Chesh's *TEMP* Char sheet

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Chesh's *TEMP* Char sheet

Postby Cheshire » August 14th, 2006, 1:25 am

This is by NO means my completed character sheet (nor is it anywhere close...). But since my other sheet is completely out of date and I am currently in running RPs, i figured a half-assed sheet is better than an antique of a sheet.

A. Common Name


B. Full Title and Rank

High Councilor Cheshire
Clan Armor

C. Race


D. Magical Alignment


E. Military Division/Rank


F. Character Overview

This is a short description of how character acts, usually one or two

G. Ability

Magical Abilities
Cheshire has two main magical abilities, he can apperate and is a polymorph. Although Cheshire's apperation powers are inaccessible to him at the moment, at close range and unrestricted area (not many obstacles), the apperations are almost instant. But further the distance, the slower he is.

Polymorphing, Chesh has two main forms (known to him): human and feline. With those two, Chesh has almost no limit to the "cosmetic" morphing. For example, he can easily change his human appearance to resemble that of an elf (slimmer, more nimble, long ears, etc).

The limit to his morphing is, he cannot create/destroy matter (within that form). If he was to become taller, he would have to take body mass and convert it to extra muscle and bone cells to physically make him taller.

Another thing Cheshire has figured out how to perform using his polymorphing ability is altering his physical body to design. (In human form) He has near-perfect control over his cells (to allow the morphing), so he can convert his body matter to any organic form. Although the possibilities are endless, three specific examples which Cheshire has extensively practiced, are the removing of foreign objects (poisons, splinters, darts, etc), organic armor (basically a thick layer of dried skin… aka weak leather armor) and healing (wounds, factures, broken bones, etc).

With foreign objects, on projectiles, Cheshire converts excess cells into red-blood cells, surrounds the projectile and as he pulls out the objects, he converts the red-blood cells into the damaged tissues. With poisons the more complex or more it resembles his own, biological matter the more difficult it becomes for him to discard of it. In a nutshell the process is, isolate the poison and eject it through the pores in the skin. The more complex -- vampirism, slow-acting poisons, or neuro-toxic poisons – or the more it resembles his own cells (take more time to locate) requires Cheshire to stop and meditate in order to dispel of the poison.

Physical Abilities
Average strength, but with cat-like senses, nimbleness and speed.

Extraordinary mind capacity: *extremely* quick learner, not photographic but very good memory, is proficient in several languages and has basic understanding in several more languages.

Combined with his cat-like senses, Cheshire is very in tune with his surroundings and makes a, more than formable foe in hand-to-hand combat.

H. Physiology

For most of the time, Cheshire wears normal, “commoner” clothing. Shirt, pants, belt with his sword, and a dagger or two. For combat (not heavy combat), Cheshire prefers a combination of light and medium armor that provides him with efficient protection yet a lot of movement, his sword, daggers and a shield. For heavy combat it goes with out saying: full heavy armor. In other words, he dresses for the part.

I. History

Cheshire doesn't remember much of his past, but has an almost innate power of polymorphing. Of the few memory he has, his earliest one is of a young girl named Alice (but no more of her). Another he recalls, is a period great evil where he believes he killed many innocent people. After that, nothing until he woke up one day in the fields of Dragon Court, with no other memory and just a small bag of gold. After that, he found that lands of Titan.

Eventually his travels lead him to the city of Cartes where the great Karkus and Rob the Dog (DSPY) were leaders of the Clan Titan. Cheshire was in awe of the power and influence this Clan and it’s people had that he petitioned to join and fight under their banner.

Only comment if I made a serious error, if it is a grammer error, wait. I intend on re-writing most of this so it flows better.
*DC Name: Cheshire3 (send all mail & packages there)*

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Postby Cheshire » February 10th, 2007, 11:45 pm

more info, but still not finished:
A. Common Name


B. Full Title and Rank

Clan Titan High Councilor
Former Clan Armor
Former Head of Titan Ambassadors and Recruiting
Former Auction Master
Former Quarter Master

C. Race


D. Magical Alignment


E. Military Division/Rank


F. Character Overview

(read “Magical Abilities” for more information on age and weight)
Age: True age unknown (read History), looks about 27 years old.
Weight: 165 lbs

From all outward appearances, Cheshire is just another charismatic High Councilor: attends governmental functions, seen working in his office and making deals with merchants to keep the Titan inventories’ full. What is unknown to most, Cheshire is a self-proclaimed coinsurer of knowledge and language. Although he does not indulged into the materialistic world he is very finically well off: from his traveling and studies he has obtained several rare magical artifacts, weapons, amours and books, and is tapped into several networks of information (news, spy rings, gossip, business, criminal, etc). Because of this near double identity, Cheshire tends to be moody. He can be humorous, rambunctious and warm one moment, then cold, calculated and very blunt the next moment.

Although he has been mistaken for a warrior, Cheshire if more of a ranger by practice -- he prefers speed and stealth over strength and size, katanas and daggers over long swords and tower shields, leather amour over plate amour and the like – which can be seen by his choices in weapons and armors.

