by James » November 25th, 2008, 10:26 pm
James watched the door. Before he stepped in, James knew who it was would enter the tavern next, a man who was welcomed to join them at any time...
"Joe!" James wagged his mental tail in greetings. It was easy to communicate with him now; it was as if a link between them was automatically established when they were close enough. Though it was only a short range away, perhaps it would grow as their friendship did?
Distracted suddenly by zip's petting, James' eyes closed and he pushed his head into her hand. It was so good to not have to worry life or death anymore, and he was glad to have her back. When she removed her hand, he noticed her put out something to his side. It was a plum. He had never had one before, so before he did anything, James' nose moved to the fruit and sniffed it, tasting its sweet aroma before he felt its tender flesh.
Biting gently, the wolf gripped the plum and let zip let go before he took it to the floor. Laying down, James placed the plum in front of him, licking it first to test what to do with it. Soon, he learned how to properly eat it, and gripped the plum between his paws, his teeth ripping a piece of the plum off for him to eat. It was delicious.
Like zip, he was too busy to notice Joe's actual entrance, but he knew he was there. Upon his arrival to the tavern, James' ears perked and twitched but one time in response.
However, James quickly gutted the plum and ate all of it but the core. Its center was hard, so it must have been the seed. Leaving it on the floor, James' head popped up to look at Joe as his tail wagged lightly. In case Joe didn't notice them, James sent the signals of direction subconsciously, mentally flagging Joe over to the table.