by Zuka Zamamee » August 7th, 2006, 11:10 pm
Hmm...some difficult things for VFR (Visual Flight Rules) pilots are:
Steep turns (far more harder than it seems, believe me), S-turns around a road, turns around a point, recovering from power-on/off stalls, spin recovery, emergency procedures, navigation, meteorology, situational awareness, lost procedures, communicating with ATC, combating spatial disorientation in instrument conditions, solo cross-country flights (the FAA defines cross-country flights as over 50 nm from one airport to another), the checkride, the oral exam, the written exam, and, the most dangerous of all, take-offs and landings.
For IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) pilots, I'd have to list:
ILS (Instrument Landing System) approaches, IFR cross-countries/solo cross-countries, even more complex and involved flight planning and communications with ATC, and every other aspect.
So yeah. Flying is multi-tasking to the infinate degree.
My SignatureI am the freezing touch that takes life away,
I am the one whose soul is unclean.
A master of dreams, awakened to the night
I haunt the Astral and reap the mortal lifeThrough the moonlight's mist
I enter your soul
Which withers from purity I defile
I am the Darkness, the Night that lasts foreverThe Lich King
Lord of P'leik