found my first pair of crystal gauntlets.

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found my first pair of crystal gauntlets.

Postby killadaemon666 » April 5th, 2009, 2:17 pm

wooohoooo geez started to think they didnt exist and they are awesome
120a 48d -9s w Blast just thought i would share my find he he....

killadaemon666 :pimp:

Sig Courtesy of Toki W&W all rights reserved. heh he he..

Miners Cap esblg(=+80a+92dd+1605s) / 31a/d spikey(=+46a+48d+138s)
224d DragonScaleJacket (=+44a+280d+438s) thanks Blade and RE
135d Crystal Swift Boots (=+65a+206d+1020s) thanks D_S
294a Silver Amini Club ESUR( forgot the esed stats) :(
157a 63d Crystal Gauntlet (=+216a+126d+583s)/Serpent Scale (=+105a 111d 1941s)
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Re: found my first pair of crystal gauntlets.

Postby Da_PAB » April 5th, 2009, 4:27 pm

nice nvr found one b4 guess they are super rare
Thanks Toki for the sig thanks killa for asking toki to make the sig hahah
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Re: found my first pair of crystal gauntlets.

Postby Da_PAB » April 5th, 2009, 4:27 pm

nice nvr found one b4 guess they are super rare
Thanks Toki for the sig thanks killa for asking toki to make the sig hahah
men are like bank accounts if they don't have money the don't get any interest
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Re: found my first pair of crystal gauntlets.

Postby Curulan » April 6th, 2009, 11:25 am

Give. Them. To. ME! :evil:

(Good job!)
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Re: found my first pair of crystal gauntlets.

Postby killadaemon666 » April 7th, 2009, 8:49 pm

wooa woa wo back up dragon or ill blast u with my gauntlet hehe just curious do they all come with blast? kinda pointless u think considering now my attack does roughly 550 points of damage a blast (120) is only a quarter of that and the blast doesnt go off when i use it im guessing cuz i do more damage without it ? it took me roughly 1 year 4 characters 2 characters questing mainly in azteca and shangrila some hie brasil and the other 2 chars questing shangrila and hie brasil mainly to find it. so iwould consider them really rare still have not found a crystal jag fang yet though or a silver amini club yet so they seem to be rarer.


Sig Courtesy of Toki W&W all rights reserved. heh he he..

Miners Cap esblg(=+80a+92dd+1605s) / 31a/d spikey(=+46a+48d+138s)
224d DragonScaleJacket (=+44a+280d+438s) thanks Blade and RE
135d Crystal Swift Boots (=+65a+206d+1020s) thanks D_S
294a Silver Amini Club ESUR( forgot the esed stats) :(
157a 63d Crystal Gauntlet (=+216a+126d+583s)/Serpent Scale (=+105a 111d 1941s)
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Re: found my first pair of crystal gauntlets.

Postby Curulan » April 8th, 2009, 10:55 pm

Yes, that's how blast gear works. Blast only kicks in if your calculated attack is less than 120.
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Re: found my first pair of crystal gauntlets.

Postby TheAnt » April 9th, 2009, 3:10 am

wow, those stats are real good! keep 'em oiled! ;D


if u decide to sell it on TP u'd get a lot for it! :D

whats ur DC nick?
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Re: found my first pair of crystal gauntlets.

Postby Cheshire » April 11th, 2009, 6:42 pm

If you want to sell it, i'd be happy to help you out. Don't worry, I would not be able to afford it atm :P

But yeah, keep it safe and oiled!!
*DC Name: Cheshire3 (send all mail & packages there)*

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Re: found my first pair of crystal gauntlets.

Postby killadaemon666 » April 12th, 2009, 2:33 am

thanks chesh but unfortunatley for you it is the best piece of equipment i have and would be loathe to trade even with your generous offer. with the gauntlet i can scrap the dragons now with raw power the bigger ones i need to attack then berzerk did manage to get killed twice today tho started making dsj aswell nothin to great tho probably end up goin back to the docks though, i needs a crap load of enchant scrolls. also started looking for csb i think its gonna take me awhile only manage to make about 2 to 4 sets a day.gonna try avoiding every thing in the forest except snots and in the mountains avoid every thing except trolls giants and rams it just takes so long and i cant help answering riddles he he....


whats ur DC nick?[/quote]

my name is: killadaemon666 (main char highest stat weapons)
3 other chars
pal_ladin (char with mosts stats barely)

Sig Courtesy of Toki W&W all rights reserved. heh he he..

Miners Cap esblg(=+80a+92dd+1605s) / 31a/d spikey(=+46a+48d+138s)
224d DragonScaleJacket (=+44a+280d+438s) thanks Blade and RE
135d Crystal Swift Boots (=+65a+206d+1020s) thanks D_S
294a Silver Amini Club ESUR( forgot the esed stats) :(
157a 63d Crystal Gauntlet (=+216a+126d+583s)/Serpent Scale (=+105a 111d 1941s)
all B,L,ESUR
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