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Basic Races

Races for starting characters... blah, blah... add more.

Age Restrictions

In order to add structure to the Titan RP system, average life expectancy limits have been set for each race. No immortal RACES are allowed in the Titan RP System! This does not mean that immortal characters are not allowed. In general, the average life expectancy of each race is as follows:

  • Dragons 500 years
  • Dwarves 250 years
  • Elves 200 years
  • Gnomes 150 years
  • Halflings 150 years
  • Humans 100 years

The above ages are assuming magic is used in medical care to control disease, infections, etc. In DC, magic fills in a lot of the gaps left without present-day medical science-- doctors are replaced by priests who can cure infections with magic; medicines like penicillin are replaced with potions and tonics.


The above age limitations for races do not account for age-limiting factors such as age-reducing potions and tonics, special items that inhibit the aging process or circumstances that alter the character outside the boundaries of a particular race such as cross-breeding between races or a physical transformation.


At present, the only immortals that are allowed in the Titan Role-Play (RP) system are vampires. These are characters who started out as one of the above races and then underwent a physical transformation to become immortal.

Because immortal characters are likely to be "god-modded", special permission must be given for a character to become immortal. Experienced Role-Players are allowed to have an immortal character. Characters new to the Titan RP system will need to be evaluated by the RP committee before an immortal character is approved.

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