by killadaemon666 » December 27th, 2008, 2:05 pm
has it become easier to gain levels ? i remeber back in the day i was roughly level 27 with 400 guts and i would slay dragons all day long only to have my exp bar go up a sliver now im lv 29 and i havent even slayed a single dragon and only have about 290 guts.

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224d DragonScaleJacket (=+44a+280d+438s) thanks Blade and RE
135d Crystal Swift Boots (=+65a+206d+1020s) thanks D_S
294a Silver Amini Club ESUR( forgot the esed stats)

157a 63d Crystal Gauntlet (=+216a+126d+583s)/Serpent Scale (=+105a 111d 1941s)
all B,L,ESUR