Sadly this Char was Reap'ed, and someone else got the name before the original player could get it back. But will leave this as a piece of history for everyone to read.
Nickname/Aliases: None
Name of guild and clan: Once in Clan Titan
Title: Mouse Hunter, Paxil of House Samporna
Date of birth: unknown, but one year older then Courtesan Lemac
Class: Warrior
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Race or Species: Feline, Domestic


Other Forms: None
Eyes: Yellow
Fur: Black
Skin: Black
What do you look like: A cat, what are you blind. I stand about 1.5 feet tall at the shoulders. My body is covered with long rich black fur, I weigh about 15 pounds.
Describe your attitude: I am a cat there for I am better then you.
Biggest character flaw: I am easily distracted by anything that I think would make a good toy.
Personal Quote(s): Lemac is not my owner, she is my pet elf.
Parents: Never meet them
Sibling(s): Unknown
Wife(s): None, but there is this one Calico running around in the castle.
Children: None
Guardians: Myself
Close friends: I would have to say the castle cook, when Midway is not around.
Worst enemies: None that I know of.
Pets and their names: One elf named Lemac, and a green praying mantis I named Toy.
Favorite Color(s): I would have to say the rich red of the sunset.
Favorite Creature: Any rodent, they taste good.
Favorite Drink: Oddly for me I would have to say that one is Ale.
Favorite Food: Mice, fresh and well played with.
Favorite Weapon(s): My teeth.
Favorite Belonging: Lemac
Favorite thing to wear: I have yet to let anyone dress me up.
Favorite Song: I don't really have one.
Things you collect: Rodent and bird parts.
God(dess) you worship: None
A dream or goal you have: To be the head of Clan Titan. Once there I will make sure that all cats in the castle are treated with the proper respect and that all dogs will removed from the castle. But First I need to learn how to speak in the tongues of all that are in the castle, and then over throw Doggy_Style_PY.
Hobbies: Sleeping
Favorite thing to do: Sleep
Something you are good at: Sleeping
Favourite body part on you: My tail, it's one of my favorite toys.
Favourite body part on the opposite sex: Fingernails, great for those head and body scratches.
Tattoos or Birthmarks: None
Piercing(s): None, but Lemac tired once to pierce my ear when she was a little kid.
Best place to hang out: Lemac's bed and any kitchen.
Where do you sleep: Anywhere I like.
Important lessons you have learned: Never let your pets out of your sight.
Best Advice: Get a pet, I think that Elves are the best kind.
Words or phrases you overuse: "Meow"
Most awesome experience of your life: The day I first saw Lemac, she was a small baby then but I knew that she was be a good pet after she grew up.
Scariest thing you have ever done: Let Lemac travel alone by herself for a few years.
Stupidest thing you have ever heard someone say: "Do you think we can get in the castle Paxil, that guard doesn't look very nice, and it's making a lot of noise." the guard was asleep and my friend is a scaredy cat.
Funniest experience: Running around the Castle being chased by a dwarven guard.
Brief History: In Progress.