Attention Clan Titan

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Attention Clan Titan

Postby Zeno_Demon » April 27th, 2009, 3:38 pm

There is a revolution of DC being planned with a number of clans thus far. This is being started by one of my characters, Mind Flayer, who I once RPed with extensively.

It's no secret that DC was a better place before TS was shut down. So, therefore, I'm firing up a DC-wide event to promote RPing and the use of Towne Square once again. Mind Flayer is constructing an order which will be composed of different clans which have grown weary under Beth's reign. The point of this order? To separate from the kingdom of Beth and form an entirely new existence within DC.

Dragon Court hasn't been the same in a number of years, seeing trials and tribulations which have sent many genuine players packing. DC has been overrun by cheaters and thieves and is a shell of its former self. This order will require no one to leave their clans and join another; it will require no clan to merger with any other. All it needs is a simple "Yes" and your clan can be a part of the revitalization efforts of DC, along with other clans, beneath one unified banner.

This will spark up a lot of room for RP not only in the forums but especially on the TS. There will be rules and requirements to take part in the RPs that follow as a result of the creation of this order, so as to keep the RP as authentic as possible.

Flayer's declaration towards this end can be found at the Clan Hall: ... ans&msg=39

The order will have a site soon. I wanted to get this information out for your consideration now. We have the chance to make DC real again. If it's going to happen, I'm going to need the help of each clan. If you choose not to join the order, and to stand by Queen Beth, then this can still contribute to DC's renewal. We could possibly form some type of clan war. However, the order will need clans to become part, and I ask you to consider your options.

If you have any questions, please feel more than free to ask here or come on over to SOIA ( and send me a PM.

Thank you for your time,

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Re: Attention Clan Titan

Postby Curulan » April 28th, 2009, 2:57 pm

While I love the idea of revitalizing RP in Dragon Court (I'm still working on the setting here at Titan), I'm not really sure the direction I'm going matches what you guys have in mind.

Clan Titan has already declared herself independent of the crown and is a strong, sovereign nation. Similarly, there are other free cities in the realm (The NOD, members of the Order of the Shining Star) already established through past events.

That being said, I would like to invite you to check the work we've managed to get done so far on our RP wiki ( and see if you think it's something that would mesh well what you have up your sleeves. I have some events planned for the future (once I get base articles written on everything players would need to know) and I'd be happy to talk more with you about it on AIM or in #traderchat (I'm usually around). I'd love to be part of this if it works. :)
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