G. Ability

Magical Abilities
Cheshire has two main magical abilities, he can apperate and is a polymorph. Although Cheshire's apperation powers are inaccessible to him at the moment, apperations were almost instantous at a close, unrestricted area (not many obstacles like walls, trees, etc). But further the distance, the slower he is.

Polymorphing, Chesh has two main forms (known to him): human and feline. With those two, Chesh has almost no limit to the "cosmetic" morphing. For example, he can easily change his human appearance to resemble that of an elf (slimmer, more nimble, long ears, etc).

The limit to his morphing is that he cannot create/destroy matter (within that form). If he was to become taller, he would have to take current “excess” body mass (i.e. fat tissue, hair, etc) and convert it to extra muscle and bone cells to physically make him taller.

Another thing Cheshire has figured out how to perform using his polymorphing ability is altering his physical body to design. He has near-perfect control over his cells (to allow the morphing), so he can convert his body matter to any organic form. Although the possibilities are endless, three specific examples which Cheshire has extensively practiced are the removing of foreign objects (poisons, splinters, darts, etc), organic armor (basically creating a thick layer of dried skin so it resmebles weak leather armor) and healing (wounds, factures, broken bones, etc).

With foreign objects, Cheshire converts excess cells into red-blood cells, surrounds the projectile and as he pulls out the objects, he converts the red-blood cells into the damaged tissues. With poisons the more complex or more it resembles his own, biological matter the more difficult it becomes for him to discard of it. In a nutshell the process is, isolate the poison and eject it through the pores in the skin. The more complex -- vampirism, slow-acting poisons, or neuro-toxic poisons – or the more it resembles his own cells (take more time to locate) requires Cheshire to stop and meditate in order to dispel of the poison.

Physical Abilities
Average strength, but with cat-like senses, nimbleness and speed.

Extraordinary mind capacity: *extremely* quick learner, not photographic but very good memory, is proficient in several languages and has basic understanding in several more languages.

Combined with his cat-like senses, Cheshire is very in tune with his surroundings (read: near elf senses) and makes for a, more than formable foe in hand-to-hand combat.

H. Physiology

For most of the time, Cheshire wears normal, “commoner” clothing. Shirt, pants, belt with his sword, and a dagger or two. For combat (not heavy combat), Cheshire prefers a combination of light and medium armor that provides him with efficient protection yet a lot of movement, his sword, daggers and a shield. For heavy combat it goes with out saying: full heavy armor. In other words, he dresses for the part.

The only item Cheshire is *rarely* without is his mithrial shirt that he wears as an undershirt. It is sleeveless, with a V-neck collar, has long lost its luster to age and can strangely/magically conform to his body size (stretchable). VERY few people know Cheshire owns it and even less knows he wears it all the time.

I. History

Cheshire doesn't remember much of his past, but has an almost innate power of polymorphing. Of the few memory he has, his earliest one is of a young girl named Alice (but no more of her). Another he recalls, is a long period of great evil where he believes he killed many innocent people. After that, nothing until he woke up one day in the fields of Dragon Court, with no other memory, his mitrial shirt and just a small bag of gold. After that, he meandered into the lands of Titan.

Eventually his travels lead him to the city of Cartes where the great Karkus and Rob the Dog (DSPY) were leaders of the Clan Titan. Cheshire was in awe of the power and influence this Clan and it’s people had, that he petitioned to join and fight under their banner.

J. Mannerisms

Like the great predatory cats, Cheshire is more of a “stalker”: he will try to learn his surroundings before he enters it. This goes from anything from a business trade, to simple conversations with new people and so some have called him outgoing but hesitant.

But he is also curious, very curious. Because of this and his thirst for knowledge, he is always planning expeditions for books, setting up experiments and seeking out wise men and women.

K. Properties of Choice

At the root of the matter, Cheshire is an utilitarian: he more likely to choose an item for its usefulness rather than value or beauty thus he doesn’t own many weapons or amours for “decorative purposes” (as treasure or momentos). But those that he does consider worthy he takes very well care of. Items he vaules the most include:

Katana-style blade
Long dagger
“Enchanted dagger” (Dagger of Denial)

Mithril shirt

Other items
Enchanted compass

The katana-style blade and the long dagger (or short sword) the master smith and friend, Dune, forged them personally for him. Using a technology that Dune pioneered, the metal is significantly lighter yet will never break, they resonate at Cheshire’s body frequency (so they can apparate and morph with his body and he always knows where they are, as if they were an extension of his own body) and magically sealed so no hexes or other spells can be cast nor will it rust or lose it’s edge unless the magic seal is lifted using the exact phrase that was uttered while it was cast (known only to Dune and Cheshire).

Cheshire main blade was forged in the style of the traditional katana with a few modifications. Tip to butt, the sword measures three feet (approx 1 meter) in length, with the hilt measuring seven inches. The upper, back half of the exposed blade budges out ever so slightly to reveal another cutting edge making the katana a one and a half edged blade. To keep the blade at a neutral balance due to the extra material at the tip, the tang of the sword is thicker as well as longer than the typical katana’s tang (running nearly four-fifths the length of the hilt), even with the extra mass, Dune’s new techniques kept this sword’s weight lower than most swords of similar length.

L. Sociology

*DC Name: Cheshire3 (send all mail & packages there)*

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