Verusian Ale

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Verusian Ale is a strong, alcoholic drink imported from Arda/Dorias.


Verusian Ale is a black rum that takes its name from the Verusian mushroom, which gives it a strong but sweet taste. As with all liquor, the darker the drink, the stronger the beverage. Verusian Ale is the darkest of all the black rums. Even though it is distilled, the beverage is called an "ale" because of its high alcoholic content and unusually dark color of the rum.

The beverage itself is smooth and sweet to the taste. This, in conjunction to the beverage's potency make it extremely easy for the imbiber to become intoxicated.

Verusian Ale has a much stronger flavor than light or gold rum. The refined pallet can detect hints of spices, along with a strong Verusian mushroom or caramel overtone. Although it tastes delicious on its own, it can be used to provide substance in mixed drinks, as well as color. Verusian Ale also can be used in cooking, but it is generally bypassed in this respect for less expensive drinks.

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