WWYCD?: Sinister Shadows

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WWYCD?: Sinister Shadows

Postby jadewik » July 21st, 2008, 6:43 pm

WWYCD? is my abbreviation for "What Would Your Character Do?"

I thought it'd be fun to play a RP game, since we all love to RP, but don't have a lot of time to RP together without getting tired of waiting for someone else to post (though, I won't discourage posts that interact if that's what you like). I'll start posting these in the Golden Griffon for now... and Palace Rantings later.

The ideas behind WWYCD? are character development and, of course, fun.... fun to write and fun to read.... Feel free to post in older threads if you haven't already. =)

We'll start with the description of a single moment. The idea is to write how your character reacts and what they would do in this particular situation. Anything goes, but try to keep it a short story that doesn't involve someone else's character(s)-- (Non-player characters are OK!) and wrap it up nicely with some resolution. =)

For examples, check out the last prompt:
WWYCD?: Lo! A Mark!

Got ideas for a new premise? PM 'em to me. I'll post 'em when the latest wraps up and give you credit too.

The New Premise:

The scream resonates in the cool night air as one of the barmaids at the Golden Griffon goes completely berserk and runs out of the tavern like a train over a cliff (Yes, she falls on her face and has to kneel/stand up). She's stammering about a shadow that moved and running around the streets randomly grabbing people as they walk by to tell them about the "creature in the shadows" and to "Beware" because it's going to kill them all.

During one of her fits, she grabs you. Her eyes roll backwards as she shakes you mightily-- warning you, "Beware! Beware! It seeks you, the shadow seeks you!" -- before collapsing in a motionless heap at your feet.
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Postby Twist Rolarian » July 21st, 2008, 7:10 pm

No, I AM the shadow. :twisted:
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Postby Shane of Clan Titan » July 21st, 2008, 8:14 pm

Not usused to catching attention with her unnatural charms Shane glanced at the barmaid collapsing into a heap in front of her. Her words had triggered an interesting train of thoughts. Shane wondered if perhaps more kindred had been drawn into this world. Shadows moving and seeking her could mean a Lasombra was near. Back in the old days Lasombra had been bad news and a cause for concern, but now an even older desire caught hold of the cainite. The lust for diablerie. It had been years since she had tasted the blood of one of her own kind and drank not just the blood from their veins, but also their souls... their very life essence. The taste was beyond anything she could describe. Despite the fact that she had recently fed, a consuming hunger swept over her and Shane wondered to herself how she could trap this Lasombra. If it was one.... it had to be.

Glancing around she noticed the belltower of the church and decided it was the perfect place to perch and observe the happenings in the street below. If this Lasombra was down here looking for her and hunting mortals in the meantime, Shane might be able to spot it from above and catch it while it was feeding. Wondering what to with the woman at her feet, Shane decided it was not to be wasted and picked her up and vanished both herself and the woman from sight by her powers of obfuscation. She might be needing the blood to heal herself should a confrontation go bad.

Unseen and carrying the woman over her shoulder Shane made her way up the belltower to start the most difficult part of any hunt; the waiting...

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Postby jadewik » July 21st, 2008, 8:25 pm


The scream resonates in the cool night air as one of the barmaids at the Golden Griffon goes completely berserk and runs out of the tavern like a train over a cliff (Yes, she falls on her face and has to kneel/stand up). She's stammering about a shadow that moved and running around the streets randomly grabbing people as they walk by to tell them about the "creature in the shadows" and to "Beware" because it's going to kill them all.

During one of her fits, she grabs you. Her eyes roll backwards as she shakes you mightily-- warning you, "Beware! Beware! It seeks you, the shadow seeks you!" -- before collapsing in a motionless heap at your feet.


It took carn a few moments to calm her nerves after being shaken by the crazy barmaid. Carn stood and fanned her face with both hands in panic before her instincts took over the situation. The panicked look on her face was replaced by one of concentration as she knelt down and checked to see how damaged the barmaid was.

"Oh, dear-- Claire," a flustered carnelianfire mindlessly blurted upon recognizing her "assailant". Claire wasn't the most attractive maid at the Golden Griffon, but she did make the best cup of hot cocoa.

Biting her lip, carn checked Claire for a pulse. Nothing much seemed the matter... fumbling through the deep pockets on her smock, carn managed to find a bottle of smelling salts which she coincidently had on-hand having just come from a local clinic. She opened the bottle and waved it beneath Claire's nose.

Claire stirred, batting her eyes several times before opening them.

"Why.... carn? It's good to see you..."

She sat up and looked around, her hand rubbing her head as she got her bearings.

"Oh, dear. I must have been having one of my visions again. I really hate when they come so quickly..."

