Curu: you could make a dummy clan and do it yourself... as a matter of fact, I've done that experiment. It was not really useful back when questing from the docks had a chance to give you wits, but now it might be attractive to low stat heroes that cannot quest in azteca and shangala...
quitting: 25/wits to gain wits and 25/charm to get charm. (takes 5 quests)
Create: 500/wits to gain wits and 500/charm to get charm (takes 75 quests)
Disband: 100/wits to gain wits and 100/charm to get charm (takes 15 quest)
So quitting and joining takes 6 quests, and gives a 25/wits chance. Questing in Azteca/Shangala/Dragon Mines and running from the aggresive creatures would net you a 30/wits chance if your routine was optimal
Creating and disbanding gives a total of 600/wits chance over 90 quests, and a succesful run-routine would give 450/wits chance.
I think it is worth another try