Eldarus: Promising DC-Player Run RP Chat

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Eldarus: Promising DC-Player Run RP Chat

Postby Lady Mystia » August 31st, 2009, 1:12 am

Eldarus: http://www.eldarus.net/

Hung about the other day and there were at least 19 spread out RPing over several rooms. The player base has a motivated drive to come daily, especially nights, right now. I haven't seen the like in a long time and a lot of old faces are coming back to participate and take up residence as Eldarus's history is built from ground up. I can't name them all but from the top of my head: Alandrir, Kelandros, Sweetie, Alucard, Lourdess, Elmacron, Hill Giant, Thoth, Ekavani, etc... PLUS a good handful of others from different chat sites. The quality of RP won't leave you disappointed.

The original post: http://wild.fiends.com/cgibin/Board6.ex ... rn&msg=297 (But if you guys are too lazy to click...)

From Lady_Angeleyes: Hello Dragoncourt world! Its been a while since I've poked my head into here other than for passing glimpses. A lot of new faces, and a few old ones I'm recogonizing from 1998 and onward. I see Town Square is back up but a ghost town save for the odd small group that ventures inside.

Anyway, onto what I came to say:

www.Eldarus.net is a new Fantasy Roleplay site, it has a great atmosphere and is pretty much Player Run. A lot of Old Dcers have already made their way into the chatroom, and its only been open for a day! The site is still under construction but the Chat-applet is all up and ready for some serious Roleplay. Old and new players alike are invited to come re-live the adventure of Roleplaying at Eldarus.net. It is owned and run by former Dragon Court Roleplayers. Come register and have fun. :)
Lady Mystia
Posts: 6
Joined: July 6th, 2006, 5:37 pm

Re: Eldarus: Promising DC-Player Run RP Chat

Postby zipcat » August 31st, 2009, 6:24 pm

Very neat. I'll be there, even if it's just OOC to read.
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Re: Eldarus: Promising DC-Player Run RP Chat

Postby Lady Mystia » September 2nd, 2009, 2:29 am

Excited to see you there! Even though you might not RP (and I do enjoy your writing), it'll be good to have you around. :D
Lady Mystia
Posts: 6
Joined: July 6th, 2006, 5:37 pm

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