This news was disturbing, but carn filed it away for something to deal with later instead, she helped her friend, "Well, you don't seem to be worse for the wear. I think you might want to take the evening off anyhow."

Carn helped Claire to her feet.

"Would you like me to fetch you a cab, Claire?"

"No, no. That's quite alright Miss Carn. You've done more than enough keeping me from getting run over in the streets," she wobbled a little then steadied herself against carn, "Well, maybe it's best I take you up on that offer anyway." Claire smiled weakly.

Carn nodded, flagged down a cab, and made certain Claire was taken care of before she hurried down the street to consult someone who could interpret what had happened with Claire on the street.
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Postby Ominous » July 21st, 2008, 10:38 pm


The scream resonates in the cool night air as one of the barmaids at the Golden Griffon goes completely berserk and runs out of the tavern like a train over a cliff (Yes, she falls on her face and has to kneel/stand up). She's stammering about a shadow that moved and running around the streets randomly grabbing people as they walk by to tell them about the "creature in the shadows" and to "Beware" because it's going to kill them all.

During one of her fits, she grabs you. Her eyes roll backwards as she shakes you mightily-- warning you, "Beware! Beware! It seeks you, the shadow seeks you!" -- before collapsing in a motionless heap at your feet.


Ominous sighed deeply. "Not again." He continued along his way, whistling. He began to skip a little.

A figure wearing all black jumped off a short roof, lunging at Ominous. The mage was prepared however, and in his skip he extended his fist forward into the figure's nose. Ominous took care in lighting his assailant's trousers aflame before continuing along.
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Postby boywonder » July 22nd, 2008, 2:09 am

[ooc: lol om]


The scream resonates in the cool night air as one of the barmaids at the Golden Griffon goes completely berserk and runs out of the tavern like a train over a cliff (Yes, she falls on her face and has to kneel/stand up). She's stammering about a shadow that moved and running around the streets randomly grabbing people as they walk by to tell them about the "creature in the shadows" and to "Beware" because it's going to kill them all.

During one of her fits, she grabs you. Her eyes roll backwards as she shakes you mightily-- warning you, "Beware! Beware! It seeks you, the shadow seeks you!" -- before collapsing in a motionless heap at your feet.


BW dropped the girl while at the same time cocking an eyebrow. Seeing no one around he quickly corrected his mistake and picked up the young thing by her throat, the lack of air thereby stopping any more outbursts. When telling this story to her gods, the last thing she would remember would be the flash of fangs, the heat and pain at her neck, and a simple whisper...

"No my dear, I am the darkness, and I have only come for you."

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Postby jadewik » July 22nd, 2008, 3:06 pm


The scream resonates in the cool night air as one of the barmaids at the Golden Griffon goes completely berserk and runs out of the tavern like a train over a cliff (Yes, she falls on her face and has to kneel/stand up). She's stammering about a shadow that moved and running around the streets randomly grabbing people as they walk by to tell them about the "creature in the shadows" and to "Beware" because it's going to kill them all.

During one of her fits, she grabs you. Her eyes roll backwards as she shakes you mightily-- warning you, "Beware! Beware! It seeks you, the shadow seeks you!" -- before collapsing in a motionless heap at your feet.


"Of course it seeks me, you half-wit," Ebon-Ashe rolled her eyes and grumbled to herself, "I invited it."

Ebon was more wroth about the barmaid drawing attention to her in the streets than she was about the news of imminent doom. Soothsayers were always telling her she was doomed and that death was near. Of course she was at a high risk of an early grave-- when was she not?-- the things she meddled in weren't exactly free from personal risk. That risk was actually part of the draw for her. On the contrary, Ebon was more irate about word that she was up to something finding its way to Curulan. He always seemed to arrive just at the apex of her merriment.

Looking down upon the fallen barmaid, Ebon-Ashe gave the barmaid's motionless body a quick assessment before she continued on her way down the street. At the corner, she stopped and motioned to a beggar who had seen the whole affair, "You there. I've a favour to ask."

"Wot's it ye want, my lady," he questioned as he rose to his feet and approached Ebon-Ashe.

"I need you to look after the young lady who just passed out in the streets," she passed the beggar a handful of marks as she whispered into his ear, "Be discreet as possible and tell no one of my involvement."

"As you command, my lady," the beggar responded as he first examined then pocketed his money.

Before anyone else noticed her presence, Ebon-Ashe quickly turned the corner and hastened into next alleyway. If the darkness was there, that could only mean one thing. As she walked, Ebon-Ashe hid a wry grin-- it had been so long since she and Twist had any real fun....
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Postby Twist Rolarian » July 23rd, 2008, 4:05 pm

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