High Council of Titan

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Revision as of 12:26, 25 March 2008 by Curulan (Talk | contribs)

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The High Council is the governing body of Titan within... blah, blah... finish this dealie... just roll with this for now, I guess.

Chief of State

This title is given to the member of the High Council who serves as the Clan Leader. Currently, this role filled by General Curulan Angelicos.

Commander in Chief

This title is given to the member of the High Council who serves as the leader of the clan's military forces. Currently, this role is filled by General Curulan Angelicos.

High Council Roles

Each ranking member of the Titan High Council fills an important administrative role within the Clan. The positions and duties are as follows:

  • Clan Armorer
  • Clan Treasurer
  • Clan Quartermaster
  • Clan Auctioneer
  • Clan Luminary
  • Head Ambassador
  • Master of Ceremonies


The various aides and workers who assist the High Council in their work are called Sub-Councilors. Usually younger members of the Clan, these individuals are also being trained to take on the roles of their superiors if it becomes necessary to replace a member of the High Council.

This article is a stub. Stubs are short articles that contain only the barest of information about a topic. This article may still be under construction.
This article needs to be rewritten, either due to a change in policy or organization.