, there is also a more rare variant called Crystal (though not all Silvers have Crystal equivalents).
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Postby boywonder » June 6th, 2008, 4:14 pm

blah to mandrake roots now! lets see... you can hire a boat for 50k to go to the seaside cottage or three new lands. ranking is a bit different, there's a seneschal (sp?) rank now. uhhh... more specific questions just ask, or check the Clan Titan DC faq

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